Welcome to Sugar's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
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Memories of Sugar
Sugar, we created many wonderful memories. My favorite memories include the bike rides in my backpack at the Louisville Parks, the walks at the water reservoir, visits to the parks, special gifts you left to let me know you missed me when I was away from home, sleeping by the windows as you enjoyed the sunshine, playing, snuggling, sleeping and how much you hated grooming. My last special memory is going to Seneca Park when you were terribly ill and within an hour of your death--yet, you found the strength to play with the leaves and watch as people and dogs walked. I was so glad to see you have a moment of energy and so sad because I knew this was our last trip to the park. We would leave and go to Dr. Catlett's office and stop your suffering. It all happened so very fast. You seem perfectly fine, stopped eating, and within a very short period of time diagnosed with cancer. I remember the shock of that day, driving home 70 miles from the Dr. Catlett's office only midway to realize not on was I losing you, but your death was imminent. I took 2 days off work, laid on the couch with you. I took you back to Louisville for euthanasia. I was so distressed. I had never chosen the day of death before. I felt scared for what you might experience. I hated watching the needle penetrate your neck. You purred as you were being euthanized. I felt horrible. Dr. Catlett was sweet and wrapped you up in your blanket leaving a nice little package. He carried you to the car and said goodbye to both of us. The trip home seemed forever. On the way to Louisville, I held your paw. When I got you home I unwrapped you and put you on the floor to give your feline housemates...Sami, Shadow, Sunshine, Blue Angel and Koko a chance to see you and say goodbye. Thanksgiving Morning, I took you to Theresa's house for your burial. It was very cold and the ground was frozen. It took a while to get a tomb dug, then you were laid to rest. Theresa and I sat by your grave, talked about our cats as the daylight brightened and the sun began to shine..a cold sun. I looked across the backyards where a black cat sat in the distance, silent and just peering at us. It was as though a kitty came to pay respects for all cats knowing you has passed away. I was so numb the entire Thanksgiving Weekend. I found it was not ok to talk with anyone about your death. The response was, "Get another Cat." I wanted to shout if your kid or parent dies, will you just get another kid or parent. Dr. Catlett was very sweet. He called a few times after your death to chat about you. I told him I realized I would have to go through this 5 more times... Dr. Catlett said "and more." At first I didn't understand what he meant, but he was telling me I would have more felines in my life than the 6 I had...he's probably right. Koko, Sami,Shadow and Blue Angle miss you too. They look for you in your chair at times. You continue to be a very special cat to me. I will always keep the purple heart ID tag you came with from the Humane Society. You were a brief shelter hero. I love and miss you. Thanks for sharing your life with us. You are truly missed. ............ I went to tell Dr. Catlett bye before moving to find he had died a few weeks before. He missed our last appointment. He was in the ER with chest pain. I called to check on him, he was back at work and thought to be ok. I sent his wife flowers from us to thank her for sharing Dr. Catlett. He worked such long hours he much not have been with his family enough. Dr. Catlett will be missed too. Sugar, Sunshine joined you January 21, 2006. You both are missed and will always be loved. ............. Sugar it has been 9 years ago today that your body left us....your memories stay forever. Shadow is very sick and I fear will be joining you soon. ..... Sugar, it's now been 10 years since you died............Ten years today, on a Wednesday before Thanksgiving just like today. I got out your fur and held you for a little while tonight. Your fur was so soft. Ten years... I miss you. It's Thanksgiving Day 2009, the 12th anniversary of your death. Remembering you and pondering how 12 years can pass so quickly...seems like yesterday you were here. Miss you....brave sweetheart! If there is a bridge, I hope you, Shadow, Sunshine and KoKo have regrouped!!!!! If not, you each will always be remembered and loved. Love you SugarKat, Peace, my friend!!!! 11-26-10 Thirteen years...Remembering you today. I remember you jumping high up a doorway and sliding all the way down when if you were peered at from another room. You were such an arobat! You have now been gone for as many years you lived. Forever rest in Peace. ********************************************************************************************* 11-26-11 Good Morning Sugar. It's been 14 years since the very sad day you died. I still have very clear memories of you...remember you loved being lifted to a closet shelf to play and peer down at the human below....you now have you entire feline family at the bridge with you. There's 3 new kitties Nova, Mystic and Zen... you never met, sometimes Mystic reminds me of you......his antics are similiar as yours...he's a door slider too!!!! Love you sweetie! Miss you. Peace. *********************************************************************************************************** Sixteen years since your death, how time has fastly past....seems like yesterday you were peering confidently from the top closet shelf, slipping down the door............I sure miss you!!!! Rest in peaces sweet Sugar. ************************************************************************************************************ Eighteen years, can it be.....remembering bringing you home from Louisville Animal Shelter, your purple heart, your pure white fluffiness....can it really be 18 years ago.....buried you on Thanksgiving Day, remembering you today on Thanksgiving Day, thankful you were mine, wishing feline life was longer. Love and miss you. ************************************************************************************************************* Twenty years ago......haven't forgotten anything about you.....many great memories, horrible day of loss..can still the nausea and numbness of that day......remember your big gold eyes and sweet disposition.....RIP my angel. ***************************************************************************************************************

Please also visit Blue Angel KitKat, Koko Macadamia KitKat, Mystic Phantom KitKat, Sami Clovis KitKat, Shadow Baby KitKat, Sunshine and Tiger.

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