Welcome to Tiger's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
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Memories of Tiger
Tiger Rat KitKat came home as a humane pet to 5 cats on December 18, 2004 and one rodent fearful human. The cats thought you were something special, eagerly awaiting your entry into your soon to be castle of a cage, maze and hamster gadgets. But all to soon they learned you could be mobile and became afraid of you in your exercise ball. You sure left behind some special memories. I'll never forget coming home to find you had left your cage, taking all your sunflower seeds and no where to be found. I found your sunflower seeds behind the refrigerator, but no trace of you. When it was late, I expected you to awake from your nap, I sat quietly on the stairs and began to hear scratching inside the wall of our newly built house. I followed the sounds and you would scratch when I called your name. I carefully cut a little hole in the wall, hoping I would not cut you, and there you were.....sticking your little head out......stinker........and of course that was still during the time I was scared of you. I talked you out into a "transport tube." I moved you upstairs and you found your way out of your peek a boo house.....a long drop to the floor.....down the air conditioner power/drain you went and followed the plumbing downstairs. It was a little easier to get you out of the wall through plumming access...You thought you were escaping, guess you didn't think you were traveling in the presence of FIVE CATS!!!! Then I learned not to be afraid of you anymore, held you and cuddled with you. You were always so sweet, quick to share a piece of a banana. You favorites were fresh brocolli or carrots.
Your last few days you were sick or perky..Dr. Bell carried you around the clinic trying to figure out what was going on until the pocket pet vet was available. Not so good news, he said you had tumors, we had to say goodbye. You cuddled in my hands as we awaited Shadow's bloodwork to be processed, occassionally nibbling on my watch. After Dr. Bell gave you the sedative you were very relaxed and died peacefully. Tonight you were buried along side a cat.....after spending your almost 2 years as an overly indulged fearless kat pet and my little Tiger Rat. I'll miss your runs in the squeeky wheel, digging for "gold" in the cage, running the maze like you would relocate to another planet and sneaking downstairs in your run about ball. Run on little Tiger Rat..perhaps you'll find Sushine and met Sugar for the first time.......Love Sami, Shadow, Koko, Blue Angel and Katmom, Lorraine.

.............Tiger Rat KitKat............(11/2/2006)

A Christmas Pet for
five Himalyan Felines
and a rodent frightened human

Greeted with excitement, curiosity
and anticipation

Wheels to run, mazes to explore
food to munch and store

Escaped from the security of cage
with sunflower seed filled pouches

Trapped in the walls, scratches at dark
rescued through a hole in the wall

Fearful cats chased by the
Tiger in the exercise ball

Human attachment and tamed cuddling
came with ease unexpected

Almost two years of energetic life
not enough for living left

Goodbye our little tiger-rat, you were
loved, you're missed.


1-11-2011: Hi Tiger, remembering you the sweet little hamster friend to 5 felines and I.

11-1-16: Little Tiger, it's been 10 years since you went to the bridge....how time flies and seems like only yesterday. Last week I was telling a coworker about you chasing the cats in your ball! You were the best Tiger Hamster I could imagine!

Please also visit Blue Angel KitKat, Koko Macadamia KitKat, Sami Clovis KitKat, Shadow Baby KitKat, Sugar and Sunshine.

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