Chache's Rainbow Bridge Guest Book

(Return to Chache's Rainbow Bridge Residency)
From: Phil
On: 3/23/25
Hope everything is ok buddy, sun is up grass is gettijg green hope your relaxing under the light you loved that buddy miss you always
From: Phil
On: 2/24/25
Sorry bud happy birthday miss you there you go hope you can play tig of war with a friend miss you roon
From: Phil
On: 2/24/25
Hey bud hope your doing ok, i have alot of memories and pictures and video's from this time of the year when we had all the problem's you were there for me and mom, i remember everything was shut down and we would walk and it was so quite at nite no car's and then during the day more people were out because they were home from work so you got to see many friend's like when i would take you to the dog park, i miss you buddy, i am glad i took so many video's and picture's during this time we had many pic's i would be outside and you would sit ij the grass, you were so inportant to me and helped through such a scary time more than you ever know chache i hooe you are ok roon miss you buddy
From: Phil
On: 1/23/25
Miss you always buddy hope you know that, hope your doing ok roon, miss you buddy
From: Phil
On: 12/23/24
Hey buddy hope your doing good, miss you its xmas miss getting your toys i use to have to get them special ordered for you, you loved those chews so much miss you buddy merry xmas roon
From: Phil
On: 11/22/24
Hey bud hope all is well, its been 3 years now since you crossed rainbow bridge i miss you so much hope you know that, ive done a few more things ive went out some more i still have more goals, i watch are video of you trying to get your toy every so often, you still have a big effect here you have helped dogs find homes you are at the shelter as a hero, you have sponsored dogs to go to homes from the shelter all in your name bud i hope that makes you happy, ok bud well enjoy your day i hope you are okay an i miss you roon
From: Phil
On: 10/25/24
Hey bud hope you saw the memorial, i have been trying to do some stuff like going to the store it has gone okay, im trying i hope everything is ok bud i foubd a video of you the other day where i you were trying to get your toy i could hear you, i miss you
From: Phil
On: 9/25/24
Hey bud hope you are doing ok... This weekend your name will be going on a big memorial outside of the voorhees animal shelter for being a sponsor for dogs to go to happy homes, i hope that is ok i miss you buddy i hope your ok
From: Phil
On: 8/22/24
Hey bud hope all is well, its cooled off a bit there has been a nice breeze, football starting soon hope your ok, i miss you alot bud i hope your ok when i do my walk i always visit your favorite spots miss you buddy
From: Phil
On: 7/22/24
Miss you buddy, hope everything is ok buddy its been warm you would be splashing the water all over after i took you for your walk buddy, hope your ok chache roon miss you
From: Phil
On: 6/23/24
Hey bud hope your ok buddy…. I think abour you alot, just so you know i am keeping my promises and have done a few i still have many more but i will achieve them buddy, i hope you have been watching i miss yo soo much
From: Phil
On: 5/24/24
Hey bud hope everything is going ok, saw some videos today that reminded me of you bud miss you so much
From: Phil
On: 4/22/24
Hey bud, hope your doiing ok i miss you so much
From: Phil
On: 3/23/24
Hey bud hope your ok think about you often hope you feel ok buddy miss you
From: Phil
On: 2/24/24
Miss you everyday chache hope your ok
From: Phil
On: 2/12/24
Happy birthday chache boy miss you
From: Phil
On: 1/22/24
Happy new year chache boy miss you as always hope your having running and peeing in the snow, you loved the snow you were such a good boy roon i remember you would hold your poop in as not to go inside i would feel bad, because you always needed your fresh no snow spot to go in, your were and amazing friend im so sorry i couldnt take you out as much i hope all the trips we took to parks and stuff before my anxiety got worse made up for it somewhat, ive been going out a little more lately i miss you bud
From: Phil
On: 12/23/23
Hey buddy hope your ok have accomplished alot of things i have promised still some more to go but im trying i miss you buddy i hope your ok merry xmas buddy
From: Phil
On: 12/17/23
Chache can you help me my friend is not doing good please please pray for them, i love you buddy please if you can i miss you my friend
From: Phil
On: 11/22/23
Well bud its been 2 year’s now time flies i miss you so much i hope your doing ok, run those fields chache boy run buddy run i hope you see the ducks and have fun i hooe you found your chews remember i always got them for you than i could never find them you loved them so much… Im fighting and trying chache i was at the mall i was at the bank i past by the dog park we spent many days at where i always had a water bottle for you and would make a mess trying to pour it for you., i still have your carrots and bone i hope you enjoy them miss you buddy i miss you roon i hope your ok

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