Heidi's Rainbow Bridge Guest Book

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From: Jo Ann Garner
On: 5/28/24
Heidi - Your daddy showed me the wonderful picture of you and Samantha running through the meadow at Rainbow Bridge. You both look so healthy and beautiful. That’s what I will see now when I think of the two of you! Keep flying, sweet girls!!
From: JoAnn (SammieJo)
On: 5/21/24
Hi there, Sweet Heidi. I’ve really enjoyed getting to know you through your pretty pictures that your daddy posts during our Monday evening Rainbow Bridge meetings along with his memories of you. You are quite a girl, and I’m so glad that you were at the Bridge when Samantha arrived. I hope that the two of you are having loads of fun while watching over us who remain but will reunite with you someday. You are so very loved!
From: Raine
On: 4/22/24
Dear Diego, Your memories of Heidi touched my heart and made me cry. I want to share a sketch I did of her: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Lt03j41SvhMwlOXQKryiZRzn3RUxmTfR/view?usp=sharing I can also email it to you via lorraineeprevost@gmail.com if you prefer :) Wishing you happiness, Raine
From: Sharon Phillips
On: 1/9/23
Hi Heidi! What a beautiful precious pup you were! If I could ask a HUGE favor! Please go find Tahlulah & Bailey Phillips . They went to the bridge 3 weeks ago tomorrow . They will fall in love with you the moment they meet you . Please show them around and I can’t wait to meet you & thank you one beautiful day. Love , their Mommy Sharon
From: Why
On: 12/28/22
Good evening Oscar and Heidi, wanted to wish you a Happy New Year and God Bless.
From: JoAnn
On: 11/20/22
Hi there, Heidi! I’m thinking about you and my Samantha today and hoping that the two of you are getting into all kinds of good, healthy mischief together! Heidi, your daddy remembers you lovingly everyday, as I do Samantha. We can hardly wait until the “big reunion” - until then, we feel so blessed to have had such sweet babies in our lives. The memories are pure gold! Here are some fresh flowers in case the last ones have wilted.
From: Andrell
On: 5/17/22
Hi, Diego, First off, I adore the picture you have used for your two lovies. Secondly, I wanted to thank you for your support last night which meant a lot, considering I was flying solo. Leading the service for the very first time was challenging and there is nothing like a good challenge in life... Lastly, I thought to drop off a tasty treat in loving memory of your co-pilots. With appreciation, Andrell
From: Jo Ann Garner
On: 4/27/22
Diego - I just had to pay Miss Heidi a visit! Yes, I believe she and Samantha have become buddies. Since she arrived at the Bridge first, she probably introduced Samantha to everyone and showed her around. Heidi, your daddy loves you so much and honors you everyday! Here are some pretty roses to sniff!
From: Melissa
On: 9/30/21
Oscar, What a handsome boy. Prayers goin up
From: Linda
On: 9/24/20
Diego, A big thank you to Heidi for taking care of my Babie J at the Rainbow Bridge. God Bless You.
From: Meilssa
On: 7/26/20
Thank you Diego for Hailey's ball. I'm sure she will have fun playing with it with Heidi. I'm sure your girl was loved very much as well.
From: Annette
On: 6/22/20
Diego, I know how much Oscar, meant to you. Please know that you're in my thoughts. Also please remember "Nothing loved is ever lost."
From: Karen ( Dash'sMom )
On: 5/11/20
Wow ,that was such a beautiful Tribute page for your Heidi . I can feel the love you had for her , such wonderful memories . She was definitely blessed to have you as her dad . See you again sometime on the Monday night page . Oh and P.S. The song " You are My Sunshine" was my Nanny's fav. song , she would sing it often !!
From: Marion
On: 5/11/20
Happy Anniversary at Rainbow Bridge Heidi 🌈💙. Your Dad misses you so much. Please say hello to my Chewy for me. Sending tons of Rainbow kisses. Marion Note: you said today was 1yr Diego but the stone marker says 5/17,I'm sorry if I'm confused. Hugs
From: Marion
On: 4/12/20
Diego, Sending lots of love on this Easter Sunday to your beautiful Heidi at Rainbow Bridge. My Chewy is there keeping her company.
From: Peggy Matthews
On: 3/22/20
Heidi ur dad misses u as I do my Skittles we are friends find Skittles tell her I miss her more than ever
From: Peggy Matrhews
On: 2/16/20
Diego I just read all about Heidi. I was wondering if I could add to Skittles memorial like u did. I love the way u wrote about special Heidi
From: Peggy Matthews
On: 2/5/20
Diego after reading ur words about Heidi I feel ur extraordinary to find a special friend. My Skittles came to me abandoned
From: Regina Mancini
On: 12/12/19
sometimes our lives are touched by gentle friends who stay only for a while...but remain in our hearts forever! Diego, I am so sorry for the loss of your beloved Heidi. I hope you are finding peace this holiday season
From: Viviana miguenz
On: 12/2/19
Hermosa !!! Cuanto amor puede uno sentir y recivir por estas maravillosas viditas , le doy gracias a dios por haver puesto en mi camino a mi bebe Amarillita , seguramente esta corriendo feliz por el jardin del puente del arcoiris junto a heidi y desde alli nos estan cuidando ,

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