Welcome to Angel's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
Angel's Rainbow Bridge Pet Loss Memorial Residency Image
Memories of Angel
Angel you were only 5 months old when I got you. But you were so well behaved and trained, still were the day you left and went to the Bridge. For almost your 7 yrs. of life, you did not change one bit. Always the Little Lady, so loving and playful, you liked to be kissed under you little chin, likedto give lots of kisses and to be picked up. When I took you in for surgery, your vet and I both knew you would be coming home but it just didn't work out that way. The cancer were already hook to most all of your little organs. Before we went to the vet, we lay in bed with you on my chest. You slept until you told me you wanted up. A friend drove us, you were in myarms. I said I loved you and would see you soon. You were my constant companion, more so in the 5 yrs. that I have been retired. We had bonded so much; you gave so much love and enjoyment to me. It's so hard to believe you are gone. You will always be with me. I love and miss you so very much Angel. There is a big void. Angel, you were one of a kind, never be another one like you. You are now securely with the angels at the Rainbow Bridge. Have fun with Mikee, Honey and Chloe. We shall meet again my little Angel, to never be apart again. I will miss your loving kisses and miss you so much. Thank you, Angel for the best 7 yrs. of my life with you. Rest in Peace. Till we meet again, Bless you Angel. Your loving Mom 

11/05/07 Hi, my little baby girl, it has been 1 year and 4 months since you left this earth and I still miss you so very much Angel. You are in my thoughts all the time but the nights are the worst. The crying hasn't stopped much but your little cousin Kodi is helping me. You would love Kodi; the two of you would have gotten along great. I know you are watching over both of us. I also know you are happy, playing with your 3 cousins and all the rest of the new little friends you have made. Not much have change here at home and it's fall now, the leaves are turning. I miss you at night Angel, coming up on the bed and many times sleeping under the sheet down by my feet's, I really did enjoy it. Well, baby girl keep enjoying your new life and we shall meet again down the road. I love you, Mom

11/05/07 Hello again my little girl.  I just got an email from Ginny from the RB and she has placed you photo at your residency, now all can see what a beautiful little angel you are. But of course I started bawling all over again. So very hard not to cry Angel, I miss you so very much. I just wanted to let you to know you now have a photo for all to see. Keep having fun little girl. I love you, Mom and Kodi

02/14/2012 HAPPY VALENTINE my little Angel. I know all of your gave each a big Valentine Day Card. I still miss and love you so very much my little Angel and always will. Love you much, Mom

11/21/07 Hello my little girl. Thought I would say hi to you and hope you are having fun with all your friends. Well, tomorrow is Thanksgiving; it will be the second Thanksgiving without you. Will be hard but I know you will be having a great Thanksgiving with your cousins and friends. You will be in my heart and soul. I miss you so very much Angel but your little cousin Kodi is trying so hard to make me happy. I have had Kodi for a year now, he is a happy go lucky little guy and I know you are keeping an eye on him when I am not home. We are finally getting some cold temps been so hot in the townhouse, you know how Tulsa is, one day it hot, next day you never know. I love you so very much Angel and really do miss you. Take care my little Angel. I will write again soon. Love your Mom

12/13/07   Hello little Angel. How are you, hope you are still having fun with all your new little friends. As the days go by, I keep missing you more and more. Still so hard you not being at home with me. Christmas will be here before we know it. Little Kodi put a toy in your Santa socking cause he wanted you to have one of his little gift. It's has been bad here, had a very bad ice storm which took lot of tree limbs out, we used to look out the window to see all the trees. But I know you are safe and warm. Give Mikee, Honey and Chloe a big wet kiss for me. I still love you so much Angel. Bless you little baby. Love & kisses, Mom

12/19/07  Hello Angel, will soon be Christmas, this will be your second Christmas away from home. You're been gone only a little over a year but will be your 2nd Christmas away. I miss you so much Angel but I know you're watching over Kodi and I. You need to watch over little Kodi, just found out he got the adrenal disease at took you away from me. Be sure and send him plenty of love and kisses. I talk to him about you, as I talk to you about him. Take care my little Angel, have fun with all your new friends, be sure and go by, say hi to Puppy, Bear Bear, Alice and Sasha Joy. I'll talk to you on Christmas.Love and kisses, Mom

