Welcome to Abbie's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
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Memories of Abbie
11/4/05 Where do I begin? My life isn't the same without you! Your special personality added so much to my daily life. I miss your joyous greeting when I arrive home, your snuggly warmth in bed at night and most of all, your unconditional love. I love you so much and I always will. I think you knew that, Momma's girl! I never wanted to face the day when we would have to part. I had hoped it would be a few more years. I wasn't ready to let you go and I was definitely not prepared.
I hope you have met Sydney and Heidi by now. They will be great friends.
The trick or treaters missed you at Halloween this year and the squirrels are wondering why it is so quiet in our yard. Everyone notices your absence. Even the sprinkler man asked "Where is?" and then he spun his finger around in a circle to mimic the spinning send off you used to give him when he left. He couldn't remember your name, but he sure did remember YOU and your spins! You never wanted anyone to leave our home.
Although I think about you everyday, this writing of memories is very difficult so I can only do a little at a time. I will be back soon, lovey.
11/7/05 We parted 2 months ago today. I visited the park where I have spread a bit of your ashes. We spent a lot of time there the last 3 weeks or so of your life when it became too difficult for you to walk on the sidewalk and I had to carry you a lot. You loved it there, didn't you? Today I am going to try to stop being so sad and focus on remembering the joy you brought to my life after the tragic loss of Sydney, my darling boy pug. I remember that August day in 1994 when we went to pick you up. You were a little 6 pound butterball, an imp, and you climbed right inside my heart to reside there for 11+ years. You are still there in spirit. Oh you loved Jeff and Prissy too, but you were "Momma's Girl". You followed me all over the house!
Remember running on the beach in Ocean City? You loved it there. I will probably take a bit of your ashes to leave in the dunes next time I go.
We sent Froggy over the Bridge with you so you will have him to play with. And we have put a bunch of bananas here at your Rainbow Residency. Jeff misses sharing his banana with you.
I wish you didn't have to go, but I am grateful for the precious gift you were to me. Sleep well, my sweet Abbie, until we meet again. Love, Momma
"Grieve not...nor speak of me with tears...but laugh and talk of me as though I were beside you. I loved you so...'twas heaven here with you."
11/27/05 Hi Lovus, Momma decorated your residency for Christmas today. I only cried a little. Thanksgiving just wasn't the same without you. Your nose used to twitch all day smelling the turkey roasting! And of course you always got your share. I was so overcome when we all sat down to the table that I couldn't say the usual Thanksgiving prayer. Jill did it this year and she did a good job too. We all held hands and she gave thanks that we were all together again this year, thanks for the new baby expected in our family in April, and how much we miss our sweet Abbie, the only one missing from the dining room. I lost it after she mentioned your name, and the tears were dripping onto my plate. I guess you didn't know that Drew & Tara will be having another baby. Carys is going to be a big sister!
I have been remembering so many of the endearing things you did on a daily basis. Things that I took for granted and now make me miss you ever so much. How you used to tilt your head from side to side when I would speak to you as if you really understood...and I think most of the time you did! How you would run back to snuggle in bed with me after breakfast and your early morning walk with Jeff. How you would patiently wait for me to finish my breakfast, knowing that I always saved the last 3 cheerios for you. How you loved to lick my legs whenever you got the chance. How you loved to lick the yogurt cup when Jeff was finished. How I would find "puggy" hairs all over EVERYTHING! Even after almost 3 months, they are still turning up here and there. Are you trying to say "hello"? I pick them off one by one and carefully put them in a small wooden box to treasure forever. I remember you racing around the yard as fast as your little legs could carry you in the snow. Sometimes it was so deep, Jeff and I had to dig paths for you. What fun you had! And best of all, how you LOVED to have your belly scratched. Momma did it a lot on that last day, didn't I? It was going to have to last you a long time........I would give anything to be able to give you one more belly scratch. Remember, Momma loves..... 12/22/05 Dear Abbie, with Christmas approaching, I miss you more than ever! You won't be sniffing out the packages under the tree to find your wrapped rawhide bone. You always knew exactly which package was yours. I cried when I unpacked your stocking and neckerchief a few days ago. I had to put them away again. I couldn't bear to see it hanging on the mantel. Sometimes I feel like I dishonor your memory by grieving so much, instead of remembering you with great joy. I just can't seem to get past the sadness of losing you. I miss you so much! Merry Christmas, lovus, wherever you are and remember Momma loves........
1/7/06 Four months...in a way it seems like yesterday you were by my side and in another, it feels like forever since I felt your sweet warmth. I went to the park a hour or so ago and did our route, remembering. Visited the spot where I spread a bit of your ashes a few months ago. I am so miserable without you, Abbie. Recently, I read a lovely tribute someone else wrote about their dog. How inevitable this loss is, but how WORTH it! In the grand scheme of things you little ones are with us such a very short time. Thank you for coming home with me and adding immeasurable joy to my life for 11 years! I think you had a very happy life. You were my darling.
