Welcome to Pirmi Ryan's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
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Memories of Pirmi Ryan
What can I say about a fur-face companion who offered his back to help me up the stairs when they were too hard for me to climb, and who knocked the phone receiver off the hook and barked into it to get help when I fell and could not get up? If you have been unfortunate enough to lose, or can even imagine losing, a 14-year-old child, or any beloved child, only then can you really appreciate the pain of losing Pirmi from our lives. He left a hole in our hearts that will never heal, until we meet him again at the Rainbow Bridge. Baby boy, pride and joy, honey lamb, Pirmi Ryan . . . 3/23/04 I know Spring was not your favorite season. You and I loved the Autumn, jumping in the leaves, rolling in them, hearing them crunch. Oh, Pirmi! I still miss you so much! It still hurts so much! I still smell you and feel you, I remember your sweet smile, all the time. I would give anything to bring you back to me. No one but you knows how I love you, love you, love you, always. Momma 9/28/04 It's here, Pirmi! Our favorite season -- AUTUMN! The weather is beautiful this year, but I would be enjoying it so much more if you were here. Elijah misses you so much, too; you have no idea how he grieved after losing his brother and friend. We now have Yugi to keep him company. They are wonderful playmates, and Yugi has helped Elijah not feel so lonely for you. I really love Yugi and Elijah, but no dog could ever replace you, my Pirmi-love. Daddy really misses you, too. He was looking at your picture and crying the other day. Me -- I cry all the time, all the time, Pirmi. I miss you so much! Love, Momma 06/10/05 You would not be too happy today, Pirmi. It's a little too hot for you. Remember how you and I always hated the heat? Pirmi, I still miss you as much as I ever did. Daddy tells me I call out your name in my sleep all the time. Oh, I would give anything to hug you again, my honey lamb. Elijah is doing fine, and he loves playing with his new brother, Yugi. But he, too, misses his big brother. He keeps your chewbone in a special corner and will not let anyone move or touch it. He keeps waiting for you to come home. We all wish you could. I love you so much, and some day I will come to you. Please wait for me. Momma. 6/26/05 Pirmi, I have such good news! We won the naming rights for our street, and it is now official. Our new address is: 6 PIRMI LANE! Isn't that exciting? Your name will live here forever, my baby boy. We are so psyched. We are ordering a brand new, handpainted house address sign which will have your picture on it, as well as the street address. Isn't that great. I hope you are as happy about it as we are. We love you so much, P. Momma. 3/18/06 -- Well, Pirmi, here we are living on Pirmi Lane! We still can't believe it. We can't help but think about you every day (as if we needed any help!). I had another "Pirmi meltdown" while I was driving down Rt. 128 the other day. Yeah, I had to pull over while I cried my eyes out. Don't know why. Just still missing you more than ever. I fell the other day and could not get up, and I remember another time when I fell and you "called" daddy on the phone. My smart boy. Elijah is fine and still missing you, too, but his new brother, Yugi, is a good friend and playmate for him. And guess what? Kitty Sawyer will be 21 this month! Can you believe it? Well, Pirmi, I just wanted to say "hi." So wish I could hug you and pet you and kiss you. I miss you so very much -- can you feel my tears? I love you, my big bear. Momma. 06/16/06 Pirmi, I hope that, wherever you are, you did not get all the rain we got the last couple of months! I know how you always hated getting rain on your eyelashes, so we bought you a bright orange visor cap. I can't seem to find those pictures -- they were so cute; I'll have to remember to look around again. I'm here today to give you a change of scenery. It's almost summer -- not our favorite, I know. But I think you should have some pretty summer flowers to look at, and some summer foliage on the trees. Still missing you, always missing you, my love bug. Momma. 9/21/06 -- Good Morning, Love Bug! Momma's here to change your surroundings a bit. Autumn is our favorite season, and this year I've added a pumpkin! Remember how you loved bringing a pumpkin pail to the door filled with candy for the kids on Hallowe'en night, dressed in your skeleton costume? That was so much fun. I love you and miss you, Pirmi Ryan. I miss you every minute of every day. Your fur brothers, Elijah, Yugi, Sawyer, Timmy and Jingles, send you love and licks, and daddy sends you a big HUG! Always in my heart, my love. Momma. 