Welcome to Rainbow Bridge Pet Loss Grief Center. We at
Rainbow Bridge take the death of a pet very seriously. You are not alone with
your grief. You will share a bond with those who have also lost a loved
Though we can not bring back our loved ones, we do have comfort in knowing they are waiting
for us to join them once again at Rainbow Bridge.
Pet Loss Forum
The Pet Loss Forum is here for you to discuss the
devastation of your loss and the eventual understanding
of how your beloved Baby affected your life.
Enter the Pet Loss Forum.
Pet Loss Chat
The Pet Loss Chat Room allows a more personal contact with
others who have felt the loss of a precious friend. The room
is open 24 hours a day and between
8-12 pm EST
has caring volunteers waiting to help.
Enter the Pet Loss Chat Room.
Grieving the loss of a pet - Tips on how to cope
Your looking for answers and feel lost.
Click Here for help.
When Empty Nesters Experience the Passing of a Beloved Pet
Your baby just passed and you are once agin alone in the house
Click Here
for caring answers.
Coping Suggestions for Someone Who is Grieving.
Your Fur Baby has left your life and changed it. However much
you may wish otherwise, you will never be the same.
Click Here for help.
Frequently Asked Questions about the grief we must journey through.
How long does grief last? Is it normal to feel like you're going crazy?
and other questions you may have during this time.
Click Here
for caring answers.
Memorialize your Furbaby
For thoughts on ways to Memorialize your baby
click here
Pet Loss Hotlines
For a list of Pet Loss Hotlines,
click here
Making The Decision
Your decision to have your pet euthanatized is a serious one
and seldom easy to make.
Click here
for some insightful thoughts.
Helping children cope with the loss of a pet.
For guidelines on helping a child through the loss of a pet,
click here
Providing Pet Loss Grief Support
to providing Pet Loss Grief Support to others.
Do Pets Grieve?
For thoughts on the subject,
click here
Will we see our pets again? Do animals have a soul? A spirit?
Click here
for some respected thoughts on the subject.
Adopting A New Pet
How soon should you adopt another pet?
Click here
for an informative article.
Grieving During The Holidays
Having to suffer a loss during the holidays is compounded by the
usual emotions of the season.
Here you will find
suggestions to help you.
Signs you are Ready to Adopt a new Pet
Are you ready for the responsibility?
Click here
to make sure.
Tips for Parents Helping a Child Cope with a Pets Passing
Children need tender care and love understanding the loss of a beloved pet.
Click here for some helpful tips.
Visit our other chat rooms
Pets with Cancer Chat
Your Pet's Health
Monday Night Candle Ceremony

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