I have thought of Sydney a lot more lately. Such regret. I only had that little guy for 10 months but I loved him with all my heart. BUT, if I hadn't lost him, I wouldn't have had YOU. Please find him there and tell him how sorry I am, and that I still think of him all the time. He helped me through a most difficult time and I will never forget that. Goodbye for now, lovus, and remember, Momma loves.....
2/7/06 Hi lovus! Today is Momma's birthday. Also the day that marks 5 months that you had to go. I went to the park as usual and did our route remembering. You touched so many lives. Five months later people still ask me about you, not knowing that you are gone. A few weeks ago it was Marilyn, Bijoux's mom. She felt so bad to hear the news. Then, Larry, the plumber came and he just couldn't believe you are gone. I guess because you were so vibrant. Things happened so quickly....Today it was the owner of Bialystok. Remember he sometimes brought Momma's lunch when I broke my ankle? You were my constant companion and caretaker through that ordeal. Anyway, he said he remembered seeing us walking down Hempstead Ave. all the time. You were quite a fixture here in town and the "mayor" of our block! I guess "Exhuberant" is the best word to describe you. You had a zest for life and never met a stranger. Always happy to meet a new friend (human) and never needed an introduction! Your whole body would wiggle with joy and you had that adorable "double" curl tail. I miss you so much. I hope you are ok. Wait for me and remember Momma loves.....
3/7/06 Hi my sweet Abbie. Six months today, I can't believe it! I am going to the park later on but I thought I would visit with you awhile here and write a little bit. I've been remembering more of your antics lately. The way you used to literally "fly" onto the carriage seat in the kitchen when you heard the garbage truck approaching. You would bark and bark and give those guys "what for" for daring to stop at our house to collect the trash. Your saliva would spray all over the window too! Of course that was in the days when you could still make the LEAP onto the seat which was awhile ago, wasn't it? If I had you in the car with me at the gas station, you also went nuts there. You'd scratch the window with your front paws like crazy at the attendant. You never did explain to me what bothered you about that. ;-))) I also remember how you used to wipe your face on the couch after breakfast, dinner, or whatever. You little rascal! Hey girlfriend, do you know what a big hole I have in my life? Sleep tight lovus, wait for me, and remember, Momma loves..... 5/17/06 Happy Birthday, my sweetheart! Your first birthday in Heaven. You would have been 12 years old today. I will miss cooking your special hamburger for you. You are gone 8 months and we still feel a huge emptiness in our home, and always will. Sleep tight lovus, wait for me, and remember, Momma loves. 8/7/06 Eleven months have passed. This is an especially hard time for me. A year ago I started to realize that you might not get better. I started to think the unthinkable....that you might leave me. I miss you so, dear Abbie. Sleep tight lovus, wait for me, and remember, Momma loves. 9/7/06 Today I have lived a whole year without you. HOW? It seems like forever since I touched your soft fur, smelled you, kissed you good-bye, my lovus. I never thought I would get through the day, let alone a year. But I am sure you helped me. My fondest hope is that your spirit is happy and waiting for me no matter how long it takes. You know I will be there calling your name. The love still goes on and will forever, my darling pug girl. xoxoxo Momma 12/10/06 Another Christmas is approaching without you here my darling Abbie. I miss you so much still! My fondest hope is that your spirit is free and at peace this Christmas season. Sleep tight and wait for me, lovus. Remember, Momma loves....
5/17/07 Happy birthday sweetheart. I love you and miss you so much! 9/07/07 Two years! I miss you just as much today as that sad day you left me for heaven. I know you are comfortable and happy now. Sleep well and wait for Momma, my sweet pug girl. I love you.
5/17/08 HAPPY BIRTHDAY, my darling Abbie! I still miss you so much. Wait for me, and remember Momma loves.......... 9/07/08 I can't believe we've been apart for 3 years! I think of you often, but mostly with smiles now. I remember the fun we had and the cute things you did. I will always love you, my darling pug girl! Give Sydney a kiss for me. Sleep tight and wait for Momma.
5/17/09 Happy 15th birthday dear, sweet Abbie!! Love you, miss you, Momma.
9/07/09 Four years ago today.........RIP my sweet pug girl........Momma loves you so much still. Wait for me. I'll never forget you!
12/22/09 Merry Christmas dear Abbie. Love you, Momma
5/17/10 Happy birthday Momma's girl. In my heart always.......Love you, Momma
9/7/10 Five years ago today, I lost one of my best friends. I'll never forget you sweet Abbie. Momma loves..........
12/24/10 My sixth Christmas without you. I miss you darling girl. Merry Christmas.
5/17/11 Happy Birthday dear Abbie! Momma misses you so much and I think of you often. I hope you are with Sydney playing with all the other darling pugs at Rainbow Bridge. Kisses & Hugs, Momma
9/07/11 I think of you all the time sweet girl. Six years at Rainbow Bridge. Seems like forever but I remember it like yesterday. Love you, Abbie! xoxoxo Momma
12/25/11 Merry Christmas, lovey!
