Welcome to CLU's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
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Memories of CLU
I HAD NEVER BEEN A CAT PERSON OR FOR THAT MATTER A PET PERSON. ONE OF MY CO-WORKERS HAD FOUND A LITTER OF KITTENS NEAR THEIR POOL HOUSE. THEY HAD WITHOUT SUCCESS LOOKED FOR HOMES FOR THE KITTENS AND SAID THEY WOULD HAVE TO TAKE TO THE SPCA IF THEY DID NOT FIND HOMES FOR THEM SOON. I WAS GOING TO VISIT MY SISTER IN A FEW WEEKS. SHE HAD A FARM AND WAS VERY MUCH AN ANIMAL PERSON. I CALLED AND SHE SAID THAT SHE WOULD TAKE ONE OF THE KITTENS. I WENT TO MY FRIENDS TO PICK OUT THE KITTEN WITH ANOTHER FRIEND WHO HAD DECIDED TO ALSO GIVE A KITTEN A HOME. MY FRIENDS OPENED UP THE HUGE PET CARRIER THAT WAS THE KITTENS HOME AND OUT RAN TWO BEAUTIFUL FLUFFY AND FURRY KITTENS AND THEN SLOWLY BEHIND THEM CAME A SMALL SHORT HAIRED KITTY WITH HUGE EARS. THIS SMALL KITTY WALKED RIGHT OVER TO ME AND STARTED RUBBING AGAINST MY SHOE AND I REACHED DOWN AND PETTED HIM. OF COURSE I WAS STILL LOOKING AT THE BEAUTIFUL FLUFFY KITTIES. HE THEN SET ON MY FOOT AND MEOWED AT ME AS IF TO SAY TAKE ME PLEASE. I LOOKED AT THE FLUFFY BOUNCY KITTIES AND I LOOKED INTO THE EYES OF THIS SMALL THING AND THOUGHT I MUST TAKE HIM ALL THE OTHERS WILL GET HOMES SOON BECAUSE THEY ARE SO CUTE AND NO ONE WILL WANT THIS LITTLE THING. I STOPPED AND PICKED UP ALL THE NECESSATIES MY FRIENDS TOLD ME I WOULD NEED FOR THE NEXT COUPLE OF WEEKS UNTIL A VISIT TO MY SISTERS. WELL I BELIEVE IT WAS THE 3RD DAY I HAD CLU HE HAD MANAGED TO FIND A WAY TO JUMP AND CLIMB INTO MY BED. I WOKE UP THAT MORNING TO FIND HIM LAYING ON MY CHEST AND PURRING. NEEDLESS TO SAY MY SISTER NEVER GOT HER KITTY AND CLU AND I BECAME THE BEST OF FRIENDS AND SHARED A VERY SPECIAL BOND. I WILL NEVER FORGET HIM OR THE JOY HE BROUGHT INTO MY LIFE!! 6/29/03 CLU IT HAS NEARLY BEEN A MONTH SINCE CORKIE AND I LOST YOU. WE MISS YOU SO MUCH. WE BOTH ARE TRYING TO BE BRAVE BUT SOME DAYS IT IS NOT SO EASY. CORKIE HAS NOT BEEN VERY HUNGRY LATELY SHE MISSES RACING YOU TO THE FOOD BOWL EVERY MORNING AND SHE MISSES CUDDLING WITH YOU IN YOUR FAVORITE CHAIR. SHE HAS BEEN TRYING TO PASS THE TIME BY PLAYING WITH HER MICE AND BALLS BUT IT WAS MUCH MORE FUN PLAYING WITH THEM WHEN YOU WERE TRYING TO BAT THEM AROUND ALSO. IF YOU CAN I HOPE YOU WILL VISIT WITH HER FROM TIME TO TIME TO KEEP HER FROM BEING LONELY. I MISS SHARING BREAKFAST WITH YOU AND TALKING TO YOU ABOUT MY DAY AT THE OFFICE. WE KNOW YOU ARE IN A BEAUTIFUL PLACE AND NOT IN PAIN ANY LONGER. I AM SO SORRY THAT I DID NOT REALIZE HOW SICK YOU WERE AND HOW MUCH PAIN YOU MUST HAVE BEEN IN FOR SUCH A LONG TIME. WE MISS YOU PLEASE KNOW WE THINK ABOUT YOU EVERYDAY!!! 7/5/03 CLU, CORKIE AND I JUST WANTED TO LET YOU KNOW HOW MUCH WE LOVE YOU AND MISS YOU!! I FINALLY HAD THE COURAGE TO OPEN THE BOX YOUR ASHES CAME IN AND WILL PUT YOUR URN IN A PLACE OF HONOR. THEY INCLUDED A BEAUTIFUL CARD WITH A DRAWING OF YOU! EACH TIME I LOOK AT IT I FEEL LIKE YOU ARE THERE WITH ME FOR A FEW SECONDS. JUST REMEMBER HOW MUCH WE LOVE YOU AND HOW YOU ARE IN OUR THOUGHTS EACH DAY!!!! WE HOPE YOU ARE HAVING A WONDERFUL TIME PLAYING WITH ALL THE OTHER ANIMALS AT THE RAINBOW BRIDGE. A NICE LADY NAMED TRACEY SENT A VERY THOUGHTFUL NOTE ABOUT HER BELOVED DAKOTA. I HOPE YOU AND DAKOTA HAVE BECOME FRIENDS. LOVE MOM AND CORKIE...7/27/03 CLU, CORKIE AND I MISS YOU SO VERY MUCH. THE HOUSE SEEMS SO EMPTY WITHOUT YOU. WE KNOW SOMEDAY WE WILL SEE YOU AGAIN BUT WE STILL MISS YOU TERRIBLY. IT WAS A SAD WEEKEND LISA LOST HER BELOVED NOEL. I HOPE YOU WERE THERE TO MEET NOEL AT THE RAINBOW BRIDGE AND THAT THE TWO OF YOU ARE RUNNING AND PLAYING TOGETHER. LOVE MOM AND CORKIE.... 