Dashey Marshmellow's Rainbow Bridge Guest Book

(Return to Dashey Marshmellow's Rainbow Bridge Residency)
From: Dana - Iddybears Mom
On: 4/29/23
I'm so sorry for the loss of your precious fur-baby. They make beautiful paw-prints on our hearts forever. Please know your baby is at the Rainbow Bridge enjoying the beautiful Paradise Meadow and many new friends including my IddyBear-Bailey. Sending a blanket for memories and prayers for comfort.
From: Kathy /Oreo,Ralph,Eva,Hermione
On: 4/25/23
Alisa..a beautiful tribute to a great friend. Dashey is a beautiful girl. It is always hard to lose a furry young or old and I have lost both. But no matter what or for whatever reason they are always taken from us too soon leaving their forever pawprints within us. Be sure to know she is happy, healthy and playing with Oreo, Ralph and Eva while waiting for us to join them at the Bridge. I can send you my babies sites if you wish to visit..take care.. Kathy 🐶🐱❤️🌈

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