Axel's Rainbow Bridge Guest Book

(Return to Axel's Rainbow Bridge Residency)
From: Ariana
On: 4/24/24
Please accept my condolence for the loss of Axel.I hope time heals your seems like you have lovely memories.
From: Max,Robbie,Whitey,Tessa
On: 11/1/19
Three candles burn on Monday night://Symbolic of the sacred Light//Shining all around us.//Three special Dogs and Pigeons wait Eagerly at Heaven`s Gate//Joyful that they`ve found us.//It seems good things often come in threes: The Holy Trinity: Greyhounds: Pigeons & flameless candles. Interesting that it is Axel`s third Anniversary! May you feel the comforting love of your beloved Fur Children surrounding you: knowing they watch over you - Axel, Lily & Jayden (+ three crazy Feather Children!)//This is the third attempt at signing Axel`s Guest Book! XXXXXX from LP to DR
From: Max,Robbie,Whitey,Tessa
On: 11/1/19
Hi Lori, This is Max writing for Tessa who is in the process of signing your Guest Book. Pigs might fly - before Christmas, we hope!
From: Wendy
On: 4/7/19
Hi my buddy Axel, Your mommy called me today but I couldn't answer the phone as you know today is the 7th. I went to visit Bee and I just lost it. It's so hard for me and your mommy to go day after day without you in our lives. We miss you and love you so much. Keep watching over your mommy and give a cuddle to my Bee. xoxo
From: Tessa,Max,Robbie,Whitey
On: 1/13/19
Lori & Axel, We hope you get this as the first message we sent did not appear to go through. Just to let you know we are thinking of both of you on Axel`s special day: a wonderful friend and protector - destined to be yours, Lori, for all time and Eternity - where he awaits you, well and strong again - as you both will be - in Heaven. Please do not `gulp` the cake. Enjoy slowly. We all send our love...T,M,R,W + Cs.....XXXXXX
From: Tessa,Max,Robbie,Whitey
On: 1/9/19
Axel & Lori, I am always deeply moved whenever I read the stories of how you, Lily & Jayden all came to know each other: how you all formed eternal bonds with Lori - in the same way as we 3 Birds formed our unbreakable bonds with Tessa. This time of the year has been painful for all of us - but the Day is coming where our tears will be washed away and we shall all be together - pain and grief free - for Eternity. Our next date is your birthday, Axel, on 13th of this month. It will be a time of thanksgiving for your wonderful life with Lori - of sweet memories and the knowledge that you are near to her - though you are in Heaven. Tessa, Robbie & Whitey join me in assuring you that we are near you in spirit - always...Max XXXX .
From: Tessa,Max,Robbie&Whitey
On: 10/24/18
Axel & Lori, What a beautiful tribute you have written - which moved me greatly now that more of Axel`s story - and that of his two companions - has been told. God gives us special families - particularly when we have no loving earthly family we can call our own. Be sure they are all still with you - loving you - watching over you as you remember Axel`s Heavenly `bird-day`: when he left behind his broken body - and his loving spirit - though he is in Heaven - waiting! The love you all share will always be `A bright flame burning - An Eternal song`. Be encouraged as you foster the needy greyhounds The Lord sends you from Axel - who has inspired in you a Gift of Love for God`s beautiful greyhounds, cats and birds - who so need you. Your London Pigeon needs you too and sends a `coo` to you and Axel on this special day when the tears of sorrow you may now shed will one day be turned to tears of joy - when you are all together again in that Land of Love and Light - beyond the River...x
From: Wendy
On: 9/16/18
Axel, Just popped in for a visit. Hope you, Bee and all your friends are eating lots of vanilla ice cream today. It's Bee's birthday today and we always had vanilla ice cream on her birthdays. I will be having some tonight surrounded by lots of candles. I hope you all see the light I shine for you. Stay close to each other, watch over us and wait for us at the edge of the bridge. We love you and miss so much. xoxo
From: Wendy
On: 8/26/18
Hello Beautiful Man, Just wanted to pop in and look at your picture. Thinking of you so strong, watching over and protecting my Bee gives me comfort. I have been pouring myself in working these past several months. It has become hard to be at home but I don't want to be far and gone for too long because this is Bee's home. Strange feelings, mixed emotions. I don't know how long this "therapy" will last but it seems to be what I need for now? Already thinking about the holidays and I think I will be sending everyone on a trip again this year. I just want to be left alone with my little "shrine" area I set up for all of you, just like last year. I thought I could do the holidays this year but I can't. Maybe that will change but I know I will always carry a heavy heart until we are all together again. Keep watching over your mommy. Big hugs!
From: Wendy Lee Taylor
On: 4/28/18
Hi Axel, I just read your story of your life with your mommy. I am glad she found the strength to update your memorial and put up your story. I know it was really hard for her but for some reason I feel you are complete and whole again. I hope she has those feels now too. Thank you for putting all those foster babies in her lap. Although she still misses you so much every day, she really needs the comfort and love from those fosters. You keep giving her that purpose Axel. Let her know this is your way of watching over her. Send her a sign that this is her new path for now. We love you handsome boy.
