Welcome to Ally (Mommy Cat)'s Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
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Memories of Ally (Mommy Cat)
[06/12/19] - Ally...you first came to me in a dream. When I lost my first cat, Kitters, I had a dream where he showed up and then changed to a gray cat. I didn't think much of it at the time but when I saw your picture on the local animal control's website, I knew you were the cat from my dream, so I went to rescue you. Little did I know that you were the one who rescued me. I found out you were pregnant and when you had your babies, I kept them all. They are still with me 15 years later. I knew that you were getting up there in years and 6 months ago when you stopped eating I was afraid that your time was close. The vet gave me the bad news, you had a tumor under your tongue. I wasn't ready to let you go so I did everything I could to make you comfortable and hoped for a miracle as I tried so many things to treat you. You gave me 6 more months and they were both the best and worst of times. Best because you and I bonded even closer than we ever were, and worst because I knew you were getting closer to the end. I'll never forget all the nights where you would lie on my chest and fall asleep purring. I am so thankful that you shared your life with me and that you fought until the end. Even though I named you "Ally", I rarely called you that. After you had your babies, you became "Mommy Cat" and that's how I'll remember you. I'll always love you Mommy Cat and I'm glad that when you finally left for the Rainbow Bridge, you did so lying next to me while I watched over you. I wouldn't have it any other way. You are now free to visit me in my dreams again, just like the first time we met. Love you Forever!!

[Update - 06/12/20] - Mommy Cat, I cannot believe that it's been a whole year since you left on your journey. It still feels like yesterday. I hope Nibbers was waiting for you. He was at the pound when I came to get you and he ended up coming with us. I also hope you met Little Baby, who crossed the Rainbow Bridge much too early in his life. He needed to see a familiar face so I'm sure he was glad to see you. I'm so happy you shared your life with me and also gave me your babies, who are still with me and they also miss you. I'll always love you Mommy Cat!

[Update - 06/12/21] - Mommy Cat, here it is, two years later and I wonder where the time has gone. I miss you so much and your babies miss you too. They just turned 17 this year. You were the best Mommy cat and I think of you all the time. I know you came and visited me a few times and I thank you for that. I'll always love you Mommy cat. I hope you and Nibbers are together and that Little Baby is still chasing you around. Love you forever!

[Update - 06/12/22] - Mommy Cat, it's been 3 years already since you took your journey across the Rainbow Bridge. Your babies just turned 18 and I'm sure they still miss you. I can't believe how quickly time is flying by. I miss you so much, Mommy Cat and you know I'll always love you. Your babies leave your bed open, maybe you are still sleeping there? I hope Nibbers and Little Baby are keeping you company. Please come visit me sometimes, Love you Mommy cat!

[Update - 06/12/23] - Mommy Cat, here it is 4 years since I last saw you. What a difference a year makes. Pippers and your Baby Girl Kimbers both took their journey across the Rainbow Bridge. I hope you were there to meet them and show them around. I'll always love you Mommy Cat, you were the best Mommy ever. Your babies all love you. I hope you can come and visit me sometime. Love you forever!

[Update - 06/12/24] - Mommy Cat, 5 years have gone by since you crossed the Rainbow Bridge. I'm sure you know your last 2 babies, Buddy Scrunchers and Tuckers (Rooster) both journeyed across the Rainbow Bridge last year. You and all your babies are now together. I miss you Mommy Cat, I'm glad you were able to visit me a few times and I hope to see you again. I'll always love you!

Please also visit Baby, Kimbers (Tweety), Kitters, Little Baby, Nibbers, Pippers, Scrunchers (Buddy), Squeakers and Tuckers (Rooster).

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