9/14/03 - DEAR CLU YOU ARE SO IN MY THOUGHTS TODAY. I JUST RETURNED HOME FROM A TRIP TO SALT LAKE. DAN CAME AND PET SIT WITH CORKIE SO SHE WOULD NOT GET LONELY WHILE I WAS OUT OF TOWN. CORKIE AND I MISS YOU SO VERY MUCH...EACH AND EVERY DAY SOMETHING HAPPENS THAT REMINDS US OF YOU AND HOW VERY MUCH WE MISS YOU...WE HOPE YOU ARE ENJOYING PLAYING WITH ALL THE OTHER ANIMALS AT THE RAINBOW BRIDGE THAT ARE WAITING ON THEIR FRIENDS. PLEASE KNOW THAT WE LOVE AND MISS YOU VERY MUCH!!! 12/14/03- CLU YOU ARE VERY MUCH ON MY MIND TODAY. CORKIE IS VERY QUITE TODAY I THINK SHE GETS THIS WAY WHEN SHE IS REALLY MISSING YOU. SHE DOES ENJOY PLAYING WITH HER KITTY TOYS FROM TIME TO TIME BUT SHE DOES MISS YOU ALWAYS TEASING HER AND CHASING HER THROUGH THE HOUSE. THE HOLIDAYS ARE UPON US AND YOUR STOCKING IS HUNG ALONG WITH MINE AND CORKIE'S. I HAVE ALL MY CHRISTMAS PACKAGES WRAPPED. I REMEMBER HOW YOU ALWAYS LOVED TO HELP WITH THIS TASK BY SITTING IN THE MIDDLE OF THE PAPER I WAS USING AND REFUSING TO MOVE UNTIL YOU HAD MADE SURE THE PAPER WAS ALL WARM AND WRINKLED. IT IS ALL THE LITTLE THINGS THAT I MISS SO MUCH. I MISS YOU ALWAYS BEING AT THE DOOR TO GREET ME AND MEAOWING UNTIL I PICKED YOU UP AND PETTED YOU AND BEING WOKE UP EACH MORNING BY YOU WALKING ON MY CHEST AND MEOWING THAT IT WAS TIME TO EAT. JUST KNOW THAT YOU ARE IN MY THOUGHTS EVERYDAY AND I CHERISH THE WONDERFUL YEARS THAT WE SHARED TOGETHER. LOVE, MOM 3/15/2004 - CLU IT HAS BEEN A WHILE SINCE I WROTE TO YOU. AS I AM SURE YOU KNOW WE LOST DAN TO LUNG CANCER IN JANUARY. I HAVE SURE HE HAS VISITED TO YOU AT THE RAINBOW BRIDGE. IT WAS A DIFFICULT TIME BUT I AM SURE SPENCER AND ESTER WERE SO HAPPY TO JOIN HIM WHEN HE TRAVEL THROUGH THE RAINBOW BRIDGE. CORKIE MISSES YOU SO MUCH. SHE HAS DECIDED TO BECOME A LAP KITTY ALSO. I WAS IN SUCH SHOCK THE FIRST TIME SHE JUMPED UP AND SET IN MY LAP. YOU KNOW HOW SHE ALWAYS LIKED TO HAVE HER SPOT ON THE CHAIR ARM BUT NEVER CARED MUCH FOR BEING HELD OR SETTING IN MOM'S LAP. SHE IS STILL A REAL TALKER. OFTEN WHEN SHE WALKS AROUND MEOWING AT NOTHING I WONDER IF YOU ARE THERE WITH HER. I THINK OF YOU EVERYDAY AND WISH YOU COULD BE HERE WITH US. IT IS JUST NOT THE SAME OPENING THE DOOR TO THE CONDO EACH EVENING WITHOUT YOU THERE TO GREET ME. JUST KNOW HOW MUCH WE LOVE YOU AND MISS YOU!!! LOVE, MOM 5/27/04 - Bubba Clu it has almost been a year since we lost you. Not a day goes by that I don't think of you and all the joy you gave me over your 13 short years. I realized how blessed I was to have you in my life even for such a short time. Corkie and I are doing ok. I am now able to talk to her about you and she and I have bonded. She has become the real little lap kitty. You would be proud of her. I sit here at the office today looking at your picture on my desk, remembering all the good times that we shared. I wish God would have let us share our lifes together a little longer but I know that we will be together again some day. I hope you understand how guilty I felt when I found out how sick you were and how much pain you were in and I hope you understand that I could not let you suffer any longer. I still agonize over whether I had the right to make that decision but I loved you too much for you to suffer any longer. Love always Mom and Corkie.... Sept 2, 2004 - Clu you have been on mind so very much lately. I had a real scare with Corkie a while back. She had her teeth cleaned and one pulled and ended up being a very sick little girl. I was very afraid I was going to lose her. Finally after several vet visits and several medications she is back to her old self. I know she gets lonely and misses you so much. When she is just walking around meowing at the air I often wonder if she is talking to you. Today was a very sad day. Rick and Rich lost their beloved Dixie last night. I am sure that she has found you at the rainbow bridge and is probably chasing you through the meadows. Know that Corkie and I love and miss you and that we think of you every day.....love MOM and Corkie.... 