5/17/12 Happy Birthday, my dear sweet girl! Kiss Sydney for me. I love you always and forever! Momma
9/7/12 Seven years ago today I lost my little girl, dear sweet Abbie. I love you and miss you, baby girl! xoxox Momma
12/20/12 Your girl, Jill got married on the 8th. It was a beautiful wedding and I know she will be very happy. I miss you and love you, baby girl. Merry Christmas! xoxox Momma
5/17/13 Happy birthday, sweetie pie! Love you, miss you, Momma
9/7/13 Miss you more than ever! Eight years is a long time but it seems like yesterday...........Love you!! Momma
9/7/14 I'm so sorry I missed wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Happy Birthday since your last anniversary! Forgive me sweetheart. I do miss you so much and you are never far from my thoughts. I can't believe it's been 9 years! Love you so much, Momma
5/12/15 Hello darling Abbie, Momma is going to be away on your birthday so I thought I'd stop by in advance to say Happy Birthday and remind you how very much I miss you! I can't believe it's been over 9 years since I saw your sweet face. Remember Momma loves you and please wait for me. Look for a little girl pug named Tessa. You didn't know her but she is your "sister" and I know you'll love her as much as I do. xoxoxo Momma
9/7/15 Ten long years since we said goodbye. Hard to believe...One of the pups I have had since your passing has gone to join you. Please look for Tessa and take care of her. And kiss Sydney for me. I miss you darling Abbie. Rest until I come for you. Love you to the moon & back! Momma
12/25/15 Merry Christmas darling Abbie. I miss you so. Love you, Momma
5/17/16 Happy Birthday, sweetheart! I miss you & love you! Hugs & kisses, Momma
9/7/16 11 long years........I'll never forget you dear sweet Abbie. Love you my darling, Momma xoxoxo
12/26/16 Merry Christmas, my sweetheart! Please kiss Sydney & Tessa for me. Love, Momma
3/17/17 Today is Sydney's anniversary and I thought I'd stop by to say hello. I think of you and your sisters and brother all the time. Love you, Momma's girl!
5/17/17 Happy Birthday darling Abbie! I hope you are celebrating with all your pug siblings up there. I miss you so much and love you more! xoxoxo Momma
9/7/17 Hi darling Abbie on the 12th anniversary of your passing. All my pugs are over Rainbow Bridge now and I miss you all so so much! Love you, Abbie! Wait for Momma xoxoxox
12/19/17 Hi sweet Abbie, Since I last visited you my last pup has joined the group at Rainbow Bridge. Bella is a darling Cavy and I know you'll like her. This will be her first Christmas away from home so I hope all you pugs make her feel safe and happy. I've decorated your site for Christmas and I hope you like it my darling. I miss you and love you so much. xoxox Momma
12/24/17 Merry Christmas, Momma's girl! I hope you all are together this Christmas Eve. I like to think of you that way for sure! I love you & miss you dear Abbie. xoxoxox Momma
9/7/18 Hello sweet girl! We have been apart for a good long while now but my memories of you are vivid and fresh. I miss you so much and love you more. Sleep well my darling, and wait for Momma xoxoxox
5/17/19 No matter how long you are gone, I will always remember, love & miss you, darling girl. Happy Birthday! xoxoxox Momma
9/7/19 Momma's girl! Another year gone by and I know you are resting and playing with all the other pugs at RB
I miss you so much! Wait for me........Love you, Momma
12/29/19 Momma is late with sending you Christmas wishes. I miss you so much sweet Abbie! Love you! xoxoxo
5/18/20 Happy Birthday, darling Abbie!! I am a day late. We are in the midst of a pandemic and I lose track of what day it is. Don't you worry I am ok. I miss you and love you so much. Kiss your sisters and brother for me.
9/7/20 Sweet Abbie, it's hard to believe it's been 15 years since I held you, felt your warmth and looked into your beautiful eyes. I will always miss you my darling. Love you, Momma
12/25/20 Momma's girl, Merry Christmas! Sweet Abbie, you are missed so much. Love you, Momma
5/17/21 Happy Birthday sweet Abbie! I hope you are celebrating with your sisters and brother. I miss all of you so much. Remember Momma loves you and I will see you again some day. xoxoxo Momma
9/7/21 I miss you more than ever. I take comfort in knowing you are with your sisters and brother snorting and playing pain free. I love you so much, Abbie my darling. Momma
5/28/22 Belated Happy Birthday dear Abbie! I miss you and love you so much! Momma
9/7/22 Good morning sweet Abbie! Love and miss you so much. My heart has a hole in it. Hugs, Momma
5/21/23 Happy Birthday, Lovey!
9/7/2023 Such a long time, but I will never forget you my sweet Abbie!
12/23/23 Another Christmas without you! Miss you and love you more than ever, Abbie! Momma
9/7/24 Never far from my thoughts, always in my heart. I will see you again someday. I love you sweet Abbie. Momma
1/1/25 Miss you so much! Love, Momma

Please also visit Bella, Bonnie, Sydney and Tessa.

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