From: Chris
On: 7/19/20
Hi Fran. Wow, your little girl was so beautiful. The description of her and your bond brought tears to my eyes. Fran, please do not think your grief is in any way not normal. You and Lexie had an amazing, unshakable bond. Please know I well understand this as I had an equally unshakable bond with my own little girl Ruby. Losing her bottomed out my world, shaking me to my core, leaving me feeling as if I had been severely punched in the abdomen, like I was down and out. No Fran, do not judge your feelings rather, just let yourself feel whatever you are feeling. My girl was my best friend, my better half. Your Lexie gave you complete, unconditional love. She understood you and you likewise understood her. The bond we have with our fur babies is not something everyone will understand however, the wonderful group of people here at Rainbow Bridge do understand without reservation. Please reach out if need be. Treasure the wonderful memories of Lexie.