Welcome to Milo's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
Milo's Rainbow Bridge Pet Loss Memorial Residency Image
Memories of Milo
Milo, I remember the day I saw you laying in the cage at Petco/Humane Society. You were only 5 months old but you were special....not only because you had a little stump tail but because when you looked at me, I knew you were the one for us.
You fitted into our family right away. You loved your brothers, Newtie and Olson and only wanted to be near them. It took you almost 9 years to start making biscuits....but once you started, you were a biscuit making fool. You went from your Daddy to me pushing those little paws into our stomachs. I remember how you would run around the house at night looking for something to knock around. Your favorite thing was the chinese fortune cookies in the little plastic wrapper. How you loved to swat those around.

I'm so sorry you got sick. You were the baby....we didn't expect it to happen to you so soon. Kidney failure happens much too quickly. But now you are free. No more pain and you've got all your brothers with you at the bridge. Newtie passed with you the same time so you wouldn't be afraid. We love you and miss you little bug boy. Come and visit us any time you want. You can visit Grandma too. Today she saw your friend the squirrel and the little red bird...how you loved to watch them thru the sliders.

We love you and miss you Milo.

Please also visit Caleb, Cyrus, Newtie, Olson Hanson and Teddy.

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