12/06 Hi, Pirmi. Well, by now I guess you've welcomed Sawyer to the Rainbow Bridge. Please take care of him and don't let Trouble annoy him, okay? He was a very, very good kitty, and we miss him, too. I'm decorating your area for Christmas and winter although it was exceptionally warm here today. You know how Momma hates warm weather, especially in December! Hpoefully, much cooler air is coming in tonight. I know you are always comfortable where you are. I'm glad because I remember how you hated the heat, too. Enjoy your Christmas decorations, Love-Bug. Hugs from Momma. July 19, 2007. Well, P, it's been 5 years since you left us, and we still miss you sooooo much. It still hurts sooooo much to be without you. I see you in my dreams, but it's so sad when I wake up and you are not there. We are having a cool summer so far -- you would have appreciated that! Our Sawyer joined you this past February; I hope he has met up with you, Trouble and Chynna. Love you, P. Momma 5/18/08 Well, P, Momma has been very sick since last summer, which is why I have not visited you. I almost thought I would be joining you at the Rainbow Bridge! But I'm still here, and still think of you every day. I hope that by now you have met up with Elijah, who went to the R.B. in November of last year. He always idolized you, and I'm sure he is happy to be with you again. You are always my baby boy, P, and I will always love you. Momma 7/19/08 Oh, Pirms, I can hardly believe how many years have passed since you left us, because it still hurts so much. This morning I was thinking about one of your favorite foods -- Genoa salami. Remember the day I bought Margarita Genoa on sale. I went to give you a piece, you started to grab it, then you stopped, sniffed, and with a look of disbelief you said to me, "Momma, this is not HORMEL genoa -- you tried to trick me!" Such a clever boy. Or the look that said, "This roast of beef is not quite rare, is it?" Oh, I do miss you, my honey lamb. Sometimes I wish I had gone ahead and cloned you, but I knew the "clone" wouldn't be you -- he would just look like you. Hope you are having fun playing with friends at the Rainbow Bridge, Pirmi, and I hope you and Elijah have found each other. You were always such good friends, brothers and playmates. Love you forever. Momma. 11/29/08 -- Came to update your scenery, Pirmi Bear. Getting cold here, but I know you are nice and warm. Missing you so much -- looking at pics of you with your Christmas "antlers," which I know you hated but tolerated to make me happy. Love, hugs and kisses to you, my sweet Pirmi boy. Momma. 7/13/09 It's almost the sad "anniversary" date, My Bear (sigh!). Miss you so, so much P! We have a new brother -- Padraic. He has already beaten your record for chewing! He is very handsome. We love him, but he is not our Pirmi. Never another Pirmi. You would love this summer, Pirmi -- very cool. You would not like the rain! We still have your bright orange visor cap you used to keep those nasty raindrops from landing on your eyelashes, remember? Love you, love you, love you, Pirmi -- now and forever. Say "hi" to Elijah for us -- we miss him, too, a lot. Hugs, Momma. Running out of room, baby boy, but still loving you forever and ever. Hope it's warm where you are. Love and Licks, Momma. 12/11/09 Spring is here, Pirmi! Winter is over! Hope it's Spring where you are, but I think it's always Spring there, right? Be well, my love. I still miss you so much. Momma. 3/28/10 Pirmi, it's summer, our least favorite season. Momma is staying cool; hope you are, too. Wish we could hang out in our swing under our favorite tree together. SIGH! Monday is the anniversary of, well you know. Since you've been gone. Tough day for me. Miss you, my bear. missyoumissyoumissyou. XOXOXOXO 7/15/10 Merry Christmas, Pirmi, our love! Missing you, our lamb! 12-2010 Hi, Pirmi! Still misisng you like crazy, but I think about you every day b/c we now live on "Pirmi Lane"! Hope it's nice and cool where you are, b/c it's waaaaay hot here -- you would hate it! Hope you are so happy my love, and missing us as much as we miss you! Xoxoxo Momma 6-12 Still think about you and miss you EVERY DAY, Pirmi. I would give anything to be able to hug and kiss you again. Miss you terribly, but I feel you all around me, especially in the living room. I hope you are happily playing and waiting for your momma.x0x0x0 Know you're not fond of summer weather, P. Hope you are not too warm. Soon it will be time to play in the Autumn leaves! 