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Memories of Tessa
Tessa's Notes 10/1/14 9:30 AM

I didn't sleep in Mom & Dad's bed last night. I was too restless. We all slept in the living room! I was still a little restless & panting. Mom took me out to tinkle at 1:30 AM. I am so hungry and she is giving me bits of chicken for snacks now. YUM! Can't get enough of them........
I said goodbye to Dad when he left for work. He walked out the door and I watched him go around the driveway to his car until I couldn't see him anymore. Mommy held me up to the window.
She wants to take pictures of us. I sat down by Bella in the small bed which is unusual for me now. Mom wanted us to smile for a picture but we didn't feel like it. Bonnie wouldn't even look at the camera and Bella was asleep. But I looked.
There is a little over 4 hours to go now and I am resting peacefully, probably not for long.
Yesterday Mom took me to visit my friend, Michelle, who takes care of Bonnie & I when Mom goes on trips. Mom hasn't gone a trip for quite awhile. She's been caring for me. I said goodbye to Michelle, Gianni, Rumble, and all the other dogs who I have played with for years. Also her son & husband. They took care of me too.
I had a wonderful belly scratch from Mom last night while we watched TV. I think I'm going to get another one this morning. YAY! I wish I could sit on her lap for longer but I just can't get comfortable. I wonder what happened to my back & hind legs? At least I don't have to take those awful steroids anymore!

Mom washed my face and put ointment on my sore toes after the morning belly scratch. I could let her do that forever!
Bella, Bonnie, Mommy & I had a group hug in the car before we went on my last trip to the park. I really like riding in my stroller. We didn't see many dogs there but I guess it is just as well. Mom was upset she forgot her sunglasses. Her eyes are all wet.
What a surprise! Dad came home to drive us to the doctor's office. I get very nervous there.
I had a great life! I got to live with my sister/littermate, Bonnie all my life. I ate delicious food, had daily trips to the park and walks in the neighborhood. I had the finest veterinary care. I got to share Dad's banana with him as well as most of his other snacks. I had the best Mommy, who loved me to the moon and back, gave great belly rubs, and took such good care of me. OK, well I didn't like it when she cleaned the folds on my face or my ears.........
I'll see you at Rainbow Bridge some day!
With licks and wags,
Tessa True

