Clyde-Bailey's Rainbow Bridge Guest Book

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From: Cathy
On: 7/6/15
Hi Clyde-Bailey, I hope you are happy and running and playing. Send your Mommy healing vibes to feel better. She loves you and misses you. Give my three girls a kiss and we will see all of you one day. Love, Cathy
From: Cathy
On: 5/2/15
Dear Clyde-Bailey, I am thinking of you today, and also Zoe, and my 3 girls, and hope you are all together. I can't believe it has been 4 years since you left your Mommy and Tiffany left me. Take care of all our girls and know that your Mommy and I love all of you, and it will be a great reunion one day with us all. Love and hugs, Cathy
From: Cathy
On: 1/4/15
Dear Clyde-Bailey, It's a new year and I hope you are running and playing with all our girls. Your Mom misses you so much and I send my love to you also. Love, Cathy
From: Cathy
On: 10/5/14
Dear Clyde-Bailey, You are so missed by your Mommy and loved always. I hope my girls are with you and Zoe, and all is well there. Know that you are thought of always. Love, Cathy
From: Cathy
On: 5/2/14
Dear Clyde-Bailey, It has been 3 years last month that you left your mommy and this month is 3 years without sweet Zoe. It is so tough for her without you. Know that she thinks of you every day and loves you so much always. Take care of my girls and give them kisses from me. Love, Cathy
From: BOB
On: 4/5/14
From: Cathy
On: 3/3/14
Hi Beautiful Clyde-Bailey, Your Mommy is missing you another month. Time sure passes, but the love she has for you is as strong as ever. I know because I feel the same way about my girls. Watch over Mommy and Delilah and give her a sign. Take care of our girls and give them hugs and kisses from me. Love, Cathy
From: Cathy
On: 1/2/14
Dear Clyde-Bailey, It is another new year without you being with your Mommy. She loves you and misses you so much. I saw a beautiful picture of you and Zoe with her, and see the love in the picture. Give my girls a kiss and know that you are so loved here. Love, Cathy
From: Cathy
On: 11/7/13
Dear Clyde-Bailey, It is another month that your Mom keeps thinking of you and misses you. You will always be her beautiful boy and I know you are taking care of all our precious girls. Run and play and know that you are loved and thought of every day. Love, Cathy
From: Cathy
On: 9/6/13
Dear Clyde-Bailey, Time is sure passing, but your Mommy misses you always. It's comforting knowing you are her big boy and watching over our precious girls. Give my 3 kisses, and play and have fun. Love, Cathy
From: Cathy
On: 8/2/13
Dear Clyde-Bailey, Another month you have been gone from your Mommy. I hope you are having fun playing with all those girls of ours. Have fun playing and romping in the beauty there, and know that your mommy and I will see you one day. Love, Cathy
From: Cathy
On: 6/5/13
Dear Clyde-Bailey, Another month gone by that your Mommy misses you. Give her a sign and know that she thinks of you every day. What a special bond you will always carry in her heart till the day she sees you again. Take care of all our girls and have fun playing. Love, Cathy
From: Cathy
On: 5/2/13
Dear Clyde-Bailey, It's been 2 years since you left your mommy and she misses you so much. Today is 2 years since my Tiffany left me. Give her kisses for me and run and play with all the girls. Love, Cathy
On: 4/5/13
From: Cathy
On: 3/9/13
Beautiful Boy Clyde-Bailey, Your Mommy is missing you so and without you another month. She keeps you in her heart and thinks of you always. I hope you are caring for all our girls and playing and having fun. You keep those girls in line. One day we will all be there together, and you can give your Mommy a big kiss. Love, Cathy
From: Cathy
On: 2/6/13
Dear Clyde-Bailey, Here is yet another month your Mommy is without you. Send her some healing vibes from her surgery. Give my 3 girls a hug for me and play and run. We both look forward to the day that we are all reunited. In the meantime, she is so happy you sent her Delilah. Take care sweet boy. Love, Cathy
From: Cathy
On: 1/5/13
Dear Clyde-Bailey, Your mom is facing yet another month without you. She misses you always and has so much love for you. I hope you are taking care of my girls and have fun playing with all of them. Run free dear boy. Love, Cathy
From: mommy
On: 12/23/12
I want to wish you a Merry Christmas with Zoe and Grandpa. I am sad that you are not with me to hang your stockings and I will miss you so. I always do. I love you so much, my darling. Mommy
From: Cathy
On: 12/5/12
Dear Clyde-Bailey, Your Mommy is thinking of you again this time of month. She misses you every day. I hope you are running and playing with all your friends. Give my girls a playful hug. Love, Cathy
From: Cathy Robinson
On: 11/5/12
Dear Clyde-Bailey, Hope you are protecting all our girls, sweet big boy. Your mommy misses you so much. Send her a sign. I got Tiffany's sign and we love having one sent. Give hugs to my 3 girls and run and play in the beauty. Love, Cathy

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