12/17/04 - Clu it is so hard to believe that this will be our 2nd Christmas without you. We want you to know that your stocking is hung along beside Corkie's. We miss you so very much and each day we think of all the joy that you brought to our lives. Corkie still sometimes seems very sad and I know on those days she is missing you there always keeping her company and chasing her through the house. We know you are at the rainbow bridge and keeping watch over us. We just want you to know how very much we love and miss you and that you are always alive in our hearts and minds. WE love you.....Mom and Corkie..... May 22, 2005 - Clu it is so hard to believe it has been nearly two years since you reached the rainbow bridge. You are still in my thoughts daily. Corkie and I miss you so very much. I still miss you always being at the door waiting for me each day. I miss our breakfast conversations and you always being there to give me a kitty kisses. You were such a wonderful friend and companion. I still have not been able to bring myself to get another Kitty. I often think that there are so many homeless little kitties that I really need to give one a good home but I worry about Corkie and if she would be too stressed out. She is now 14 and quite set in her ways. I know that she misses you but just don't know that a new little kitty might be too stressful for her. I keep thinking I will just know when the time is right. Although I know that she really misses you and I miss seeing the both of you chase each other around the house and then cuddle up and take a nap together. Please know how much we love and miss you and that we think of you everyday. How I wish we could of shared more time together. Love Mom and Corkie 3/4/06 Clu, it has been a long while since I wrote to you. I am comforted by the fact that I know you met Corkie at the Rainbow Bridge on Tuesday. I miss her so much it was so very hard to let her go but I know she is so very happy to see you and not to feel bad or be in any pain. It has been a rough year for her. She had to have several of her teeth removed in the fall and her kidney's had started to get very very bad. You and Corkie have been the lights of my life. I cannot imagine what my life would have been like with out the love of my two furbabies. I adopted a rescue kitty about 6 weeks ago at the time I was feeling really bad for Corkie being home alone so much since I have been working such long hours at the office again. I thought getting a new kitty would give her a companion and hoped she would bond with him like she did with you. I did not realize that Corkie was getting very sick. She did not take very well to the new kitty and I feel awful that it added such stress to her in her last few weeks. Please take good care of Corkie and please let her know how much her mommy loves and misses both of you. Thank you so much for all the joy you have brought to my life and know that I think about you every day. I know someday you, Corkie and I will be together again. I love you and miss you! 5/14/06 Bubba Clu I miss you so very much. I am sure you and Miss Corkie are having a great time at the Rainbow Bridge playing and chasing each other. I miss both of you so very very much. I think of you everyday. I adopted a young kitty and he reminds me very much of you at that age. Know how very much you are missed and loved. I know someday I will see you and Corkie again. I love and miss you. MOM 5/31/06 CLU it is hard to believe that its has been 3 years since I lost you. I miss you so much. I think about you everyday and remember all the love and joy you brought to my life. You were such a special kitty. I know that you and Corkie are at the rainbow bridge playing together and I am comforted by the thoughts that neither of you are in pain anymore. Give Corkie a big kitty kiss for me and know how very much I miss you! Love, MOM. 5/28/07 My sweet Clu I cannot believe it has been four years since I lost you. I will never forget how much love and joy you brought to my life. I miss you very much. You were such a sweet and loving kitty and always