Luca Brody's Rainbow Bridge Guest Book

(Return to Luca Brody's Rainbow Bridge Residency)
From: Irene
On: 8/30/24
I am so sorry for your loss. Rip precious one 💔
From: Susan
On: 8/8/24
I am so sorry to hear about your loss of Luca. Please find comfort in knowing that Luca is now at Rainbows Bridge and making lots of friends. Saying goodbye is never easy. I also lost my precious cat Spooky July 30th, 2001, after 16 wonderful years with her. I have lost several babies since Spooky's passing. Hannah 1/11/13, Sammi 8/2/13, Maci 4/9/14, Gabbi 3/20/17, Zoe 1/3/18, Willow 6/4/18, Shelby 6/12/18, Bear 11/17/19, Bella and Murphy who were both tragically poisoned on 06/18/20, Firefly 12/20/22, Zachary 02/19/23, Tanner 02/22/24 and Tiger 08/01/24. I am sure that Luca and my babies have all become good friends. You can visit with Spooky at: Take Care, Susan
From: Debbie, Ginger's mom
On: 8/6/24
I'm sorry for your loss.
From: Elena and Light
On: 8/6/24
My deepest condolences to you! My dog Light just joined your sweet Luca on the Rainbow Bridge. I already miss him so much but i know he is at better place now. Much Love
From: Patsy
On: 8/5/24
I'm so sorry to hear of your baby's passing. Luca was so lucky tocbe so loved. I recently lost my 18 year old cat, Fred, also to renal failure, who I know is befriending your baby as we speak. You are not alone in your grief. You are in my thoughts.
From: Kathy /Oreo,Ralph,Eva,Hermione
On: 8/5/24
Barbara..a beautiful tribute to a great friend. Luca is a beautiful boy with a great smile. It is always hard to lose a furry young or old and I have lost both. But no matter what or for whatever reason they are always taken from us too soon leaving their forever pawprints within us. Be sure to know he is happy, healthy and playing with Oreo, Ralph, Eva and Hermione while waiting for us to join them at the Bridge. I can send you my babies sites if you wish to visit..take care.. Kathy 🐶🐱❤️🌈
From: Joan
On: 8/4/24
Hi Barbara. I know the experience of helping a cherished pet move peacefully over the Rainbow Bridge and I am sorry you had to do this as well. I believe our pets are relieved to realize that they are going somewhere free from pain and suffering. Luca Brody is such a beautiful dog and from what you describe was a wonderful companion. Please accept my sincere condolences for your loss.
From: Joan
On: 8/4/24
Hi Barbara. I know the experience of helping a cherished pet move peacefully over the Rainbow Bridge and I am sorry you had to do this as well. I believe our pets are relieved to realize that they are going somewhere free from pain and suffering. Luca Brody is such a beautiful dog and from what you describe was a wonderful companion. Please accept my sincere condolences for your loss.
From: Joan
On: 8/4/24
Hi Barbara. I know the experience of helping a cherished pet move peacefully over the Rainbow Bridge and I am sorry you had to do this as well. I believe our pets are relieved to realize that they are going somewhere free from pain and suffering. Luca Brody is such a beautiful dog and from what you describe was a wonderful companion. Please accept my sincere condolences for your loss.
From: Joan
On: 8/4/24
Hi Barbara. I know the experience of helping a cherished pet move peacefully over the Rainbow Bridge and I am sorry you had to do this as well. I believe our pets are relieved to realize that they are going somewhere free from pain and suffering. Luca Brody is such a beautiful dog and from what you describe was a wonderful companion. Please accept my sincere condolences for your loss.
From: Debra
On: 8/2/24
Dear Barbara, I am so sorry for the loss of your regal, handsome, stunning, gorgeous, loved, precious, special, and dearly missed Luca. Thank you for sharing the most precious words of love and devotion. I will keep you in prayer.
From: Shari
On: 8/2/24
Barbara I am so sorry for the loss of your precious Luca. He is so beautiful in the picture. I am a dog mom and know how difficult this time can be. I am sending you many prayers and hugs.
From: Ann m
On: 8/2/24
What a beautiful boy! My prayers go out for you in the loss of your precious Luca, and I thank you for sharing those wonderful and loving memories with us.
From: Phyllis
On: 8/2/24
Dear Barbara, I'm very sorry for your loss of Luca Brody. I hope the memories of your time together bring you comfort and smiles.
From: Dave
On: 8/2/24
Wishing you peace and comfort as you mourn Luca's passing
From: Donna Becker
On: 8/2/24
Barbara and two made a great team..taking care of and looking after each other! Barbara, I am so very sorry for the (physical) loss of your best friend and precious fur baby. Please know I am keeping you close to my heart during this time of such profound sadness. Luca... Job well done! (((hugs)))
From: Christy
On: 8/2/24
Hi Luca, what a wonderful memorial your friend Barbara created for you. Please look in on her from time to time and play hard at the Bridge sweet boy.
From: sher
On: 8/2/24
hi i amso very sorryfor your loss myprayers and healing hugs are with youGodBlessyou
From: Nancy
On: 8/2/24
Dear Barbara, I am so sorry for your loss of Luca Brody. He's so handsome, and a true lady's man and to think you both had such a tight bond & his spirit IS with you. Remember, love NEVER dies. Talk to him daily - I know his spirit is with you. And what a wonderful gift to give Luca in life and his final moments when you gave him all your love and into the arms of Jesus. Such a wonderful thing. He's safe and running free from renal failure. You Barbara are a wonderful person. God Bless you, Nancy
From: Leda
On: 7/29/24
Dear Luca, What a sweet and special boy you were and still are to me. You are so missed in the physical realm but always feel you in the spirit realm. I am so happy you met Ciccone...I am sure you helped him settle with all his other brothers and sisters he has. And you have some siblings of your own over the rainbow bridge. King Arthur was happy he was able to sniff you and meet you at The Haus. We all miss you Luca. I love and miss you dearly. I hope you liked your dedication on my Tiktok. You really wanted me to post it. Love you always, Leda xxx

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