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Rainbow Bridge thanks those that have presented us with an award. We are honored to have received awards from the following Web Sites.

Cozy Home

Created by Judy Schulte in memory of her beloved Winnie. Please vist Winnie's Rainbow Residency.
Philadelphia Magazine
Voted one of the "Ten Best" pet sites on the Web in their February 2000 issue.

Heart Songs for Animal Lovers
Hester Mundis, the author of the book Heart Songs for Animal Lovers, has included some of the stories contributed at Rainbows Bridge, including my poem, "Fifi, $10.00 One Domestic Cat". Heart Songs is a heartfelt collection of tributes to Fur Babies from animal lovers everywhere. I would like to offer my sincere thank you to Ms. Mundis. -Ginny

Poughkeepsie Journal
Our local newspaper, The Poughkeepsie Journal, published an article on about Rainbows Bridge. We would like to thank Ross Pollock, the reporter, for all he did in capturing what Rainbows Bridge is about.

In Memory Of BO
Many thanks for creating a "special" place for all of our angels where their legacy and spirit can live on

.~ Nancy

In Honor
Rainbows Bridge is an excellent example of a site that promotes love, support, and the welfare and well-being pets everywhere!

~ LaMala's Critter Haven

Rainbows Bridge is an excellent example of a site with great content, a wonderful layout, and an message full of purpose! 
~LaMala's Critter Haven
Critters Haven
With much appreciation!
~LaMala's Critter Haven

Dedication Thank you Rainbows Bridge!

The Tommy T Award
"This award is " The Tommy T Award For Best Website".

Bulldogs World Thank you Bulldogs World!

Newfoundland and Rottweiller Search and Rescu
Please accept this award from the Newfoundland and Rottweiller Search and Rescue for your well put together site. From a humanitarian site to one that cares deeply for pets and a good cause. 

- Christine 

Sabba Award for Excellence
Your page is wonderful. I would love for you to accept our "Sabba Award" for providing a site where pet lovers can go to immoralize their pet and well as express their grief.Your site has been a long time coming. Kudos. 

- Carol

Goldenray Great Site Award
What great webpages you have about the Rainbows Bridge. Love the wealth of information you have provided for people to use. 

-Cher Hildebrand

Your The Best Award
"Thank you for visiting our Pet Lovers' Connectionsand giving me the opportunity to visit your site. I was very impressed by all the hard work you have put into creating a wonderful home dedicated to those that have gone forward awaiting us on the Rainbow Bridge. Truly a wonderful site for pet lovers to visit and remember." 


Heavenly Cat Award
"Rainbow Bridge is a beautiful inspiring place for anyone who has ever loved and lost a cat (or any other dear pet.) You have been added to the roll of honor at , Concatulations!" 

-peaceful purrs, 
CatAnna Monday the meditative cat

kiki's paw of excellence award
"Great Site!!! Much worthy of a Paw Award!!! Please accept "Kiki's Paw" for all your hard work, it is well deserved. Thanks for visiting!" 

-Kiki Kevin

Kelly Knows Excellence Award
"I'd like to let you know that I have visited your site and would like to inform you that I am pleased to grant you the Kelly Knows Excellence Homepage Award

Purrfect Cat Award
"So early in the morning to be crying over a puddin I never knew...It sounds like you had a very special relationship with her - I would be so pleased if you would accept my award - Thank you for directing me to this wonderful tear inspiring site."
- Jer.

Matschca Award for Web Page Excellence I am pleased to present you with the "Matschca" award....Congratulations on a beautiful and touching page :) and I think we all own a "Fifi".....mine is named "matschca" :) 


Loving Memory Award for FIFI I am pleased to attach my Loving Memory Award for FiFi. 

Jen's Kat Korral Hello-- 

I am happy to say that we have decided to award your site with our akatamyaward!! I think your site is absolutely great for people who have lost their sweet pets. My sister just lost her kitty and I have told her about your site, very nice job!! 

-Jen Mike

In Memory of Pets You have a Really beautiful Web site. I love it!! Really like the gates. I would like to give you "In Memory Of ", Tribute to Pets "Award". Also, I'd like to add you to the "Pet Loss Site" area. 
I'll add your Great site to

Diabella My god! I have never read anything as touching as that memorial to Fifi. Just a few paragrahps but they speak volumes. I am done in for the night after reading that. I have not yet seen the rest of your site and will do that during the week. But for Ffif's memorial page alone you more than deserve this award! I am just speechless. I look forward to your visit to my diabellas site. 


Rainbow Bridge was inspired by and is dedicated to FiFi

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Rainbow Bridge.Com
P.O. Box 53
Cape Canaveral, FL 32920

Ginny Brancato - Founder


The Rainbow Bridge Poem

The Rainbow Bridge Pet Loss Pin and Poem set

All images on the Web Site are the copyright of Rainbow Use of any images from the Rainbow Bridge Web Site is not granted except by written permission.
All Rights Reserved 1997-Present © Rainbow