From: Sheila
On: 8/11/15
Thank you so much for sharing your story of Gimli. I can feel the love you had for your baby through your words and I must say it was the most touching story I have read thus far. I lost my baby girl, Katie, 2 weeks and 3 days ago. She sounded a lot like your Gimli! She too loved to chase the squirrels and the neighborhood cat along with rabbits. I miss her "squeak" and her barking so much that I'm not sure if this pain will ever lift. I have her baby brother, Jack, who is going to be 8 this years but his doctor thinks he is 4 because I do my best to keep him healthy. I hope Gimli met my baby girl at the bridge and they have become friends. I miss her so much. Feel free to read about my little girl here: