Chloe's Rainbow Bridge Guest Book

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From: Becky Newell
On: 5/16/21
Chloe sounds like an amazing dog . I wish I had the chance to meet her. I bet my boy, Bailey aka little bubba, would have loved her. I’m so sorry for your loss, but know she’s with you in spirit, and you gave her an amazing life.
From: Cari
On: 4/10/19
Kath & Randy, I am so sorry Chloe is no longer with you. And it's difficult to figure out how best to go forward without her constant presence. She will always be a part of you. I hope you will find things which bring you emotional comfort during this time. Here is the memorial I created last week, Please take care. Cari
From: Wendy
On: 11/12/18
Hi Chloe, Your mommy popped in to visit Bee last week so I thought it was a good time for me to do the same. Although it was hard, she made a trip without you. Remember the days when you took trips together? We tell ourselves to hold on tight to the memories we had together. You and Bee do the same. Know that your mommy's miss you so much and think of us like, remember the things we did together when you were here. Stay close to Bee. I hope you are having fun together and all the wonderful friends you have made at the bridge. I hope that when she hangs the wind chime, and a slight breezed comes, she feels that it is you that is telling her you are always watching over her
From: Wendy
On: 10/25/18
Hi Chloe, I just stopped by to read your mommy's story, look at your pictures and to ask you to tell your mommy to send me your address so I can send her and daddy a Christmas card. I had a special one designed this year. I know you and Bee know about it already. I think this card is the only thing that is making it possible to get through yet another holiday season. Your mommy has a bracelet named in your honor. I still have to order mine. I am really behind on my stack of paperwork. I hope you saw the candles I lite for all of you at the bridge when I was flying to visit family. It was the closest I could get to all of you for now. We miss our babies so much. Please know that. Big hugs and wet kisses baby girl. Give some wet kisses to my Baby Bee too. xoxo
From: Wendy
On: 9/16/18
Hi Baby Chloe, I am visiting all of Bee's friends at the bridge today. Today is Bee's birthday. I hope you all get together and have vanilla ice cream. Me and Bee always had vanilla ice cream on her birthdays. I will be having mine tonight surrounded by lots of candles. I hope you all will see the light I shine for you. We love and miss you big bunches. Stay close to each other. xoxo
From: Wendy
On: 8/26/18
Hello Sweet Little Chloe, Just had to come by and look at your pictures. Your mommy and I are still carrying such a heavy heart for you and Bee. Please keep close to each other. It's what we hang on to. Another season change is coming up and I am already thinking about the holidays. I thought I would be ready this year but I am not. I am sending everyone away again this year. They picked Canada last year but this year they are picking Florida. It doesn't matter to me, just need to be alone, light many candles in my "holiday shrine" for all of you, talk and pray that you hear me. Big hugs and kisses little one!
From: Wendy
On: 7/29/18
Hi Chloe Sweetheart, Just wanted to look at your pictures. I just left Baby Bee's memorial. I am coming up on 10 months without Bee and it's easier in some ways yet harder in other ways. Your mommy and I really miss our babies. Please know that and try to feel that. Keep close to Bee and give her a kiss for me. xoxo
From: Carol
On: 6/2/18
Kath and Randy, I am sorry for the loss of your sweet angel Chloe.❤
From: Cher
On: 5/18/18
I am so sorry to read what happened to your sweet baby. How terribly sad. I have tears in my eyes as I type this. I truly understand loss and pain and suffering. I have many furbabies at the bridge and I still cry and long for them but I know they are in God's hands and none of them are sick. Animals are a beautiful blessing from God and their souls are always with you. The love you have for them is carried with them to heaven and back. It is an absolute promise to you that you will be reunited some day. You are in my thoughts and prayers. Please take each day slow and God's presence and peace will find you. Big hugs!
From: Wendy Lee Taylor
On: 5/7/18
Hi Chloe, I am trolling the site. Today is 7 months without Bee and I really needed to come visit you and look at your pictures to make me smile. You have the same stroller Bee had. Your mommy and I have been talking. I am further along than she is and I know where she is at with her grief over you. It's so hard for us to face each day without our babies. Family member and friends move on but mommy's just get stuck. I know you and my Bee are free of your struggles now but mommy's are kind of selfish and just want their babies with us. Stay close to Bee. She's been there longer and can show you all the wonderful places to go, snuggle up to other fur babies she has met. Try and make your mommy see a sign from you sweet one. Her heart is filled with so much pain that maybe she can't feel or see any signs right now but keep trying. I left a bunny cause I think you and Bee can share it when you want to rest your little heads.
From: pam
On: 5/1/18
Dear Kath and Randy, you have my sympathy on the loss of your sweet Chloe. God bless you.
From: Dana (IddyBears Mom)
On: 4/29/18
Kath and Randy, I'm so sorry for your loss of your precious Chloe. As you cherish and remember every memory and moment, please be comforted and know that your Chloe is at the Rainbow Bridge meeting many new friends including my Bailey. The Bridge kids will be with your fur-angel in the beautiful Paradise Meadow. My thoughts are with you, and I'm leaving flowers to comfort you... You can visit my Bailey: God Bless...
From: Debbie, Ginger's mom
On: 4/28/18
I'm sorry for your loss.
From: Dianna
On: 4/28/18
Dear Kath & Randy, I know your hearts are still aching from the loss of your now fur angel. I love all animals, but am especially drawn to dogs. I have been a dog owner/lover most of my life, with a few cats thrown in for good measure. Hope that made you smile. I have also loss some and I know what I miss most is that unconditional love and loyalty because they want so much to please their human parents. I do hope with time your hearts will heal and just maybe there is another place in your heart for another special one such as Chloe. As we know, there are many out there who need a loving home and family like yours. Blessings!
From: Minks Mom
On: 4/27/18
Dear Kath and Randy, I am so sorry for your loss of Chloe. Thank you for sharing such a lovely story. I will keep you in prayer.
From: Wendy Lee Taylor
On: 4/27/18
Hey Chloe, I just came to visit you and look at your pictures. I don't smile much anymore and the album your mommy posted of you makes me smile. I didn't realize that yesterday was your mommy's birthday. Try and find a window through the clouds and send her a sign. Just let her know you are happy, healthy and whole again. She is really hurting and misses you so much.
From: Brooklyn S. Coody
On: 4/27/18
Love has no boundaries or borders and is forever, May you find joy and peace.....
From: Susan Harrill
On: 4/26/18
I am so sorry to hear about your loss of Chloe. Please find comfort in knowing that Chloe is now at Rainbows Bridge and making lots of friends. Saying goodbye is never easy. I also lost my precious cat Spooky July 30th 2001 after 16 wonderful years with her. On January 11, 2013, I lost my faithful friend Hannah who was a beautiful blue tick hound dog. On August 2, 2013 another one of my beautiful cats, Sammi, a black and white tabby, went to Rainbows Bridge. April 9, 2014, Maci, my English Bulldog passed over to Rainbows Bridge. Maci and Hannah were best friends. On March 20, 2017 my sweet little calico Gabbi crossed over Rainbow's Bridge. I adopted her about a month after Spooky passed away and Gabbi also lived to be almost 16 years old. On 1/3/18 my little cat Zoe passed away. I am sure that Chloe and my babies have all become good friends. You can visit with Spooky at: Take Care, Susan
From: Kari
On: 4/26/18
Truly sorry for your loss.
From: Ann
On: 4/26/18
May the special memories of your greatly beloved fur angel, Chloe, be of comfort in your grief. Such a beautiful, precious girl!

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