Welcome to Sunshine's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
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Memories of Sunshine
Sunshine, you were born a beautiful, cute, energetic playful kitten with a great kitty mom Koko. Unfortunately your littermate Honey died only after one week. Koko brought you three feline siblings a year later. You had many struggles with health issues your first year of life yet you seemed undaunted by the constant vet visits. You were so funny when you would quickly climb to the top of my head and play in my hair when you were at the vet's. The only other person who was blessed with this nesting was Sharon. You loved her thick, curly hair. She was tolerate of your nesting, tugging and pulling. You were such a little nester. You were so playful and such an entertainer. For unknown reasons you would soon struggled with anxiety and become aggressive. I thought I would have to declaw you and feared I might have to tell you goodbye. We discovered the alternative of behavioral modification and made major milestones freeing you from declawing or worse. You began to accept a treat from a kind hand and learned purring was to be shared by age 13. You were a great big sister and kitty sitter when Shadow, Sami and Blue Angel were born. You were not a lap kitty but my definite heart kitty. You made the best real "snow cat" in the Christmas Tree Village this year. The Christmas tree will be put up in your honor for years to come.

I'm sorry I wasn't with you this morning when your life came to an end. I thought you were settled in from the vet visit before I left for the hospital at 10:30 p.m. I would have never wanted you to have died alone. Perhaps Sami was nearby as he had kept viligance near you. I'm so glad I was able to hold you and feel your soft body as we said goodbye. It was heartbreaking and a very special moment when Koko gave you a lick kiss on your head as we were saying goodbye.

After spending sometime with you, I called Dr. Lucas. She was upset about your death. She feels terrible about the hematoma. I don't think she would have ever intentionally hurt you. She's seems very kind. She feels badly. I feel bad for all three of us, especially you.

January 27, 2006

I was called to picked up your cremains. All day I had mixed thoughts and feelings about what I should do. I wanted to pick you up and not pick you up. Questions running through my mind: what should I do with your cremains, where will I put you, do I open your urn, how do I feel about having you cremated, where were you cremated, how were you cremated, are the cremains yours, did I make the right decision, where would I have buried you, will I have regrets. So many thoughts running through my mind.

With few words, I was given a nice green/gold stripped bag with a ribbon. The contents were a box, a certificate of cremation, locks of your fur placed on a card. Your urn was a black ceremic container. I opened your urn to find very soft cremains. It was comforting to hold, see the cremains and cry.

January Certificate of Cremation: "Sunshine, was handled with care and privately cremated on January 25, 2006." Littlest Angels Pet Crematory Primm Springs, Tennessee

Cremation Certificate Poem:
The Road goes ever on and on
Down from the door where it began.
Now far ahead the Road has gone.
And I must follow, If I can,
Pursuing it with eager feet
Until it joins some larger way
Where may paths and errands meet
And whither then? I cannot say.
J.R.R. Tolkien


Born June 14, 1991 a tiny white kitten to mamma KoKo
to grow into a soft beautiful Bluepoint Himalayan.
Playful, stalking, and chasing the toy mice
watchful of siblings Shadow, Sami, and Blue Angel.
Early morning separation from your human companion
eased with peek-a-boo and goodbye kisses by the door.
A stringed feather toy bird flying through the air
brought gigantic leaps, chases and endless laughter.
Excitement and watchful window entertainment
as the hummingbird and finch visited our feeders.
Calmness exchanged for anxiety and aggression
behavioral modification with love resumes peacefulness.
Trust grew a treat offered, a caress initiated by you
your purr as a reward bringing momentary surprise.
Catnip the chosen antidote for pleasure
eating, romping, rolling, and frolicking delight.
Katmas and birthdays celebrated each year
with many good memories and photos to share.
Never a lap cat yet often perched nearby
an occasional sleep mate never to stray from my heart.
Fourteen years, seven months of brightness
your light dimmed January 21, 2006 by morning death.
Missed each day to be remembered for years
goodbye our dear little Sunshine, shine on forever.

You are so very precious and will always be remembered. Thank you for being a part of our lives. We love and miss you........mama Koko, Shadow, Sami, Blue Angel and Lorraine.

June 14, 2008: Sunshine, today would have been your 17th birthday. I sure miss your catnip birthday parties and all of your energy with catnip. I miss you..........Happy Birthday, Sunshine!

January 21, 2009: Sunshine, your light of life flickered into forever darkness 3 years ago today. It's unbelievable you have already been gone for 3 years. You are missed and your antics still live on. Miss you Sunny Bunny, miss you so very much! Love you.

January 21, 2010: Thinking of you today.

January 21, 2013: Sunshine 7 years ago today, your life left into death......doesn't seem quiet that long ago...your cremains in a cedar urn on the mantel with your Himalyan family, a new Himalayan family full of life about...the contrast...the Himalayans I love intensely. I miss you, if only you could return. I hold you in my heart.

January 21, 2015: Sunshine, can it be 9 years ago today already.........seems like just a few minutes ago your death came. I miss you sweetheart, wish I could have you and your Himmie family back........forever gone is sad....Love you!!!!

January 21,2018: Sudden remembrance of you Sunshine...12 year's ago....gets harder as the time since your death closes in on the length of your life. I miss my first Himalayan family, you were the best. Love and miss you forever.

Please also visit Blue Angel KitKat, Koko Macadamia KitKat, Mystic Phantom KitKat, Sami Clovis KitKat, Shadow Baby KitKat, Sugar and Tiger.

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