Welcome to Scarlett's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
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Memories of Scarlett
My Scarlett was my Strongest out of my bunch !!! ,we would call her the Italian Stallion !!! Scarlett would bounce up from anything she was amazing and she was so so red in color and her coat was so shinny when the sun was out she just shine ,my Scarlett is a beauty just like SCARLETT O Hara from gone with the wind ,I names her from that !!!.
My groomer would only trim her feet never cut her like I did my other babies ,Cause her coat was just to pretty to touch .
Scarlett would love to sleep on my face in bed she would smother me ,so loving I will miss that .
My son Andy loved that about Scarlett she would do the same thing to him just put her face on his ,Scarlett was his favorite I think .
Scarlett was a stunning Cavalier ,I loved to watch her Run she Galloped gracefully even towards the end of her life I will miss watching her . Scarlett was very Tall compare to my other babies she stood out in the crowd she was a beauty .
Scarlett develop a touch of SM at 10 ,she was never sick but she got this ,she was also heart clean ,she would air scratch and scream I would hold her until it was over she was medicated for that , and it controlled it for a while .
Scarlett like I said was strong ,but this past November I lost my Star they were together for 14 years and since that I saw a big change in Scarlett she would Bark all night ,she would keep me up and also she would air Scratch more and Fall more ,on Christmas Eve I was preparing for my night ,around 11:30 in the morning I heard a noise I look in there beds and Scarlett was foaming from the mouth I was terrified I started screaming I picked her up and left everything on the stove and I went to the vet. They put Scarlett on Oxygen and shot her with Lastix and her gums return to pink but they said this could be a cardiac event or a brain tumor so we watch her sure enough it started all over again it was horrible me and Andy took her to Hospital her tongue was out she poop on me and I knew it was time to let her go to her sisters and Brother at the Bridge ,Doctor came out and said it was Scarlett Brain so we stood for a while with her and then we said goodnight ,she passed at 7 that evening and I returned home my family was her for dinner they did everything for me but I showed face the entire night didnt want my grandchildren to see me upset so I made it through .
My Scarlett is at peace and she had her first Christmas at the Bridge ,with SEBASTIAN,GABRIELLA, and STAR they are all my Angels now ,My Tristan,Winston,and Emma are with me and I have to say they are Missing there Star and Scarlett but I keep them close with me and I leave Scarlett collar with them and Star maybe that will give them some comfort during this sad time.
I'll forever keep you in my Heart my beautiful Scarlett and remember my love for you its everlasting 🌈❤️♥️💔💕🌈🙏🏼.
All of you are with me ,Thank you for your love and companionship for 14years I'll miss you my girl .
Mommy loves you lots and lots 💋💋💋❤️♥️💕💞 Always loved, Always remembered ,Never forgotten 💝💞❤️❤️🙏🏼🙏🏼🌈🌈.

Please also visit Gabriella Powers, SEBASTIAN, Star, Tristan and Winston.

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