made me laugh and smile. Know how much I love you and that someday I will see you and Corkie again at the Rainbow Bridge. Love and kisses. MOM 5/31/08 - My precious Clu it is so hard to believe that it has been 5 years since I lost you. I keep your picture in my office. Every morning when I see it it reminds me of all our wonderful years together. I miss you and Corkie very much but I know we will see each other again some day. Love and Kisses...MOM. 5/18/2009 My sweet Clu although it has been six years since you went to the rainbow bridge I still miss you so much. A day rarely passes that something does not remind me of you and how sweet and loving you were. You brought such joy and laughter to my live. I miss you and Corkie so very much but I know that I will see you again someday. Know that I love you and miss you very much.....Love...MOM 5/17/2010 My sweet Clu I cannot believe how fast the years are passing but I still think of you everyday and all of the joy that you brought to my life. I miss you and Corkie so very much and know that some day I will see both of you again. Until then know how much I love and miss you. Love MOM... 5/24/2011 My handsome Clu I cannot believe that another year has passed. Time is flying so fast! I miss you and Corkie so much and think of you everyday. Bubba and Maggie remind me so much of the two of you. I will never forgot the wonderful bond that we shared and all the joy and happiness you brought to my life. I miss you terribly but know that someday we will meet again at the Rainbow Bridge. Give Corkie my love! Love and Kisses.....MOM 5/28/2012 My sweet boy....I think of you everyday. The years have passed so quickly but you still live in my heart. I am constantly reminded of all the love you gave and what a special treasure you were. I miss you and Corkie dearly. Love and Kisses...MOM 5/31/2013 My darling Clu. I love and miss you so much. Please know that I think of you everyday and give Corkie a kitty kiss for me. Love and kisses....MOM..6/1/2014 My sweet CLU it is hard to believe it has been 11 years that you have been at the Rainbow Bridge. So many friends, family and special pets have passed through the Bridge in the last few years. I am sure they all have stopped to say hello. I am doing great and Bubba, Maggie and Little Miss Kitty are all doing well. I think of you each day and I still miss you and Corkie so much. Please give her a Kitty kiss for me and know that someday I will join you at the Rainbow Bridge. Love and Kisses....MOM..5/31/15 My dearest Clu I think of you everyday and your sweet loving personality. Know that I love you and miss you! Please give Corkie Kitty kisses for me. Love always, MOM...2/16/16 Sweet CLU the years are passing by so fast. I still miss you so much and know that someday I will meet you at the Rainbow Bridge. I can never forget the wonderful years that we shared and how very special you were. Hugs and kisses for you and Corkie....miss you sweet Bubba CLU!! Love always MOM...6/6/18 My sweet Bubba Clu.It is hard to believe it has been 15 years since you went to the Rainbow Bridge. I still miss you dearly. I know that you and Corkie are together and someday we will all see each other again. Love and Kisses....MOM.....5/7/19 Clu I miss you everyday and will never forget how much joy you brought to me. Know that you are loved and missed. Much Love....Mom....6/3/20 My precious CLU I still miss you so much you were my first kitty and taught me about unconditional love. I know we will meet again. Love and Hugs MOM. 3/11/21 Darling Clu the years are passing so fast. I know we will be united again some day at the Rainbow Bridge. I love and miss you so much. I know you and Corkie are playing and having a good time at the Rainbow Bridge. My precious Bubba will be joining you and Corkie soon. Please take good care of him for MOM. Love and Kisses....MOM>>>

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