Bella's Rainbow Bridge Guest Book

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From: David
On: 7/7/24
Dear Bella, I’ve been thinking about you and your mom a lot this weekend since it’s your 3rd angelversary. I wish I could have met you. Your mom misses you more than anything in this life and she always will. Your mom has a very wise. Your mom taught me so much about navigating through my greif and especially, for telling me, when my world was collapsing around me after losing my boy that my feelings are valid and I can get through this when I was hopeless. 🥲 Im so grateful for your mom and have to think that you played a role with us meeting here. Your mom has helped so many of us here, even when she is hurting, thank you for giving her the strength to help us. Fly high Bella on your 3rd angelversary. We all love you.🌈 🐱🐇❤️
From: Mai
On: 2/28/24
Hi Giselle I have read your memorial to your beautiful Bella and it is a wonderful tribute to her and you were a fantastic Mum to her and my eyes have welled up with tears for your love. I have only just lost my beloved little boy, Casper, only a month ago and I feel exactly how you feel, day by day, it is agony to think I will not see him again, at least in this life, nor feel his fur and he also loved belly rubs and was so caring, compassionate, kind and loving. His little sister, Flossy, is just sleeping each day now as she has nobody to wrap their paws around her like Casper did. You have made a wonderful loving Memorial for your sweetheart, Bella, and she truly was a darling sweetheart for you and I hope you know how wonderful you are as a person, for giving her the life and love and happiness she got and she knows she was loved deeply and dearly and that she loved you the same. It is beyond grief I have ever known for anyone but thank you for sharing. best Wishes, Mai
From: Jim
On: 4/15/23
First....after reading such a beautiful love story, took 10 minutes to clear my eyes. When that one soul catches your heart, it just can't ever end. Thank You for understanding. Blessing to Bella and your family. Jim and the girls
From: Niamh
On: 4/3/23
I haven't come to Rainbow Bridge for over 6 months - your messages were very helpful when my cat of nearly 20 Essie passed away. I came searching for your memorial tribute to Bella as she was such a wonderful cat. My 1 year anniversary for Essie was in mid March and I have been thinking about the other people's messages I read and their own loss of their beloved pets and how supportive people are. Thinking of Bella and hope you are well - Bella is never forgotten
From: Lorraine
On: 2/25/23
May God comfort you,I can see that Bella was a very special and beautiful cat I have gotten to know alot about the very special relationship that you both had together by reading your beautiful words that you have written about your baby. Stay encouraged and know that Bella is there at Rainbow Bridge waiting for your time that you will come to get her so be happy and think of the good times that you both had together. I know it's very difficult losing our pets cuz they have a very special place in our heart that only they Can fill. Cherish the moments that you both had together and that God blessed you to be the one that took care of Bella for Him.
From: Heather
On: 1/26/23
Giselle- what a sweet, sweet tribute to Bella. I can see why you miss her so. She was so blessed to have had you as her human!
From: Nicole
On: 1/3/23
Giselle, What a beautiful tribute to a beautiful girl. Bella is breathtaking. You gave each other a beautiful life and these memories will guarantee that the life you had together, truly lives forever. Love, Nicole
From: David
On: 11/11/22
Such a beautiful tribute to Bella. The love you show there is incredible. Made me cry but what else is new lol. Thank you.
From: Sherrie
On: 7/18/22
Beautiful Bella, you inspired so much love and beauty in the world...I wish I could've met you. What a lovely kitty you are!
From: Alison
On: 7/7/22
Hello Bella. Its now the start of a 2nd year since you had to leave. I talk to your Mum all the time & she loves & misses you so very much. I have heard lots about you & the wonderful life you shared with your Mum. It's hard for her being here without you - but she knows that you are waiting for her & that one day you will be back together again. So be good & be patient & keep sending her some signs & your love. Time will pass quickly but until then, your Mum will continue to talk to you & miss you. I hope you have lots of friends there & that you met my Lilly-dog and became her friend too.xx To Giselle: You have become my friend & a help to so many other people with your caring words. We all know the pain of grief & having a kind friend to listen to you is priceless. Keep strong & keep on with your baby-steps forward. You are needed here on Earth for a while longer yet, with your family and friends who love you. Keep Bella in your heart always where she belongs. Big hug. xxx
From: Sheri
On: 4/25/22
Giselle, the memories of your life with Bella have brought me to tears. Your recollections are so vivid and vibrant; your descriptions of your time together in the garden are especially beautiful. I am so grateful for your support of me and others in the Forum, while continuing your own healing journey through these writings. The page you’ve created is such an amazing tribute to Bella. Your love for each other never ends.
From: Melanie
On: 4/21/22
Giselle, I have read every word of this beautiful memorial to your beloved Bella. You have created something so wonderful in her memory. The memories you shared with Bella are so precious. You were both lucky to have had each other in your lives. With love, Melanie
From: Jocelyn
On: 3/31/22
Giselle, What a beautiful story about your life with Bella. What a very special bond the two of you had. Bella-what a beautiful and unique looking girl you are. I do hope you've met Lily and you've ran and played in lovely green fields together. Love, Jocelyn
From: Sef
On: 3/21/22
You have created such a very special, sacred space for your lovely Bella here. The love resounds in every word you have written. May all of your many memories of her bring you peace, hope, and continued healing. Hugs to you, Sef
From: Elizabeth
On: 3/19/22
Oh Giselle. What you wrote and described almost made me cry. You both were so loved by the other. My favorite picture is when you both are laying out in the garden. Your poems and everything you wrote was so beautiful and heartfelt. Bella was very blessed to have you as her mum. She couldn't have done better. I am so sorry for your loss. She was such a beautiful, special fur baby. Continue to take care of yourself and I think that Bella is closer than you think. Lots of hugs and love.
From: CK
On: 3/12/22
Dear Giselle, You have written such a beautiful story of a wonderful kitty who found her perfect forever home! It’s so easy to see how very loved she was by you and your family but I know that you and Bella shared such an amazing bond. My deepest sympathy on your huge loss! May all of the wonderful memories of your sweet girl bring comfort to your kind heart. Hugs! ❤️
From: Linda Engberg
On: 3/7/22
What a beautiful story of your life with precious Bella. May God Comfort you through your grief journey. Hugs.
From: Sef
On: 3/2/22
Bella was truly a very special soul whose light continues to brightly shine. May that warm glow light your path and give you warmth on this journey. Hugs, Sef
From: Irene
On: 2/26/22
I am so sorry for your loss. RIP precious one 💔
From: Debbie, Ginger's mom
On: 2/21/22
I'm sorry for your loss.

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