China's Rainbow Bridge Guest Book

(Return to China's Rainbow Bridge Residency)
From: Tom - Dad
On: 11/5/24
Happy Birthday Little Girl! I hope you've been having fun with your extended fur baby family but I know you miss me as I miss you! I miss our evening walks but we will have them again one day. I'll be waiting to greet you when it's time for me to cross Rainbows Bridge! Love you sweet girl! Dad
From: Tom - Dad
On: 11/5/24
Happy Birthday Little Girl! I hope you've been having fun with your extended fur baby family but I know you miss me as I miss you! I miss our evening walks but we will have them again one day. I'll be waiting to greet you when it's time for me to cross Rainbows Bridge! Love you sweet girl! Dad
From: Mom - Joey
On: 11/5/24
Happy "22nd" Birthday Miss China! "To the girl who taught me the true meaning of unconditional love, happy birthday!" You made every day brighter and every moment sweeter. I miss you so very much but I know that you are happy at Rainbow Bridge celebrating with the entire furry family. One day we will be reunited and will celebrate every day and special moment that comes our way. I love you my special girl and you are always in my heart. Mom - Joey
From: Tom -Dad
On: 10/8/24
My sweet baby girl....another year has passed and still you remain in my heart daily! I know you are free of pain and are having fun with your siblings but I still have a hole in my heart where you should be. Know that I love you and one-day we will be reunited again! ❤️
From: Mom - Joey
On: 10/7/24
My Sweet Girl, my heart still aches as if it was yesterday when you left and crossed Rainbow Bridge. You will always continue to be a part of my life, my heart and my love. I miss you so much. You patiently wait for me to cross the bridge to be with you and one day we will enjoy a happy reunion with you and all of our loving furbabies. You are at peace and without pain. That's a beautiful blessing. I love you Chinagirl and always will! Mom
From: Mom - Joey
On: 10/7/23
My Sweet Little Girl, as I get older, these anniversaries of losing you come too quickly and are reminders how much I love you and continue to miss you. These years without you seem like a lifetime. My joy and happiness are that you are without pain and are surrounded by love at Rainbow Bridge. I am sure you know of the illness and pain I have been dealing with for the last two years and one day I will be blessed without it too. Until the day comes when we meet again, remember that I love you with all that I am and I miss you dearly. Rest peacefully dear China! Love ~ Mom Joey
From: Mom - Joey
On: 11/5/22
WOW, today you are “20” years old today. Regardless of what age you are, you will always be my sweet little girl. There’s no doubt about how quickly you stole my heart when we found each other. Today I celebrate you in a very special way and continue to love and cherish you and the times we shared. Since this is a very special day, I hope that the furbabies family is paying special attention to you and making your day as playful, happy and wonderful as you are. You were an amazing friend and you are missed each and every day. Until we see each other again at Rainbow Bridge have a truly beautiful birthday and know that you are always a part of my heart and I love you dearly. Happy 20th Birthday China! Love ~ Mom Joey
From: Mom Joey
On: 10/14/22
My Sweet Girl China, please forgive me for being so late. There are no real excuses but both Tom and I have not been very well this year and medical issues have consumed us. You have always held such a special place in my heart and these past 11 years without you have been difficult...this year especially. I often think of the special things you brought into our home ~ your calm and quiet behavior, your sweet kisses and cute antics, your unconditional love and tender heart - all of these melted me each and every day. I love you my girl and miss you daily. Stay at peace until we meet again across the bridge. Love ~ Mom Joey
From: Mom ~ Joey
On: 11/5/21
My precious China girl! "19" years old today. Wow, that's quite something if we were counting "dog years". I really don't think about those things as you will always be my sweet little girl I fell in love with the minute we met. Birthdays are to celebrate you and the wonderful China you were and always will be. Hopefully all of our furbabies are taking care of you and treating you in a very special way today. I know that Rainbow Bridge must be beautiful and that you are waiting until we see each other again. Have a truly beautiful birthday and know that you are always a part of my heart and I love you dearly. Happy 19th Birthday China! Love ~ Mom Joey
From: Mom ~ Joey
On: 10/7/21
My Sweet Little Girl, these anniversaries of losing you come too quickly and are reminders how much I love you and continue to miss you. Ten years seem like a lifetime without you. My consolation is that you are without pain and are surrounded by love at Rainbow Bridge. Until the day comes when we meet again, remember that I love you with all that I am and I miss you dearly. Rest peacefully dear China! Love ~ Mom Joey
From: Tom Prohaska
On: 10/7/21
Good morning sweet Lady! I cannot believe it's been 10 years when you crossed over Rainbows Bridge! I know you are pain free now and having fun every day with your brothers and sisters BUT you are so sorely missed. I love you and think of you every time I see or hear a dog! Rest peacefully sweet lady until we meet again! Love, Dad
From: Mom ~ Joey
