From: Mama
On: 10/25/19
My dearest Grissom! Today it's already one whole year since you left us! I pray you are with Daddy, Lenny, Cam & Cooper! You knew them well! You loved them! Rudy and I miss you so very, very much! Such a sad, sad time you had your last couple days on this earth! I'm so very sorry you suffered so much! You are a very simple soul. Loving, faithful, smart, funny, innocent are just a few words that describe your personality! You are so protective on our walks, but if you met the same dog or person in our house you wouldn't care one bit! As long as they were in our house or yard, it was ok. You loved jumping on my lap whenever you had the chance, and you'd just love to be petted and loved up! Grandma always said you were the best dog we ever had! You are the one we would take to her house most often. You would just sit there and let her pet you and you were so careful around her. I miss you so much! You are so special my Grissom! Such a beautiful boy you are! I love you so much! Love, Mama