7-09-12 Pirmi, I cannot believe you have been gone from me for 10 years b/c it still hurts so much! This day is so hard for me, my lamb. OMG how I miss you! 7/19/12 Brrr -- it's winter, Pirmi. I remember how you used to make snow-holes to deposit your poopies and romp through the snow. You always made me laugh. I love you, my snow bunny and miss you more than ever. 2-1-13 Well, Pirmi, New England skips right from winter to summer, so I have done the same with your area so that you will feel right at home! You left me such a long time ago, but it seems like yesterday, and I miss you as much as ever. I love that we live on "Pirmi Lane." Hope you are waiting for me, my honey lamb. I so want to see you again. Butterfly Kisses, Momma 7-19-13 A very sad day for me, Pirmi, but I hope it is not for you. I have been without your sweet self for 11 years and my heart and soul still hurt from your absence. Sending you the biggest hug and kiss! Momma Gone from me for 11 years today, but never, ever forgotten, my honey lamb! Love you as much today as ever and miss you more and more as years go by. :-( Momma 7-19-13 Pirmi, it's our favorite season -- AUTUMN! I hope you have piles of leaves to jump and play in and that you remember how much fun we had doing that together. Miss you so much, my bear. Love you always, Momma 10-05-13 It's Christmas time again, Pirmi, and already snowing. Remember how much fun we used to have in the snow? You digging a hole to bury your poop and then covering it up? You were always so fastidious about your personal hygiene! Christmas will never be the same without you, my love dove, my sweet, sweet angel boy. Love you more and more. Momma 12-15-13 Hi, Pirmi. It's almost summer! Not our favorite -- but Autumn comes after and we did love that together. So just keep cool, lie in the shade and breathe in the freshly mowed grass, a smell you love (me, too!). Missing you as much as ever, my love-dove. The years have done nothing to diminish my devotion to you. You and I are forever soul companions. Butterfly kisses, Momma 5-24-14 It's hot Pirmi! Hope it is cool at the Rainbow Bridge. But, hot or cold, whatever the season, I miss you every day. July 19 is coming; I dread the day. Love you always, my sweet, wonderful bear. Momma 7-8-14 I know I don't have to tell you I am here crying my eyes out, Pirmi. You always knew intuitively what I was thinking and feeling and what was in my heart. Twelve years has done little to ease the pain of losing you and missing you. I would give anything -- anything -- to be able to hug you again. Hope summer at the Rainbow Bridge is comfortable for you, sweet boy. Our favorite season will be here soon enough. xoxoxo Momma 11-13-14 Wow, Pirmi! It's been our favorite seasons for a while, but I'm just getting here. Remembering how we used to love to jump and roll in the Autumn leaves, one of our favorite fun things to do. How I miss those special days, my love. Pirmi, yesterday was my birthday, and you came to me in my sleep. You were snuggling under the covers with me the way you always did on chilly nights "butt to butt"! Ha-ha. I felt and smelled your sweet Pirmi aroma and breath. When I awoke, I knew you had really been there with me. It felt so good and so special. Missing you, missing you. Momma Pirmi, I hope winter was not as severe over the Rainbow Bridge as it was here in Gloucester! You would have hated it. Too, too much snow. Now it is finally Spring, so I am redoing your area so you can smell flowers and be happy. Miss you as much as ever, honey lamb. xoxoxo Momma 6/26/2015 It's summer, Pirmi. Hope it is not too warm for you! You did not know our Yugi, but I hope you do now. He headed for the Rainbow Bridge this morning. Hope you and Elijah will be there to greet him. Momma is very sad without her precious babies. I loved him and I love you always. My heart breaks b/c I miss you all so very, very much, my honey lambs. 6/11/16 Pirmi, I just want you to know I still miss you sooooo much! Dreamed about you last night -- we were having fun in the snow! Our new puppy, Jeter, would love to meet and play with you. You, of course, would probably consider her a pain in your butt! Ha-ha! Love you as much as ever, my honey lamb. I would give anything to hug you! Momma 7/19/16 Pirmi, I cannot believe I have survived this long without you. Today is such a sad day for me. Sometimes I swear I can still feel and smell your presence in favorite places in the house. I dream of you. I miss you so very much. Nothing will ever replace you in my heart. I hope you are happy, my love dove. Momma. 12/2016 Christmas will never be the same without you, Pirmi. Now it is winter, and I remember how you used to dig a hole in snowdrifts to bury your poops! Ha-ha. Always such a super smart boy. Hard to believe your loss still hurts my heart so much. I cannot believe you have been gne for as long as you lived, which was way too short a time. I wanted you with me forever. We are joined at the soul, P; you know that. So please wait for me. Momma xoxoxo Love you, My Valentine Pup! Momma 2/14/17 Hi, Pirmi! Almost summer -- not our favorite season. But neither of us likes to be cold! I hope the temp. is always comfie where you are. Soon, our fave will be here -- FALL! How we used to love the crunch when we jumped in the leaves together. I miss our time together so, so much. I miss you so, so much. Be happy and remember me, my sweet Bear. xo Momma Oh, my baby boy. 7/19/17 Another year has passed