11/1/14 One month ago today I let my sweet Tessa go. I miss you so much! You were a very brave girl with all you went through and I am so proud of you. Everyone at the park has told me how sorry they are and how much they liked you. Your sister, Bonnie grieved for quite awhile. I have given her extra TLC and I think she is coming around now. I keep telling her you are waiting at the bridge and we'll all be together someday. I keep picturing one of my favorite memories .....you would walk ahead of us at the park and the adorable way your little butt would sway side to side. I wish I could see that one more time. I love you to the moon and back, my sweet girl! Kiss Sydney and Abbie for me. Momma
2/18/15 Hi Lovey, Momma's little girl. Today is Sydney's birthday so be sure to give him a kiss. I miss you so much Tess and I am sorry I don't get here as often as I'd like. I think of you everyday. Your sweet face is the first thing I see every morning when I open my IPAD. Love you, Momma
2/28/15 Good morning sweetheart! We still have so much snow on the ground and I was thinking of how you would've been so unhappy and uncomfortable going in the backyard this winter. It seems we have had 3 bad ones in a row. I remember last winter was when you started to really have trouble and I got worried that your back problems were starting again. I am so sorry for all you went through. We all miss you so much but I think your sister and littermate, Bonnie most of all. She is not the same dog anymore. Hope you are nice and warm. We love you so much, Tess! Momma
5/12/15 Hi my darling Tess! I can't believe you have been gone from my life for over 7 months! We all miss you desperately. Everyone still asks for you at the park. We hadn't seen Teddy's dad in quite awhile and he was so surprised and sad that you are gone. Teddy is at Rainbow Bridge too. Momma loves you to the moon and back. Wait for me..........xoxoxo
5/26/15 Happy 9th birthday, my darling girl! We hope you are happy and comfortable at the Bridge. Of course today is Bonnie's birthday too and we will celebrate her 9th birthday, but missing you ever so much! We love you very much sweet Tessa. Momma, Dad ,Bonnie & Bella xoxoxox
6/1/15 Eight months ago today, I lost you from my life. Miss you so, my brave little girl. Rest in peace and wait for Momma. xoxoxox
10/01/15 What a sad day! One year ago my baby girl had to go home to The Bridge. We all miss you so much. RIP my sweetheart. I love you with all my heart. xoxoxo Momma
12/25/15 Merry Christmas dear sweet Tessa. We miss you beyond words. I will never forget your darling gait and precious face. Love you, Momma
5/26/16 Happy Birthday sweet Tessa! You would have been 10 years old today. I miss you beyond words and hope you are with Abbie, Sydney & Heidi today. Love you so much, Momma
9/29/16 In 2 days you will be gone 2 years! I can't believe it. In some ways it seems so long ago and in others it seems like yesterday. Tomorrow I leave for Disney World with Jill, Andrew, Charlotte & Rebecca. We will have fun but you will be in my heart and thoughts on Saturday as you are everyday. I love you sweet girl so very much! xoxoxoxo
12/26/16 Merry Christmas my sweet Tess! I love & miss you so much! Kiss Sydney & Abbie for me! Love you, Momma
3/17/17 I miss you so much, Tess. Today is Sydney's anniversary and I thought I'd stop by and say hello. Momma loves you!
4/11/17 Hi sweet Tessa! Momma is brokenhearted to tell you that your sister & littermate, Bonnie has crossed the Bridge. I hope you have been reunited already, but if not, look for her. I know you two will be so happy to be together again. When my heart heals a little, I will create a residency for my adorable Bonnie Blue.
5/26/17 Happy 11th Birthday, Tess! You are celebrating with sister Bonnie today. I miss you both so much. My heart aches. Rest in sweet peace, darling. Love you, Momma xoxox
10/1/17 My sweet love, 3 years since I kissed your darling face goodbye. It was much too soon and I miss you desperately. My comfort is that you and your sister, Bonnie are together forever. Take care of each other til Momma gets there. Love to Abbie & Sydney too! I love you all so much! xoxox Momma
12/19/17 Hi sweet Tessa, Christmas is coming and my pups are all together at Rainbow Bridge and I am alone....
I hope you like the way I decorated your site. Snuggle with Bonnie and wait for me. I love you and miss you so much! xoxoxox Momma
12/24/17 Merry Christmas, sweetheart! I visited Michelle yesterday and we enjoyed reminiscing about you girls. Laughed about the "interview" almost 10 years ago when I found her to care for you. I miss you & love you so much sweet Tessa. xoxoxo Momma
5/26/18 Happy Birthday dear sweet Tess. You would have been 12 today along with Bonnie your sister. I miss you both so much! Love you to the moon and back, darling! Momma xoxoxox
9/27/18 Hi Tess, I'm not sure I will be able to visit on Oct. 1st so I am stopping by now to say you are never far from my thoughts. I miss you so much. It was a very sad day that I had to let you go. I hope you are having fun at Rainbow Bridge with your sister Bonnie and all the other sweet pugs there. Momma loves you very much. xoxo
5/26/19 Happy Birthday, my darling Tess! I hope you are celebrating with you sister, Bonnie and my other pups. I still miss you beyond words sweet girl. Love you, Momma xoxox
10/1/19 Momma's smallest girl, I miss you so much. You and your sister were the light in my life. Rest in peace darling and wait for me! Love you, Momma xoxoxo
12/29/19 Momma is late wishing you Merry Christmas this year. I hope you were with Bon Bon and the others having fun. You were my little love and I miss you so much, Tess! xoxoxox
5/26/20 Happy Birthday dear sweet Tess! You will be celebrating with sister Bonnie and all my other pups today! A mostly "pug" party! I miss you all so much! Love you and miss you, Momma xoxoxox
10/1/20 Six years ago today I lost my Tess but you are in a place where you can run and play without pain. I love you and miss you so much Momma's girl. Kiss your sisters and brother for me. xoxox
12/24/20 Merry Christmas Tess! I miss you so much! Love you, Momma
5/26/21 Good morning, my love and Happy Birthday! 15 years ago you and your sister Bonnie came into the world and made my life so much happier. Love you and miss you beyond words! Momma
10/1/21 7 years. Seems like yesterday and feels like forever! I miss you darling girl, gone from my life too soon. Love you, Momma
5/28/22 Happy Birthday sweet Tess! Sorry I am a little late. Love you, Momma
10/1/22 The years go by in the blink of an eye! Miss you so much and love you more!! Till we meet again my lovey. xoxo Momma
5/21/23 Happy Birthday, my love!
10/1/23 I miss you more than I can say! I cherish the time we had together even though it wasn't long enough. I'll see you again someday. my sweet Tessa! Love you, Momma
12/23/23 Another Christmas without you! I miss you so much sweet Tess! Love you more than I can possibly say, Momma
5/26/24 Happy Birthday, dear sweet Tessa. Kiss your sister, Bonnie for me. Love you, Momma
10/1/24 Ten years! I miss you so much, my love. Heart aches. I wish I could hug and kiss you one more time. Wait for me, my darling! Your Momma
1/1/25 Miss you so much! Love, Momma

Please also visit Abbie, Bella, Bonnie and Sydney.

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