From: Wendy Lee Taylor
On: 4/14/18
Hey Axel, Just wanted to pop in and visit you, look at your beautiful picture. I just left Bee's site. I updated to spring and changed the shrub. I have been thinking about your mommy for several weeks now. Try and find an opening in the clouds to send her a sign or a message from you she feels in her heart. We miss you both so much. You and Bee stay close to each other and wait for us at the bridge. XOXO. I am leaving you lilacs. I put them up at Bee's site. I love the smell of them. I hope you are smelling the beautiful lilacs there at the bridge.
From: Wendy Taylor
On: 3/1/18
Hey Axel, I missed your mommy's call last week. I am waiting for the day to pass so that I can try and reach out to her. She really needs a sign from you. She is missing you still so very much. Try and send her a sign just to let her know you are watching over her. Tell her to close her eyes and see you running like the wind in those beautiful meadows. We love you sweet baby. Miss you so much. Give Bee a kiss for me.
From: Wendy Taylor
On: 1/21/18
Hey Axel, Just left Bee's site and thought I would check in on you. Your mommy has your toys back. I am glad she found the strength to put things back after being wiped out. It was a big shock to me when I saw your memorial, I could not even imagine how heartbreaking it was for your mommy. We love you and miss you still so much. I hope you see the light from the candle I like for you and hear me talking to you. Life is just so hard and very different since you and Bee had to go. Nothing will ever be the same. Not sure if they are suppose to or that I would even want them to. The day will come big boy when I will meet you and Bee and the others at the bridge and life will be complete again.
From: Tessa+Max, Robbie & Whitey
On: 1/12/18
Axel, A whole gang of pigeons is here to remember your birthday into this life: of a loving relationship with your beloved Parent, Lorraine. You came into her life to take care of her - and we know that you still watch over her - sitting in the front passenger seat with her as she drives around Phoenix in her car on errands of mercy for other greyhounds. Your family of cats, indoor and outdoor, send birthday greetings - and best wishes to Pirate who is with you now. The London Pigeon says she is looking forward to meeting you when it is her turn to enter Heaven - where you have met up with us, Max, Robbie and Whitey, on Axel`s Line. Please don`t eat too much cake in one go or you`ll be sick - and leave some for us. Lorraine joins with all of us in remembering you and the wonderful life she had with you - as we all celebrate your special day together. LP,M,R,W xxx
From: !,Robbie,Whitey,Max.
On: 12/31/17
Hi Jaden, We are sending this message via Axel because it was your special day on 29th. I (Max) am typing, Robbie correcting the many spelling errors and Whitey is inspiring this note: to let you know that we, at least, were thinking of you. So was Tessa - but she was busy with her BX work - or so she says! We 3 pigeons, Axel and Lily, know how much you love your beautiful red girl even after 9 years: for Love endures forever! Tessa also sends greetings in her human way and as the London Pigeon. Jaden was spared the fate of a slow, drawn out passing and she knows how Lori feels about not being able to say goodbye. But she says, `Just think of the wonderful re-union when we all meet in Heaven - to be forever with the Lord!``Sorrow will be turned to joy - heartache gone forever. No more night - only Light - when we see His Face`. Meanwhile, you should carry on fostering greyhounds and preparing these beautiful doggies for their forever homes - knowing that you will meet again in Heaven.
From: Wendy Taylor
On: 12/23/17
Hi Axel, Wanted to leave you and your little circle of fur babies a Christmas tree. I am setting up a little Christmas memorial on my coffee table this weekend. I will have a candle for you, Bee, Biff, Bob Barker and a few others as I know you guys have other friends. Please see the light from the candles. This is a message from all the mommy's that miss their babies so much and wish we could all be together. Stay close to each other, keep watching over us until our time is to meet at the bridge. I can't wait til I hold all you guys and yes, I will lay on the ground and let you all just tackle me with your wet kisses. Thinking of that day just makes the days here without you babies so much easier for me.
From: Wendy Taylor
On: 11/13/17
Axel, You dear sweet boy. Thank you for giving me my very first sign that you are with Bee and you have her now. I know now, you and Bee knew that we miss you so much, that we are struggling and needed a sign. Thank you again Axel. Your mommy told me you were different, you were special and you are. I hope you can feel my tight hug around you and Bee. Stay close to each other. Your mommy and me love you both so much.
From: Wendy Taylor
On: 10/24/17
To Axel, What a beautiful picture of you. Your mommy must have been so proud of you when she walked you around. Have fun running as fast as you can through all the beautiful meadows at the bridge. If you happen so see my Baby Bee. Let her know that her mommy misses her very much. Thanks Axel
From: Tessa + All on Axel`s Line
On: 10/22/17
Lorraine, We will all be thinking of you and Axel on 24th as we remember the day his physical body left your side so that he could have a new one in Heaven with his beloved Lily who was waiting at the Bridge for him. Yes, we all know he is watching over his loving owner - his parent - for ever - as he did on Earth. Even as the Lord is always with you (though you may not see Him) so is your sweet Axel - because he - like you - is in Jesus. Time spent on this Earth passes so quickly compared with the Eternity you and Axel will spend together. The Lord has set him here as your guardian and comforter - and your protector. May peace and healing be yours as you and your best friend share time together with Axel in the park where you walked together. There will be many more wonderful walks you will be able to take together in the beautiful open spaces of Heaven - where he, Lily and Jaden all wait to greet you who cared for them all so deply - and Pirate who recently left for Heaven...Tessa X
From: Krystel Williams
On: 6/6/17
Rest In Peace Axel - Forever Loved.

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