without you. I still feel your absence so much and think of you often. How I wish I could hold you and kiss you again. Sad day for your Momma, Pirms. I love you forever.11/5/17 Here it is, Pirmi -- our favorite season. I rolled around in the leaves the other day, remembering how we loved to do that together. I miss doing that, and so many other things, with you, my honey lamb. Still miss you so very much. Hope you are happy, love-dove. Momma Hi, Pirmi! I hope it's Spring where you are because we never get much of a Spring here in Gloucester. Sorry I forgot to change you to Winter, but you like to stay in Fall, don't you? I still miss you so much my big bear. Hope you remember your momma and that we will be together again some day. Love, Licks and BIG huggy-bugs. Momma 4-14-18 Pirmi, I know summer was never our favorite month and I hope it is not too hot for you over the Rainbow Bridge. I miss you more than ever. Your "anniversary" date will soon be here and I am already so sad. My heart still hurts for the loss of you. Love you, love you, love you forever, my wonderful boy! 7-09-18 Pirmi, has it really been 16 years? Longer than the 14 years we had together. But our bond is as strong as ever; it is sacred and transcends time, my honey lamb. Can't even describe how much I miss your sweet companionship, P. You are with me always, and I with you. xo Momma 7/19/18It's our favorite season, Pirmi -- Autumn. I loved jumping in the piles of leaves with you. Hope you are able to do that where you are. I miss you most of all during this, our favorite month. Nice and cool for swimming, car rides and lovely walks. Love you so, my Bear. Momma 9/2018 Hi,my Pirmi Bear. Missing you more than ever. Spring is finally here, but it's not the same without you, honey lamb. So hope you are happy and at peace, and waiting for me, for someday we Will be together again, if only in spirit. I would give anything to see you again and hold you. You are soooo missed, Pirmi Ryan! Happy Birthday, my heart. 4/2/2019 Our least favorite month, right Pirms? TOO HOT! But we did have fun at the beach and the reservoir. Hope it is nice and comfy at the Rainbow Bridge and that you have plenty of places to swim. Wish we could swim together! Miss you, miss you, miss you, my dear and wonderful boy. 7/10/2019 Hi, Pirmi Love, not our favorite season of they year, right? Too hot for us. Maybe it is nice and cool on your side of the Rainbow Bridge. But we still had fun swimming in the Reservoir or your kiddie pool, and going for evening walks on the Boulevard. It seems just like yesterday, Pirmi. I love you as much today as I did the first day I saw you in the animal shelter, begging me to "pick" you!!! You will always be my Bear and my Honey Lamb, Pirmi. I sometimes think I can feel you in the living room, even smell you. It's such a strong feeling. I hope that, somehow, you are still close to me. Giant HUG, xo Momma 7/13/20 Today is that sad, sad, day, Pirmi -- the anniversary of the day I lost you. My only comfort is the hope we will meet again when it is time and that we will be together forever. In the meantime, I hope you are happy and at peace. I miss you so very much, my sweet Honey Lamb. xoxoxo Momma 7/19/2020 Merry Christmas, my sweet love. Miss you now as much as I ever did, Pirms. Warm winter hugs, Momma 12/25/2020It's April, Pirmi Love, and tomorrow is your birthday. I wish we could celebrate together, but you know I celebrate the fact that you were born and having had you in my life. Such a special boy, like no other! I felt you again when I walked into the living room yesterday, felt you and smelled you! No, I'm not delusional! You are just still so close in my heart and memory, and we spent so much time together in that room. You spent a lot of nights sleeping there, and I with you. Well, Happy Birthday, sweetheart. Enjoy your new Spring environs. xoxoxo Momma Hello, my darling! Hope you are having a fun summer running and playing with friends, including Fudgie, Duffy, Muffin, Elijah and Yugi! Wish we could be enjoying summer together. I miss you as much as ever, my honey lamb. I hold you in my heart always. xoxoxo Momma 7/12/2021 Hooray, Pirmi! Our favorite season -- AUTUMN! I will never, ever forget the fun we had jumping in the leaves around the giant sugar maple tree, or how good the air smelled when we went for our (very) early morning walks. But, most of all, being with you, dearest Pirmi. After all this time, my heart still aches for you. So hope you are enjoying the season over the Rainbow Bridge and hope you still remember your mommy and how much I love you. xoxoxo 9-28-21 Happy Winter, my love! Oh, I so miss you keeping me warm in bed at night, especially when daddy was not home. Remember how we used to snuggle under covers? I have to admit, Jeter is like a little brown water bottle, though. She has one hot butt! The other day I was thinkng about your digging holes in