Welcome to NEWBURY's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
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Memories of NEWBURY
My darling, Newbury, I am crying as I write this. I miss you so very much baby. You and I have been together since you were 12 weeks old. I loved celebrating your 6th birthday together, sweetheart. Oh, how you loved your stuffed bunny from Daddy and hay basket with toys and birthday cookies that I ordered special for you. My little fluff, we had 6 wonderful years together, you and me and I am forever grateful to have received such joy from you, every day, you gave me love and happiness. Running to the door as I came home, for pats and snacks and love. Oh, berry, you left much too soon. I know that whenever we parted it would have been too soon but I was in no way ready for your departure. My heart aches for you little one. I held you for 4 hours at the vet after you passed and wished we could stay together forever. You became so warm in my arms and I talked to you about our memories and laughed some too. Berry, we are moving to a new apartment in a few weeks and I so wanted you to enjoy the bigger house. You would have had your own bathroom, but then again, you always had your own bathroom, you let Daddy and me share it with you. Newbury, you can now eat as many wheat thins as you like, little one, eat all the carbs and grapes and carrots your heart desires. And chew any walls you want, okay?! There are no more rules for you, just play and be happy and know that your Mommy will always love you, forever and ever. You helped me thorugh some very painful times in my life and I am forever grateful. Newbury, look for Grandma Elenore and Lorraine over the bridge, they will take care of you and you can all reminisce about us back here, missing you. I hope you don't mind that I let Cosette run around some of your private spaces, but I need her, berry, I need to love her and have her help with my pain. She misses you too, she smells your scent, baby and lays down in some of your favorite places. I will keep you bowl and mat and toys becaue they remind me of your life and liveliness and play. I wish you were sitting by me now, near the computer like you used to but for now my baby, I will talk with you and keep you in my heart. I will write you more. We have lit a yartzeit candle for you and I am working on the photo album of all your pictures. Daddy misses you too sweet one, he became so fond of you but Newbury, everyone who knew you loves you... Ba-Ba, Poppy, Elissa, Rich, Jordan, Taylor, Risa, Laura, Auntie and Uncle, Papa and Nana, Grandpa Sid, Beth, Sami, Sydney, Lisa, Dr. Charos, Eleanor, Isabella, Delilah and everyone at Central Vets, Cosette, Daddy and me, oh my baby, I will say prayers for you at night and will love you always. Play a lot, snack a lot and rest well my beautiful little girl. July 10, 2003: Hi my baby, I trust by now you have become an "old timer" over the rainbow bridge. Honey, as I am sure you know, I think of you many,many times every day and cry for a good half hour over your loss, but, sweetpea, I smile much more over memories of your antics. Your running and jumping and playing, flopping down in your "boudoir". Sweetness, I know you know that we moved and I have placed some of your toys around the house. It gives me some comfort and I can still sense your presence. You will ALWAYS be with me angel. You are the lump in my throat right now just as you are the laughter in my face, the sweet memeories and dreams I have of you and the memories of your spirit. I visited the rescue bunny that Dr. Charos has today, she reminds me so much of your my baby, especially when you were a young one, jumping, an acrobat and into EVERYTHING. I talked to you last night and asked if it would be ok if I bring her some toys and next week, if I could bring her home. Oh, berry, she will never replace you, you are , and will remain, my first baby, my only Newbury, and there is no replacement for you. I hand carried your franed photo from the old apartment to this new one, oh, Berry, you would have been hopping up and down the stairs by now and loving it, but I imagine that you have lots a fun staircases over the bridge as well. Today, Jordie asked if you would have any more birthdays to celebrate and I told him that you would but it would be in your home over the bridge and we would celebrate your life here with memeories and pleasure. I love you forever, forever in my heart, you will remain and we will never part. I will talk with you tonight and write you again soon my angel. August 28, 2003: Hi my little fluffer, well baby, August 19 was the 6th anniversary since I adopted you, you were a tiny little ball of fluff, a bit less than one pound. You stole my heart, remember, you couldn't hop fast yet but you half hopped, half dragged your tushy over to me and I had to take you home. You must know by now that we have adopted NIckels. He is named for you, pumpkin, I insisted on an "N", he is a handful, much like you were when you were a few months old. He is more mischievous than Cosette, hopped up the stairs in a minute flat and loves to go everywhere, even places where I worry, but you know all about how I can be about worrying, don't you sweet pea? Taylor and Jordan were here for the weekend and they kept saying, remember when Newbury would do this, or that? I remember it all and my memory is long and accurate. You are always with me. I have that little air freshener bunny on the rearview mirror and she is a symbol of you sweetness. I love you, I still cry sometimes and I know you know that,but know this angel, my tears are only a fraction of the joy you have given me and still do, play lots and sleep well and I will write soon, but as you know, I'll talk with you sooner, you are the first talking I have every morning, I'll speak with you tomorrow.... June 12, 2009: Newbury, as you are well aware, you are with me every day and I remember you with joy and laughter and pleasure. I remember every birthday and every cute little, triscuit eating, jumping, box chewing, TV watching, little cuteness. Just a hello on your tribute page in addition to all the chats and memories I share with, and about you! Love,Mommy September 9, 2016: Well, as you are aware, I think of you daily and speak of you frequently, your picture is still be my bedside and you are a dear part of my heart! I remember you mostly with smiles now, and you know how much my life has changed over the years, but never forgetting you, Kingsly, Cosette, Angel and Nickels. All my loving bunnies on the bridge. So, I want you all to look out for Boris and Elmer Roth. They were Aunt Elissa's and Michael's wonderful boys and they are coming your way. Since they died, I have been thinking about you all evern more and I wanted to send you some big furry hugs!!! Always abd forever in my heart, Love, Mommy

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