Enter the Guardian Area

Provide your Confirmation Number and Password to care for your Fur Baby's Residency.

Confirmation Number:

Keep me logged in
Warning: If you share your computer with others we do not suggest that you use this feature.


Have a question concerning the care of your Baby's Rainbow Residency? You will probably find the answer at the Frequently Asked Questions page.
Guardian Area Features

You can return as often as you like to care for and make changes to your Baby's residency.

You can create a Photo Album that will be at your Baby's residency page for visitors to see.

You can change your password any time you want once you enter your baby's guardian area.

Enter the guardian area to check your Baby's Residency Expiration Date or Renew your Residency.

If your email has changed, please be sure to correct it once you enter the guardian area. It is the only way we have to contact you.


Guardian Alert: Rainbow Bridge will never send you an email with an attachment to open. If you recieve an email from Rainbow Bridge it will only be from the address Friends@rainbowsbridge.com, never any other address. It will never have an attachment asking you to open it.

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