snow banks to deposit your poops! LOL! You were one smart little (big) puppy, my honey lamb. Hope it's nice and warm over the Rainbow Bridge, although I know you would also have fun frolicking in the snow. Cold weather never seemed to bother you. Miss you yesterday, now, tomorrow and forever, Pirmi. Wish I could hug you one more time . . . xoxoxo Momma 01/27/22 It's summer, my darling, and I hope you are enjoying romping and playing. I know we both always hated the heat. I hope it is pleasant over the Rainbow Bridge. I so hope you are happy, Pirmi, because my heart still hurts missing you. Always in my heart and soul, Honey Lamb. Love, love, love you so! Momma 6/18/2022 Oh, my precious Pirmi. I've been missing you sorely for 20 years now, and today is that anniversary. I'm still so sad because I still remember and love you so much. Hope you're enjoying the burger I left for you! Remember when we used to stop at Burger King on our way back from Angell Memorial and I would buy you one as a treat! One day, I almost missed the exit, but you let me know and we got off just in time. Ha-ha! Just one of your many talents, brainiac. It's very hot here today; you would not be happy at all. Wishing you could come back to me, my honey bunny. Be happy. Loveyouloveyouloveyou, Momma Just logged on to renew your stay, so thought I would drop in to say "hi!" You would hate being here today -- boiling hot, and you know how we both hate that. But I have an AC in the living room now, so we would both be hanging out there most of the day. Hope you are comfy where you are, my precious boy. xo Momma 7/24/22 Hi, Pirmi! I know this is not your favorite time of the year -- mine neither -- but I hope it is better at the Rainbow Bridge than here in Gloucester. But I miss you every season! We always had fun, no matter the weather, right? Our Great Pyrenees, Padraic, sadly passed away last November. But now Jeter and I have a new family member, Seamus Roscoe Ryan, an Aussiedoodle! You would love him and you two would get along so well together. How I wish I could have you both here with me. I would love to take you out for ice cream (one of the local places sells your favorite, Frosty Paws!) or a burger at your favorite fast-food place, Burger King. You used to look forward to that whenever we drove home from a vet's visit at Angell Memorial. Missing you more than ever, especially since tomorrow is the day you left me. I hold you withlet m my heart, forever, Pirms. xoxoxo Momma 7/18/2003 Our favorite season of the year, Pirmi -- Autumn! Hooray! I can never forget all the fun we had trouncing around in the beautiful Fall leaves around the giant sugar maple across the way. Oh, and the cool air felt so good to both of us -- we were both re-energized. Just one of many special moments we shared, my honey lamb. Whenever I told you to "stay," I meant forever. Well, you are forever in my mind and my heart. There is no describing how much I still miss you and how much it still hurts, even though I had had a lot of special pups sharing my home and love since you left me. You were a soul companion, Pirmi -- you know that. Our special bond can never be replaced. Love you always, and hope you have piles of leaves to play in, my sweet boy. Love and Hugs always, Momma Hey, Pirms -- no, I didn't forget to change your season. I know you didn't like winter much and would rather stay in Fall, surrounded with the leaves you and I loved to jump in so much. But now it's Spring, and I hope you enjoy it before your least favorite season -- summer! Yeah, big YUCK for both of us. But good times in the pool and at the Reservoir. Don't want to sound like a broken record, but I still, still, still miss you so, so, much, my Soul Companion. Just the other night, I opened the front door and -- BAM -- your scent hit me so strongly, I literally was knocked backward. Oh, how I wanted to see you and hold you and hug and kiss you. It hurt so much. I'm hoping you know by now our Jeter left us this winter. I'm hoping you know because she is there with you and the rest of our fur family. You would love new family member, Seamus; wish you could meet and play with him. Well, enjoy Spring, my bunny. Know I will always think about you, love you and miss you. Momma P.S. Remember when I bought you a burger as a treat every time we came home from an appointment at Angell Memorial? You NEVER let me forget or drive past! Uber smart, Pirmi, uber smart!07/08/2024 It's summer, Pirmi. Hope it's cool where you are. Know how you hate the heat! Guess what? I fell and broke my leg and did not have you there to call 911!! I'm still in hospital. Bummer, right? If you are still saying prayers the way mommy taught you, say one for me. Know you will. Love and miss you as ever I did, honey lamb. Hope you are so happy and peaceful over the Rainbow Bridge. Love and sweet hugs, Momma

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