Lawrence Fortugno's Rainbow Bridge Guest Book

(Return to Lawrence Fortugno's Rainbow Bridge Residency)
From: Irene
On: 8/12/24
I am so sorry for your loss. Rip precious one 💔
From: Susan
On: 7/28/24
I am so sorry to hear about your loss of Lawrence. Please find comfort in knowing that Lawrence is now at Rainbows Bridge and making lots of friends. Saying goodbye is never easy. I also lost my precious cat Spooky July 30th, 2001, after 16 wonderful years with her. I have lost several babies since Spooky's passing. Hannah 1/11/13, Sammi 8/2/13, Maci 4/9/14, Gabbi 3/20/17, Zoe 1/3/18, Willow 6/4/18, Shelby 6/12/18, Bear 11/17/19, Bella and Murphy who were both tragically poisoned on 06/18/20, Firefly 12/20/22, Zachary 02/19/23 and Tanner 02/22/24. I am sure that Lawrence and my babies have all become good friends. You can visit with Spooky at: Take Care, Susan
From: Debra
On: 7/25/24
Dear Rosario, I am so sorry for the loss of your precious, loved, special, wonderful, amazing, handsome, and dearly missed Lawrence. I will keep you in prayer.
From: Shari
On: 7/24/24
Rosario I am so sorry for the loss of your precious Lawrence. His picture is beautiful. I am a dog mom and know how difficult this time can be. I am sending prayers and hugs.
From: Patsy
On: 7/24/24
I'm so sorry to hear of your baby's passing. I recently lost my 18 year old cat, Fred, who I know is befriending Lawrence as we speak. You are not alone in your grief. You are in my thoughts.
From: Patsy
On: 7/24/24
I'm so sorry to hear of your baby's passing. I recently lost my 18 year old cat, Fred, who I know is befriending Lawrence as we speak. You are not alone in your grief. You are in my thoughts.
From: Bea
On: 7/24/24
Deepest sympathies for the loss of your sweet Lawrence Fortugno. May your heart find comfort to your fond memories of your beloved friend.
From: Donna Becker
On: 7/23/24
Rosario and family of Lawrence.. I am so very sorry for the loss of your precious fur baby and best friend. Please know you are being held close to my heart during this time of such profound sadness. Godspeed sweet Lawrence.. what a GOOD boy you are! (((hugs)))
From: sher
On: 7/23/24
hi i am so very sorry for your lossmyprayers andhealing hugs are with youGodBlessyou
From: Kathy /Oreo,Ralph,Eva,Hermione
On: 7/23/24
Rosario..a beautiful tribute to a great friend. Lawrence is a beautiful boy. It is always hard to lose a furry young or old and I have lost both. But no matter what or for whatever reason they are always taken from us too soon leaving their forever pawprints within us. Be sure to know he is happy, healthy and playing with Oreo, Ralph, Eva and Hermione while waiting for us to join them at the Bridge. I can send you my babies sites if you wish to visit..take care.. Kathy 🐶🐱❤️🌈
From: Ann m
On: 7/23/24
What a beautiful boy! My prayers go out for you in the loss of your precious, beloved Lawrence.
From: Ann m
On: 7/23/24
What a beautiful boy! My prayers go out for you in the loss of your precious, beloved Lawrence.
From: Joan
On: 7/23/24
Hi, Rosario. With such an unusual name, your pet must have been a very special companion. He looks very handsome in his picture. I just want to say that I am very sorry for your loss.
From: Phyllis
On: 7/23/24
Dear Rosario, I'm very sorry for your loss of Lawrence Fortugno. I hope the memories of your time together bring you comfort and smiles. Phyllis
From: Dave
On: 7/23/24
Wishing you peace and comfort as you mourn Lawrence's passing.
From: Andrea
On: 7/23/24
I am so sorry for your loss. Sometimes I have to go one minute at a time just to get through the missing and longing of my cat. The pain may not ever go away, but it will in time it won’t hurt as bad!
From: Christy
On: 7/23/24
I am very sorry for your loss of sweet Lawrence. I hope the joyful memories will bring some comfort during this difficult time as you adjust to new routines without your precious pup. Play hard at the Bridge Lawrence.
From: Regina - Bailey's Mom
On: 7/12/24
I am so sorry for your loss of Lawrence. My heart goes out to you as I know you are struggling so with the loss of your precious baby. Your world has lost a very special baby, family member and friend, but the heavens have welcomed home a very special soul. I know you had a special relationship with Lawrence that will always be a part of you. I pray that my sweet little girl, Bailey, found Lawrence and they’ve become friends. May the love you shared with Lawrence continue to warm your heart and I hope you find peace and comfort knowing that your love will bind you together forever. My precious Bailey left our world December 5th, 2013 and we miss her so. Please visit my Bailey at
From: Clare
On: 7/11/24
Dear Lawrence Fortugno, you are truly handsome. Please go to the Bridge and send your precious love down the Rainbow straight into the heart of Rosario who misses you so much, and much love will be sent right back to you on angels' wings. Dear Rosario, your world has lost a very special furperson, family member and friend, and heaven has welcomed Home a very special soul. Lawrence is now your very own angel, watching over and for you, just as Jackie, Callie, Tashi, Katy and BG are watching over us, until you meet again and cross the Bridge together. May his sweet presence continually nuzzle your heart until then, and may you find comfort in knowing that the silver thread of love that binds you heart to heart with Lawrence will never be broken. Many blessings and much peace, Clare and Martha...Please visit our Jackie at
From: Andrell
On: 7/10/24
Rosario: Lawrence's memorial page revealed many food passions as well as other delights in his meaningful lifetime. May time help to reflect on love and loss as you meditate on how special and meaningful companion relationships truly are.

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