Welcome to Riley's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
Riley's Rainbow Bridge Pet Loss Memorial Residency Image
Memories of Riley
My dear sweet Riley,

You have now joined your brother in doggie heaven and I hope I go there too when it's my time. I want so much to hold you both and see your sweet smile, which you gave to almost everyone else as well as to me. You always knew who could be trusted and who couldn't and I trusted your feelings about people. But you loved almost everyone--other dogs and people, and they knew it. You gave so much of your poor sick body to people who needed your sweet soul to be near to. They thank you. And Jan, her home was your happy place, misses you terribly too. I know you love her almost as much as you love me. And I hope you will always know how much I adored you and will hold you in my heart forever. You needed so much just to stay alive and I gave you all I could. And I know you stayed alive for me in the end. You were afraid to leave me alone. But I'll be okay-- some day. Go and rest now, my sweet little boy, I will ALWAYS love you, my one-of-a-kind baby boy. Con te partir۰o.

Your mommy

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