From: Grandaddy
On: 9/22/24
Boys, Nana is doing very well with progress everyday weather mobility. She still finds her hip and leg painful but has accepted that condition as one more thing she has to endure. I still try to be as helpful as possible, but she is just about to chase me out of her kitchen! Today Fall season is declared and that would, back in our days together, be the signal for us to begin our trail walks at the park, around our neighborhood and daily walks around our house. The house next to us is moving quickly with its regeneration including cleaning up the area between our house and it so that we can see through the cedar trees we planted well into the changes, Iti going to be a house that is loveable and is a great improvement over it earlier version I am OK and have just had one of my basic Myasthenia grGvis meds reduced to a lower level . I hope it can stay that way. My eyes are slowly going, and Murphy knows how that inhibits everything. We love you. Granddaddy