Sylvester's Rainbow Bridge Guest Book

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On: 1/1/15
From: jeff smith
On: 5/21/14
Im so sorry my heart aches for you. My shadow is next to me but I found out 24hrs ago he has kidney failure. Been crying all day. He is special, different, not like other cats. Sounds like sylvester and shadow are very similar. Im so sorry for your loss and pain. My parents want me to euthanize. Im Not ready yet.
From: Michelle Thorne
On: 2/7/14
Kris, Sorry to hear about Sylvester he was one of my favorite cats. He is in heaven with all his brothers and sisters. Thinking of you alot.
From: Regina
On: 1/18/14
I am so sorry for your loss. Your world has lost a very special baby, family member and friend, but the heavens have welcomed home a very special soul. Earth’s loss is heaven’s gain. I pray that Sylvester and my precious Bailey have found each other and that they become friends. May the precious love you shared with Sylvester continue to warm your heart and I hope you find peace and comfort knowing that your love will bind you together forever. Peace and blessings to you. My precious Bailey left our world December 5th and we miss her so. Please visit my Bailey at
From: Hannah P
On: 1/16/14
I'm sorry Ms. Kulak for your loss. I know what it's like because my cat named Stinker passed away last spring and that's why I was a black cat for Halloween. He was a black kitty and was born on Halloween. You are handling yourself much better than I did. I wish we could have kept his ashes. He was around my whole life kind of like Sylvester. Once again, I am sorry for your loss.
From: chloe m-t
On: 1/16/14
I'm sooo sorry. When my dad was little I had the best cat in the world. His name was winsten.His parrents thought that his sister tolled him but she didn't.I couldn't have that cat was his best he asks one day and they said nat did't tell you! so they tolled him and he was shocked!! i how he is happy with your grandfather in heaven!
From: Chloe jones
On: 1/16/14
I'm so sorry I had to go through the same thing but I am sure that he was great cat and had a great owner
From: Sarah E.
On: 1/16/14
Hi Mrs.Kulak I know how you feel because a few years ago my cat passed away. Her name was Reesie and she lived about 21 years I would say. But any just keep pulling through you'll get through it I know you'll be okay.
From: Jacob Dema
On: 1/15/14
Dear mrs.kulak im sorry for your loss hang in there I know how you feel ive felt the same way 4 times when my dogs past away. From Jacob Dema
From: Jackie Dema
On: 1/15/14
Mrs. Kulak so sorry for yr loss i can definately sympathize with u I also have lost4 pets all dogs they were my babies until my baby babies came but i loved them like my children. It is very hard to get over it but you will always have them in your heart. My sincere condolences Jackie Dema
From: ashley sievert
On: 1/15/14
misses kulak I am very sorry for ur loss. I miss seeing u happy I know u loved him a lot and he was ur first cat and he out lived a lot of them and I feel really bad whenever u cry. Love ur home room baby Ashley Sievert
From: Kayla Wutke
On: 1/15/14
Im really sorry for your loss. Instead of thinking about his death think about all the good. Times that you have had with him it might make u cry but its ok. Once again im really sorry
From: bronson spicer
On: 1/15/14
I am sorry for your lost I bet he is missing you but he is in a better place now
From: Rosalie Manikham
On: 1/15/14
I know you loved Sylvester, but I don't like to see you sad. I miss having you talk about Sylvester, you had great stories and memories of him.
From: Marysa Morales
On: 1/15/14
Sylvester is so adorable and you talked about your cats so much I know that you really loved them! Even though I am your student and I mess around a lot I love you so much and I hate to see u sad! I know that you come to school for the kids, but inside I know you just want to be home next to his ashes. Keep on pulling through Mrs. Kulak! ~ Marysa
From: Margriet
On: 1/14/14
Hi Kris, you make me cry, because I'm thinking of my own sweet cat. She died a few year ago and I miss her. Sometimes on a beautiful clear night I see a little star in the sky and I know it's her. I think your Silvester is a star too.
From: Kim
On: 1/13/14
You are in a place with no more pain or suffering
From: Chelsea
On: 1/10/14
I'm reading this again, looking at the photos... And crying. Again. That's strange, but I seem to have lost a nearest one. Run the rainbow, Silvester! Be happy in your kitties Paradise!
From: Candy
On: 1/8/14
Sylvester, i'm so sorry to hear of your death. Kristina i send my condolences to you.
From: Ryan Janusz
On: 1/8/14
I Feel So Sorry Mrs.k I Have 2 Cats And I Used To Have A Dog But She Passed But My Cats If Anything Happened To Them I Wouldn't Know What To Do Anymore

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