Sashy's Rainbow Bridge Guest Book

(Return to Sashy's Rainbow Bridge Residency)
From: Lynne
On: 2/25/23
Hi Debbie, this is Lynne from SA. I have just visited Sashy's beautiful memorial and I notice that you write to her regularly. I had to have my daughter, best friend and soul mate put to sleep on 4th January 2022 but only found this site about 2 months ago. I havent updated Topsy's Memorial yet, but every morning for 20-30 minutes I lie under "our tree" and talk to her. This calms me for the day ahead. I know you will understand, because it is so long since Sashy went to Rainbow Bridge but you are still in contact with her. I am on NO doubt that our beloved furr family members are waiting at the Bridge just like the original poem says. Take care, Lynne
On: 11/24/13
On: 11/24/12
On: 11/25/11
From: El
On: 7/31/11
Hello Debbie, this page is a wonderful idea! Even if it doesn't bring her back, I hope it helps you handle the loss. This way you can talk to her and feel very close to her! I am so sorry, you must miss her so so much! I left her a Fetching Stick so she has something to play with... El
From: Susan Harrill
On: 3/12/11
I am so sorry to hear about your loss of Sashy. Please find comfort in knowing that Sashy is now at Rainbows Bridge and making lots of friends. Saying goodbye is never easy. I also lost my precious cat Spooky July 30th 2001 after 16 wonderful years with her. I am sure that Sashy and Spooky have become good friends. You can visit with Spooky at: Take Care, Susan
From: jess
On: 1/6/11
hey Sashy, sorry I am so late - I went visiting David's mum, but I did think of you. I hope you and Red and Rhani are all getting along. Your mummy still misses you and loves you lots. I'm sure you got spoilt, but here is a ball to play with love jess
From: Dianna
On: 7/30/10
Debbie, Thanks for signing my guestbook. I see that we both had aussie's and loved them very much. My girl Cleo was the love of my life and i was heartbroken to put her down, and i also asked for her forgiveness. I know how much you still miss Sashy, but I am sure that they have found one another and are happily running thru the fields of the Rainbow Bridge. Although we can never replace our babies, they will always be with us in spirit-watching over us. Take care and be a peace.
From: Ann Hubon
On: 6/5/10
Hey Sashy girl another Saturday has been and I still look for you coming through the door with your mum. Sashy, I know you look after your mum but I need you to look after her extra carefully tomorrow. Mummy, Aunty Carol, Uncle Merv and the girls are going to lay Nana's ashes to rest and she will need your strength to see her through. I know that you are with Nana and she is giving chocky milkshakes to you to drink (careful you are already a bit chubby) but you know that I always tell you that don't you precious girl. Mummy is so proud of you knowing that you are looking after Nanna for her even though you are both not with her physically Mummy has you both in her heart for all time. Better go now Sashy, love you girl, give Ratty a big kiss for me (haha bet you have already as he is such a handsome young fellow) All my love, Annie
From: Ann Hubon
On: 4/10/10
Hello little chubby girl, hope you are keeping that boy of mine in line. Miss you Sashy girl, give my boy Ratty lots of hugs and kisses and I will leave a bone for you. Can you share it with him as he could never eat a bone by himself. Love you and miss you, Annie
From: Ann Hubon
On: 2/28/10
Hello beautiful girl, miss seeing you every week but I know that we will catch up again one day and you will be running around like a new puppy (probably chasing that handsome boy of mine) Take care Sashy girl, you keep an eye on your mum from up above and I will keep an eye on her from here for you, okay! You are always in her thoughts Sashy and even though she has Angie now (and I know that you sent her) she will never take your place. You just sent her to love your Mum the way you did and she does Sashy. Sleep and play and eat all the chochlate that you like my chubby girl, until we meet again, Annie xxxxxx
From: Ann Hubon
On: 1/20/10
Hey Sashy, how you doing little girl? I know that your mum misses you terribly and that other little critter you sent her (and I know that you did, you were pretty obvious you know) is helping to fill the void that your loss created. You did well as I have told you before and even though she is inching her way into your mums heart, she will never take your place Sasha but from me, thank you. Your mum is a special lady and I know that you will meet again one day and that little knobof a tail of yours will be wagging. Miss your visits Sash, play with my little man for me will you, and if you see Miss Holly, give her a lick from me, her Mum xxxxx
From: jess
On: 1/9/10
hey Sashy, here is the left over ham bone from Christmas - make sure you share with Red, our fella who is sure to be laying around there some-where! It was lovely to meet Angie and, though she'll never take your place, I'm sure she is a great companion for Deb - and all the other ladies! Here is a hug () for you and rest assured we have Deb in our hearts and will look out for her for you!
From: Ann Hubon
On: 1/6/10
Hello beautiful girl, hope you are still keeping an eye on that by of mine. Your Mum is doing okay although nothing could ever fill the void that your passing has left, and that little fur girl you sent wellllll.....had you been talking to Ratts, cause she is just like the little bloke that he sent to me to mind. Psycho, funny, loveable ball of energy. Thank you Sash, Saturdays are never the same, sweet dreams little girl, Annie
From: merv mcfarlane
On: 1/6/10
Hi Sasha, love you and take care. Give my love to casey
From: kylie mcfarlane
On: 1/6/10
We all love and miss you sasha. Take care
From: carol mcfarlane
On: 1/6/10
Our love to you sasha, hope you and casey are taking care of each other.
From: Kim
On: 12/17/09
Hi Deb, What a beautiful memory of Sash you have left behind. She will always be with you looking over your shoulder. Remember the happy times together. Love Kim xx
From: Tish Dietrich
On: 12/16/09
Hi Debbie. Sasha was beautiful. I'm sooooo sorry for your loss! As you know we lost Sydney just before her 13th birthday and had gotten her in December of 1996 - similar to you. Aussie's have such a beatufil way about them, they are gentle and smart and wonderful companions. I'm sure your Sasha was as much a family member for you as our Sydney was for us. There isn't a day that goes by that we don't miss her tremendously. At the end she was having some pretty bad heart problems though, and we had to make the decision to put her to sleep. She went to sleep here at our home, surrounded by the people she loved and the things she loved. I will pray for you. I'm sure Sasha and Sydney have become great friends at the Rainbow's bridge and are keeping each other company! Stay strong and know that your Sasha knows she had the best mummy in the world!
From: tom & kathy
On: 12/15/09

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