Alley's Rainbow Bridge Guest Book

(Return to Alley's Rainbow Bridge Residency)
From: Ariana
On: 5/3/24
Please accept my condolences for the loss of Alley.I hope time heals your pain.
On: 6/10/16
From: Debi Gordon
On: 7/3/15
Sweet Alley girl...hope Ur having a fun life with all our dearly departed fur babies who have left my pretty girl Keeper the ropes ok🌷. Hugs- Debi Gordon
From: Mommy
On: 6/10/15
Its been two years since you left us. We still miss you like it was yesterday. I'm sure you saw Zippo as he came across Rainbow Bridge 3 days ago. I'm sure you two are romping and frolicking around like you used to. Show him around and introduce him to all the furbabies up there so he doesnt get too lonely. We love you both Alley Girl.
On: 6/10/15
On: 6/10/14
From: Richard
On: 11/30/13
Gwen, as you can see I found Alley's page. What a beautiful kitty! Thank you so much for your kind words concerning my Roscoe and I prayed for you and Tigger, I sure hope that he is okay. God bless and thanks again.
From: Monica M.
On: 11/28/13
Alley, you are beautiful! Gwen, thank you so much for visiting Jake and signing his guestbook and for your kind words. I hope and pray everything is okay with Tigger today (I read your last note). May God Bless You.
From: Diane
On: 11/27/13
Hello Gwen & Claude, I am so sorry for the lost of your beautiful Alley. King Solomon wrote in Ecclesiastes: "To everything there is a season and a time to every purpose under heaven…a time to weep and a time to laugh; a time to mourn and a time to dance…" The Zohar, the classic work of Kabbalah, describes the inner psyche of man as "crying being on one side of the heart and laughing on the other side of the heart." Yet, there is an even deeper understanding, we will learn to be joyous and broken hearted at the same time. Our fur babies where so beautiful and a gift of true joy & love, how can we not be happy when we reflect on their memory and begin to celebrate their life. One day we will be together again with our beautiful companions; I lost my Zander & Zianna & have attached their link if you care to visit. With Love & Sympathy Diane.
From: Karen
On: 11/20/13
"God gave us our memories so that we might have Roses in December." a quote by J.M. Barrie. May the memories of your blessed furangel, the ones that can't help but bring a smile to your face and a chuckle to your heart as you remember how your baby’s paw prints touched your life, be the ones that surround you this Holiday Season. My prayer for all of us this Christmas season, is that each of our babies wrap up a special little sign for each one of us back here, and send it to us during this blessed season. May you catch a glimpse of your special sign, just when your heart needs it the most....And may each love-filled memory you have of your beloved Alley bring to your heart the very warmth and sunshine of the Rainbow itself. That's just one "gift" your baby-angel would want for you this year...Best wishes for you and your family this Holiday Season, Karen (Dusty, DJ, Patches, and Momma’s mom)
From: Alicia
On: 9/16/13
Dear Alley, What an adorable ball of black and white fluff you are! Your mama wrote a very nice message in my Robin Adrian's guestbook and I wanted to return her kindness. You sound like you were a very loving, lively presence in your families lives. And it is clear they miss you very much. Please if you see my Robin Adrian play with him? When he felt well playing was one of his most favorite things to do. Be good, beautiful kitty. Send your mom signs of love and comfort whenever you can, okay? Love, Alicia/Robin Adrian Bear's Mom
From: dEQp6aDIm
On: 9/14/13
Yes! I placed my order right now! Looking fwrraod to some good felt :D in wonderful colours (here in norway you only get boring plain colours...)Thank you!
From: Aniya Valentino
On: 9/7/13
Dear Gwen and Family, I am so very sorry for your loss of your adorable furbaby Ally, what a beautiful little girl she was and from what I read what a funny character she was , so cute , and keep those memories for ever warm in your hearts , she surely will be close by , looking after you all from the rainbowbridge , and swooping across your path ever so often with her little furry wings =) One day you all will be reunited , that is the one thing I cling on to so very much too <3 Much Love , Aniya, Lilly-Bienchen's Mommy
From: Pressy
On: 8/9/13
Hey there, Alley Girl. I stopped by to say sending your family to rescue and adopt that little kitty Tak was really grand and so very thoughtful of you...I brought you flowers as a gift to show you how proud I am to be your kitty friend. Giving your sad family a new furbaby to shelter and love is a wonderful gift of your love for them. I know you are watching over the new little one and are teaching him the special ways to love your family just as you are truly a wonderful and loving guardian furangel for your family. I know how much they love and miss you...your Mommy tells my old Grandpa about what a special kitty you are to your family. Will go now and let you get back to watching over your family and the new kitty...I just wanted to tell you what a special kitty furangel I think you are, Alley!
From: Pressy
On: 8/9/13
Hey there, Alley Girl. I stopped by to say sending your family to rescue and adopt that little kitty Tak was really grand and so very thoughtful of you...I brought you flowers as a gift to show you how proud I am to be your kitty friend. Giving your sad family a new furbaby to shelter and love is a wonderful gift of your love for them. I know you are watching over the new little one and are teaching him the special ways to love your family just as you are truly a wonderful and loving guardian furangel for your family. I know how much they love and miss you...your Mommy tells my old Grandpa about what a special kitty you are to your family. Will go now and let you get back to watching over your family and the new kitty...I just wanted to tell you what a special kitty furangel I think you are, Alley!
From: Barb (Mattie's mom)
On: 8/9/13
Alley your momma sent me very kind words in this really hard time. It is so obvious that your momma misses you. You are such a pretty girl. I hope you have met my Mattie and Jasper. They have red hair and they love kitty cats. They have three at home that miss them. Hope you have fun playing together and taking naps in sunbeams.
From: Jeanette DePalo
On: 7/15/13
Hi Alley, You sure are a beauty. Your mommy told me that you'll be showing my boy, Buster, the way around there and becoming your friend. He loves cats, he grew up with 5 of them so you 2 should get along just great. Have fun romping and playing and being happy & in good health. Love, Jeanette
From: theresa anders
On: 7/12/13
sorry about your loss you are not alone i have been through this too. such a cute cat enclosing a gift.
From: Michele
On: 7/12/13
What a beautiful kitty! My Seamus was a tuxedo cat too. I miss her horribly. I hope our kids are friends now at Rainbow bridge.
From: Kathy (Oreo/Ralph/Eva)
On: 7/4/13
Gwen/Claude..Alley is a beautiful girl.It is never easy to lose a furry young or old and I have lost both.For whatever reason they are always taken from us too soon while leaving their forever pawprints within us.Alley is now healthy and playing with Oreo,Ralph and Eva while waiting to join us on the Bridge.I can send you my babies sites if you wish top visit..take care..

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