Jynger Shelton's Rainbow Bridge Guest Book

(Return to Jynger Shelton's Rainbow Bridge Residency)
From: Charmaine
On: 8/22/24
Oh, Jyn. 🌈🐶💖I can’t believe it’s 2 years. I miss cuddling with you and seeing your sweet little face in person. I’m so thankful you’re still with me in spirit. You send me signs and messages almost every day. White feathers, sirens, lightning, and of course, rainbows. I take pictures every time a rainbow appears. Now, you have ZIGGY and Wynnie with you. My sweet little boy and dogphew🌈🐶💙 🌈🐶💙and your Big Brothers. Mommy, Mia, and I miss you so much. Happily, you have each other to play with and be a pack again. I💖U. Charmaine
From: Charmaine L. Shelton
On: 6/2/24
My Sweet Cuddle Bunny, I miss you so much and wish you were here to give belly rubbles to you. I love you with all my heart, Brave Girl. Love eternally, Mommy
From: Debra
On: 4/11/24
Dear Charmaine, I am so sorry for the loss of your precious, special, wonderful, adorable, amazing, gorgeous, loved, and dearly missed Jynger. Thank you for sharing treasured memories of love and devotion for Jynger and all of your babies. I will keep you in prayer.
From: Dana Iddybears Mom
On: 4/11/24
Another adorable fur-baby with a beautiful tribute. I hope all your fur-babies are enjoying the Rainbow Bridge together.
From: Charmaine L. Shelton
On: 8/22/23
Oh, Jyn. ZIGGY and I miss you so much. He sniffed your pink hoodie and wagged his tail as he pressed his nose into it. I always rub It like belly rubbles when I walk by it. We know you're not in it. But it keeps us close to you. Instead of your rainbow today, a year later, you gave us a beautiful ribbon sunset of blue, red, and pink. We love you more than you could ever know. You blessed us for 11 years nd will be with us forever. We love you, Jaben. <3 :) xoxoxo
From: Charmaine L. Shelton
On: 6/16/23
Happy First Heavenly Birthday, my Sweet Little Jyn. ZIGGY and I miss you so much, and I wish I could cuddle you and give you belly rubbles. We know you’re okay and sitting in Daddy’s lap or waiting for him to drop potato chips and whatever else for you to gobble up. We miss you both but are happy you have each other. I thank God for you both every single day. xoxoxo Charmaine and ZIGGY😇🐶💗😇🥃💙
From: Charmaine L. Shelton
On: 9/22/22
My Dearest Jynger, today marks a month of you going over the Rainbow’s Bridge. Before I started to write, I promised to not cry anymore and let you rest. Tears spill on their own. But I’m trying. I love you so much and wish we had all the time in the world to be together with you cuddled in my arms or eating your food, your favorite thing to do. It’s just so hard knowing I wanted to give us a fresh start. Only for you to get a brain tumor. But you are a brave, strong, smart, and cute Honey Bunny. You did your best and tried so hard. “Making my way in life. Boop boop.” Now, go run and play with Kaya, Josy, MYSTIK, and your new friends. Don’t eat too many potato chips from Daddy. Sit on his lap and give him love for me too. ZIGGY misses you. He sniffed his fleecie you wore these last few months and wagged his tail burying his face in it. I know you didn’t always want him next to you and would go to the other side of the sofa. But you love him too. We💗U🐶Forever
From: Kathy/Oreo,Ralph,Eva
On: 9/9/22
a beautiful tribute to a great friend. Jynger is a beautiful boy with a great smile. It is always hard to lose a furry young or old and I have lost both. But no matter what or for whatever reason they are always taken from us too soon leaving their forever pawprints within us. Be sure to know he is happy, healthy and playing with Oreo, Ralph and Eva while waiting for us to join them at the Bridge. I can send you my babies sites if you wish to visit..take care.. Kathy 🐶 😼🌈
From: Dana - Iddybears Mom
On: 9/8/22
I'm so sorry for the loss of your precious fur-baby. They make beautiful paw-prints on our hearts forever. Please know your baby is at the Rainbow Bridge enjoying the beautiful Paradise Meadow and many new friends including my IddyBear-Bailey. Sending prayers for comfort.
From: Debbie, Ginger's mom
On: 9/6/22
I'm sorry for your loss.
From: Pam
On: 9/3/22
Sorry for your loss. Jynger is adorable.
From: Debra
On: 9/3/22
Dear Charmaine, I am so sorry for the loss of your loved, special, precious, and dearly missed Jynger Shelton. Thank you for being able to share treasured memories and the special rainbow that Jynger sent you. I will keep you in thought and prayer.
From: Susan
On: 9/1/22
I am so sorry to hear about your loss of Jynger. Please find comfort in knowing that Jynger is now at Rainbows Bridge and making lots of friends. Saying goodbye is never easy. I also lost my precious cat Spooky July 30th 2001 after 16 wonderful years with her. I have lost several babies since Spooky's passing. Hannah 1/11/13, Sammi 8/2/13,Maci 4/9/14, Gabbi 3/20/17, Zoe 1/3/18, Willow 6/4/18, Shelby 6/12/18, Bear 11/17/19 and Bella and Murphy who were both tragically poisoned on 06/18/20. I am sure that Jynger and my babies have all become good friends. You can visit with Spooky at: http://www.rainbowsbridge.com/residents/Spook002/resident.HTM Take Care, Susan
From: Bea
On: 9/1/22
Deepest sympathies for the loss of your sweet Jynger. May your heart find comfort in your fond memories of your beloved friend.
From: debbie ford
On: 9/1/22
Such a sweet memorial. Jynger was very fortunate to have you as parents. Yes indeed I also believe the rainbow was J's message to you that she is fine and healthy now. Still it hurts. Don't rush your grieving - no deadline. Sorry for your loss. xoxo
From: Charmaine L. Shelton
On: 9/1/22
090122: Jyn, you are with God and yet your spirit is with me. I will see you again and our reunion will be forever and never be broken. I love you, Habenero <3
From: Traci
On: 9/1/22
I am so sorry for the loss of your sweet Jynger Shelton. Time will heal our broken hearts. Thank you for sharing your precious memories. God Bless.
From: sher
On: 9/1/22
hi i am so verysorry for yourlossmyprayers and healing hugs are withyou GodBlessyou
From: Nancy
On: 9/1/22
Charmaine - I am so sorry for your loss of Jynger - she looks like a real sweet girl. So glad you had 11 yrs together. I love your tribute to her - big hugs and offing you friendship, peace & prayers to help ease your pain. Nancy
From: Christy
On: 9/1/22
I am very sorry for your loss of sweet Jynger. I hope the joyful memories will bring some comfort during this difficult time as you adjust to new routines without your precious pup. Play hard at the Bridge Jynger.

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