On: 11/5/20
Sweet precious China ~ Happy 18th Birthday! How is this possible? I remember when you were 2 and I fell in love with you. I hope your birthday is filled with sunshine, blue skies and beautiful flowers, long walks in the park and snuggling with other furbabies. I miss you so much and wish you were still here with me but you will always be a part of my heart. You are truly a shining star and a beautiful young lady! I love you very much. Enjoy your special day:) Love, Mom ~ Joey
From: Dad - Tom
On: 10/7/20
Good evening sweet girl! As the days get longer and the nights cooler, I look up into the evening sky and think how much I miss our evening walks. I so looked forward to that and think about you more than you realize. I can't believe it's been so long since you left us and crossed Rainbows Bridge. I'm sure you are going fine and enjoying romping with your brothers and sister. I miss you so much and there will never be another one to equal you. I love you sweet girl. Until we meet again! Dad
From: Mom~ Joey
On: 10/7/20
My Sweet Girl ~ times spent with you were always memorable. There were many sweet and fun memories surrounding you ~ prancing in the snow, nighttime walks, visiting neighbors, playing with your furbabies especially the yellow ones and races down the hallway to your food. I loved when you put your head on my stomach before we closed our eyes at night. You will always will be a special treasure. You were such a gentle soul. You never complained even when you were hurting. You were always thrilled to see us. I will always think of you dashing to the door when you heard the Corvette a mile away. How you knew was beyond my understanding. Undoubtedly, you are running happily and painlessly. When I cross over Rainbow Bridge you and the rest of the family will know. Suddenly all of you begin to run, flying over the green grass, legs carrying each of you faster and faster and I often wonder if you all will arrive at the same time or will one knock me down before the others! I love you.
From: Dad - Tom
On: 11/5/19
Happy Birthday my sweet China! You have no idea how much I miss you each and every day. At night when I go outside and look up at the stars and sky...I just remember our evening walks. I hope you are happy playing with your brothers and sisters and are pain free. And I hope you can forgive me for not being with you when you crossed over Rainbows Bridge. I will never forgive myself. I love you and always will. Your Dad....Tom
From: Mom ~ Joey
On: 11/5/19
Happy "17" China. In the words of ABBA "You are the dancing queen ~ Young and sweet ~ Only seventeen". Knowing you, you are dancing all around the meadows and being the young and sweet pup you always have been. I miss your sweet antics and seeing you loving on your "soft yellow babies". Till today I cannot figure out how you always managed to grab for a yellow soft animal toy. I love you little girl. Have fun on your birthday and hopefully the rest of our furbaby family will celebrate with you and have a good time. You are ALWAYS loved and missed. Mom ~ Joey
From: Mom ~ Joey
On: 10/7/19
Sweet China, today you left us 8 years ago and yet it seems just like yesterday that you were playing with your soft yellow babies (with no eyes) and loving on us. You left us with so many happy days and special memories. You never complained and we always felt that it was because you were so grateful to be adopted and were a special part of our life. I love you so much dear sweet girl and miss you more than words can express. You are now healthy and can run free and spread your happiness with all our special furbabies on Rainbow Bridge as well as with the new friends you have made. I will see you one day when my time comes to cross the bridge and I will wrap my arms around you and kiss your sweet face again. I love you ~ Mom~Joey
From: Mom ~ Joey
On: 11/5/18
Happy Birthday Beautiful China! It's hard not knowing exactly how old you are today but I'll stick with "Sweet Sixteen" Your special day is a reason to celebrate and be excited about all of the things ahead of you...running in the meadows, keeping everyone in line, enjoying sunny and beautiful days, being happy with no worries of pain and suffering. I love you my precious teenager and wish you were here so we could celebrate you and the special and wonderous joy you brought to our lives. You are never far from my thoughts and my love. Mom ~ Joey
From: Mom ~ Joey
On: 10/7/18
My Sweetest China, You have always had a special meaning and purpose and the love we shared is sacred. Ours was a bond of love too strong to ever be broken, even when your physical body ached, quietly suffered and left us...your spirit always remained. I will always hold onto to your love and made so many happy just by being the special furbaby you were. I love you dear girl and miss you more than words can express. Run free, share your happiness with all around you and know that I will see you one day too when my time comes to cross the bridge too. I love you ~ Mom~Joey
From: Tom - Dad
On: 11/5/17
Happy Birthday Baby Girl! I hope you are enjoying your special day celebrating with your siblings the unique gift of "YOU!" I miss our daily evening walks but know that one day we will be reunited again. I am at peace knowing that you are pain free....pain that you kept hidden from Mom and me for so long and with such courage and gallantry. Rest peacefully my sweet girl and be happy until we meet again!

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