Cody aka Bugs's Rainbow Bridge Guest Book

(Return to Cody aka Bugs's Rainbow Bridge Residency)
From: Mom
On: 10/4/23
This month will be 8 years that you have been in Heaven and I miss you like it was yesterday. It doesn't seem like 8 whole years. I talk to you all the time, and I know you can hear me. I love you so so much. Give Sammy, Chewy and Baloo a kiss for me. Thank you for watching over Henry and Bella. Momma love you sweet boy.
From: Arien
On: 1/17/22
I am so sorry for the loss of your sweet pup.
From: Mommy
On: 10/20/21
Hello my angel, 6 years baby! It feels like 6 days since you passed. I know you are around me, I can feel your love and cherish all the gifts you leave for me. Every white feather, every hummingbird, every dream. You are still looking out for mommy. Bella stood with her feet crooked yesterday and it reminded me of you! Lol! Thank you for that. I miss your smell and your fur and our arguments. Tell your brother Baloo and sis Chewy that I love them and I miss you all. I am so grateful that I am our mom. Until I see you again, All my love, Mom
From: Mom
On: 10/20/20
Hi sweetheart. Today is 5 years since you went to Heaven. It doesn't seem that long. It has been a rough road without you. I'm sure you know everything that has happened since you left. I'm not really sure how I have stayed tough, but your brother and sister need me. I hope you like the flowers I buy for you and Chewy and Baloo. Everything is dull since you left. I am so grateful though that I was chosen to be your mommy. I did my best but you deserved everything. I will see you one day my baby and I cannot wait. Until then, I will miss you and cherish our time together. Love, Mom
From: Mommy
On: 10/20/18
HI Monkey! Today is 3 years you went to the rainbow bridge. I miss you so much. I miss your smell and your beautiful eyes. I miss our talks and especially you talking back to me making me laugh. You send me gifts all the time especially the white feathers and monarch butterflies. Thank you for letting me know you are always with me my darling angel. Mommy loves you so much. Kiss your brother Baloo, sister Chewy and cousin Minks for me. Until we meet again in Heaven, I will hold you close in my heart. Love, Mommy
From: Minks Mom
On: 3/26/18
Hi sweet boy.... Happy Belated Birthday! Your Aunty gave a donation in your honor to Best Friends, so we can help others to have a wonderful life like you did. You are loved and missed honey. I hope you and Miss Minks are doing well together. Again, Happy Birthday my favorite nephew!xxxxxoooooo
From: Minks Mom
On: 1/1/18
Hi my favorite sweet nephew! I want to let you know your aunty is thinking about you and loves you. You and Minks watch out for one another. Love you sweet boy!
From: Mom
On: 12/25/17
Hello my beautiful angel. I'm sorry I don't write a lot, it's very hard for Mommy to do this. Today is Christmas and I miss you and wish you were here. You would get so excited and loved to open your gifts. This is the third Christmas without you, I can feel you around me, I just wish i could hug you. Do you like the little Christmas tree and red roses Mommy got you for Christmas? Cody I think about you constantly and I love you so much. I thank God for you. You are such a gift to Mommy. You have made my life richer and my heart more kind and loving. I thank you for that. Merry Christmas my boy. I can't wait to see you again. Love, Mom
From: Minks Mom
On: 12/24/17
Hi handsome boy! You are missed. I hope you and your cousin, Minks are together and having a nice Christmas. Love and miss you.
From: Minks Mom
On: 12/17/17
Hello sweet and beautiful child. Your Mother said I could not leave you any more junk food, well we have never listened to her and we are not about to start now, so tonight you get a delicious hamburger. Aunty loves you.
From: Minks Mom
On: 12/16/17
Hi beautiful boy! Your Aunty is thinking about you. xxxooo
From: Minks Mom
On: 12/16/17
Hi Bugs, your mommy and I talked about you when were we talking tonight! We talked about the time we are that park and the person who threw a fit when you potty in the park and your Aunty got all over her. It made you smile that your Aunty put her in her place. You are missed honey and your Aunty loves you even though you stole that cotton ball and made me chase you through the house!
From: Minks Mom
On: 12/15/17
Hi sweet handsome boy! Tonight is your third night of Hanukkah. Aunty, is going to leave you a special gift this evening. I hope you and Sister Susan are celebrating your favorite time of the year! Presents, and they are all for you and her! Your mother and I miss you so much, everyone does.
From: Minks Mom
On: 12/13/17
Hi sweet handsome boy with the white fluffy butt! I hope you and Minks are helping all the other angels who are new to the Rainbow Bridge. Love you and as promised, Aunty is leaving you another gift for Hanukkah. I love you my sweet nephew! I am looking for an unhealthy snack for you so you Mommy flips out and you and I will go snuggle on your bed and talk about her!
From: Mom
On: 12/13/17
Hi my Cody boy. Tonight is the first night of your favorite holiday! I see your Aunty left you a present. I love you my little monkey. Love, Mom
From: Minks Mom
On: 12/13/17
Hi handsome boy, tonight is the first night of your favorite time of year! You love eight nights of presents, so tonight I am going to overindulge as I love to do. I love you sweet nephew, I hope you and Minks are flying around with your angel wings.
From: Minks Mom
On: 11/26/17
Hi you beautiful fur missle, aunty is leaving a big holiday tree so there is lots of room under it for all the presents!
From: Minks Mom
On: 11/17/17
Hi honey, Your favorite time of year is almost here, Hanukkah! Aunty sent your mother a menorah. I hope you and cousin are together. Forever loved and missed.
From: Wendy Taylor
On: 10/25/17
To Cody, I know you have been at the bridge for awhile now but your mommy is still missing you sooo much. She wrote such wonderful things about you. You must have been a huge, important part of her life. When you get a moment Cody, reach down with your paw and touch your mommy's heart. Let her know that you are happy, healthy, and whole again. Tell her it's ok to be sad. And when she had a hard moment, tell her to touch her hand to her heart. You are right there. The beat of her heart is letting her know that you are not by her side but you are near, in her heart. And when the time is right, you will meet her at the bridge and be together forever with tons and tons of snuggles to your fluffy neck.
From: Mom
On: 10/21/17
Hi pink stripped pumpkin nose. Its been two years that you have been on the other side. Everything is still in place in our home. Your bowls, your bed and bedroom, your toys, the car still has your hair in it and smells like you. I miss you so much my boy, please visit mommy in my dreams so I can give you a kiss and a hug. Love, Mom

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