Morris's Rainbow Bridge Guest Book

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From: Susanne
On: 12/7/22
It’s so sad that Morris was rescued only to have liver failure later. I hope he’s having fun at the rainbow bridge with all the other feral cats there romping and playing there and having the time of his afterlife. Im sure when you go to the bridge to meet your dealings departed loved ones you’ll keep an eye out for him. You’ll probably catch a glimpse or 2 too. He’s in a better place now. A place where there’s no more pain or suffering. Rest in peace morris may you have the afterlife you didn’t get in actual life.
From: Brenda Sotcan
On: 8/19/22
RIP darling
From: Margie Kinlaw
On: 11/19/17
I am so sorry for your loss. I too have recently lost 2 of my 20 year old kitties. It hurts still , but I know I gave them 20 wonderful, happy, lovved years.
From: Annette Yardley
On: 11/7/17
I am so glad that so many people came together to save this cat, especially the attorney, the TNR people, the Space Coast Feral Network and the wonderful woman who,gave him his final home. As some say "he was just a cat", but he brought our community together and showed us that every living creature is important .
From: Kathy
On: 11/7/17
Thank you for making the end of his life a safe and happy one.
From: Kathy (Oreo,Ralph,Eva)
On: 10/17/17
Tony..Morris is a beautiful boy.a beautiful tribute for a great friend.It is never easy to lose a furry young or old and I have lost both.For whatever reason they are always taken from us too soon while leaving their forever pawprints within us. He is now healthy and playing with Oreo,Ralph and Eva while waiting for us to join them on the Bridge, they are gone from our site but never forgotten. I can send you my babies site if you wish to visit..take care..
From: Megan
On: 10/16/17
Dear Tony- Thank you for the opportunity to stop by your page and learn of Morris' awesome and inspiring life. I am so grateful for all the hard work you and yours give to the welfare of community cats in your area! I delighted in Morris' story, and I mourn with you on hearing of his death. -Megan, with Dexter "Big Essie" and Rinchen in Philadelphia
From: Ann
On: 10/6/17
I live in Brevard County and remember all the press surrounding Morris. May the special memories of this precious, beautiful, and beloved fur-angel be of comfort to all who will miss his living presence!
From: Debbie, Ginger's mom
On: 10/5/17
I'm sorry for your loss.
From: Carol (Murphy's Mom)
On: 10/1/17
Tony, I am sorry for the loss of this little angel, Morris. That is quite a story about him. Yes, there is a huge need and quite an effort to help the feral cats in the area. When I used to live in South Florida, Hollywood was the local area with the large feral cat population. Finding ways to help them was always a challenge.
From: Regina - Bailey's Mom
On: 9/30/17
I am so sorry for your loss of Morris. My heart goes out to you as I know you are struggling so with the loss of your precious baby. Your world has lost a very special baby, family member and friend, but the heavens have welcomed home a very special soul. Earth’s loss is heaven’s gain. I know you had a special relationship with Morris that will always be a part of you. I pray that my sweet little girl, Bailey, found Morris and they have become friends. May the precious love you shared with Morris continue to warm your heart and I hope you find peace and comfort knowing that your love will bind you together forever. Peace and blessings to you. My precious Bailey left our world December 5th, 2013 and we miss her so. Please visit my Bailey at
From: Rose (Paisley's mom)
On: 9/29/17
Tony, so sorry to hear about Morris. I know he was grateful that someone rescued him and he was well cared for. All of my 3 cats have been rescues and they've all been great kitties. I lost my 13 year old cat Paisley almost 2 years ago, so I hope she has welcomed Morris to Rainbow Bridge and they are happily playing together. Blessings, Rose
From: Pammie Halpin
On: 9/29/17
Dear Tony, I understand this is a sad time for you I too know the heartbreak of losing a beloved friend and constant I understand how much Morris means to you. You were so lucky to have so many wonderful years together. Just remember that it is never really “Goodbye”, just “Until we’re together again”! And I pray that this thought will give your heart comfort and peace in the days to come when you think of your sweet Morris…. Now Morris waits for you to sleep at night and dream of him. His love continues to cross the Rainbow bridge and come to you all the time. My pups and I are sending you very – very special loving thoughts, prayers, positive energy, and petitioning the Universe to ease your heart pain and give you peace in the knowledge that you will see your little one again one day and that for now your sweet Morris is but a dream away…
From: Lito Ortiz
On: 9/29/17
Tony, I’m sorry for your loss. Know that you are not alone. I, too, have lost a beloved pet; everyone in this website have. We know you’re hurting, and we’re here for you. We feel the pain that you feel; we’ve suffered the loneliness that you suffer, at not having our beloved pet by our side anymore. But we all feel the same relief---that where our beloved pets are now, they’re safe, and happy, and content, whatever afflicted them in this life is gone. And we all share the same hope---one day, we will be together again with our beloved ones. My baby, a female Beagle named River, left for Rainbow Bridge on March 21, 2017; here she is now---
From: Donna Becker
On: 9/28/17
Tony...Thank you for sharing this wonderful story with us. Now Morris has many more friends who will remember him. Thank all of you for your compassion. Godspeed Morris.. what a GOOD boy you are!
From: Susan Harrill
On: 9/28/17
I am so sorry to hear about your loss of Morris. Please find comfort in knowing that Morris is now at Rainbows Bridge and making lots of friends. Saying goodbye is never easy. I also lost my precious cat Spooky July 30th 2001 after 16 wonderful years with her. On January 11, 2013, I lost my faithful friend Hannah who was a beautiful blue tick hound dog. On August 2, 2013 another one of my beautiful cats, Sammi, a black and white tabby, went to Rainbows Bridge. April 9, 2014, Maci, my English Bulldog passed over to Rainbows Bridge. Maci and Hannah were best friends. On March 20, 2017 my sweet little calico Gabbi crossed over Rainbow's Bridge. I adopted her about a month after Spooky passed away and Gabbi also lived to be almost 16 years old. I am sure that Morris and my babies have all become good friends. You can visit with Spooky at: Take Care, Susan
From: Andrell
On: 9/28/17
Tony- Morris touched many hearts and left memories for a lifetime. May you celebrate his journey in bringing those together in such a unique way. For every joy that passes something beautiful remains...The Glass Bank cat. Rest in the sunbeams, Morris!
From: pam
On: 9/28/17
Hello Tony, you have my deep sympathy on the passing of your sweet Morris. BTW, I live on Merritt Island, we're neighbors! God bless you.
From: sher
On: 9/28/17
hi i am s verysorry for yourlossmyprayersare with youGodBlessyou
From: Clare and Martha
On: 9/28/17
Dear Morris, how purrfectly handsome you are. Please go to the Bridge and purr your precious love down the Rainbow straight into the hearts of your rescuers who miss you so much, and they will send their love right back to you on angels' wings. Dear Tony and others, your world has lost a very special furpurrson and friend, and heaven has welcomed Home a very special soul. Morris is now your very own angel, watching over and for you, just as Tashi, Katy and BG are watching over us, until you meet again and cross the Bridge together. May his sweet presence continually nuzzle your hearts until then, and may you find comfort in knowing that the silver thread of love that binds you all heart to heart with Morris will never be broken. Many blessings and much peace, Clare and Martha

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