12/22/07 MERRY CHRISTMAS my little baby girl. Christmas is almost here and it's getting harder to handle cause you're not with me. I miss you so much Angel, you were just a very special little baby, never be another one like you, your were one of a kind and I was the lucky one to get to bring you home for a forever home. It will still be your home forever my baby, Kodi's know it your home and he said at was ok. He love you and sorry he never got to meet you but I told him you were watching over him. Keep sending him love and kisses. It's raining today and may get snow. I always laugh when you sneak out the front door without me knowing it, go to the flower bed, start digging. If it would have been snow, I would never have found you, you all like to tunnel under the snow, it would have been a wonderful site to see you tunnel in the snow, me trying to catch you. Be sure and look in the pool on Christmas morning, watch your little cousin open his gifts. Said he would get your out of your Christmas socking and knows you will be playing with it. Will talk to you on Christmas morning my little Angel. Be sure and have a blast, at your Christmas party at the Bridge, I know it will be lot of fun for all of you. Until we meet again. I love you much, Mom

12/25/07 MERRY CHRISTMAS my little Angel. I miss you so very much but know you are happy and healthy. Be sure and watch your little cousin Kodi open his gifts, he got one for you. Bless you Angel. Good night baby girl. Love you much, Mom & Kodi

01/02/08 Happy New Year my little Angel. I love you, Mom

01/09/08  Hello my sweet Angel. This is the day you came into my life 8 yrs. 5 mos. ago. I still love you as much as I did back then. You were and always will be my special little lady. Lot of love Angel, I miss you so much. Mom02/26/08 Hello my little baby, just wanted to let you know I still love you and misses you so very much. You are still a very special little girl and always will be. I LOVE YOU ANGEL, Mom

03/13/08  Hi my baby girl, well St. Pat is almost here and I know you will have on your green bow, Bear-Bear and Puppy will have their greens on. Keep running and playing little Angel with your friends. I miss you so very much. I know you are by Kodi side some nights and keeping him safe. Until we meet again my little Angel. I love you, Mom

03/22/08 HAPPY EASTER my little Angel. How are you my little girl? I know all of you are getting ready to have a big Easter Egg hunt tomorrow. Hope you do good with finding many egg, maybe you and all of your little ferrets friends can find all the eggs. I have gotten some plastic eggs fill with candy, I will take the candy out so your little cousin Kodi can have the eggs to play with. I know all of you will be looking smart in your new little outfits. I still miss you so very much little girl. Take care my Angel, we shall meet again in the future. I love you so much. Your Mom

04/04/08 Happy Spring little Angel. I hope you and all your friends are having a good spring, enjoying all the beautiful flowers, etc. Kind of cold here right now but you know how Tulsa is, you never know. I just wanted to say hello my sweet Angel. I still miss and love you so very much. Have fun little girl. I love you, Mom and Kodi

04/18/08 Dear little sister Angel, this is Kodi here on earth. Our mom said I can write you a note on your page. I wish I could have met you before you left for the bridge. My mom telling me I look so much like you with our fur and everything, she said I had a marking on my nose which you didn't. She held me up to your picture and we really do look alike. I think it is kind of scary to our mom, she started crying, I wish she wouldn't cry but she still misses you so very much, I try to keep her happy and I know she love me very much. She said one day we will all be together again. Take care little sister, keep having fun with your friends at the bridge and send mom plenty of love and kisses. We love you, Kodi & mom

06/06/08 Hello my little Angel. Did you all have a nice time at Puppy's Birthday party? Be sure and send lot of kisses, love, hugs to your little brother Kodi today, he will be 4 yr. old. I know you will be here with him to help unwrap his gifts. He got a toy from you. I still miss you so much baby, you are never far from my mind, I am always thinking of you, love you more each day. Tell we met again my Angel. Mom

06/27/08 Hello sweet Angel. Are all of you getting ready to have a big fireworks show next Friday? Kodi said he would be watching the heavens for them. Still miss & Love you Angel. But I know you are well and healthy again. Just wanted to say hello, will talk to you again soon. Love ya, Mom

07/05/08 Hello my sweet Angel, today 2 yrs. ago at 11:15 am you left this earth for the Rainbow Bridge. It doesn't seem like you been gone for 2 yrs. Seem just like yesterday. It still so hard Angel, I still miss you so very much but I know you're happy and healthy. I know one day we should be together again. Thank you for watching over your little brother when I am out of town. Angel, he look so much like you. He is trying his best to make me happy when I am crying and thinking of you, give me lot of kisses and I love him dearly. I know because of you and God, I have my little boy, you pick him out, put him in my arms and said here is your new baby. Thank you Angel. Did you and all your friends watch all the fireworks last night? I know you all had a beautiful view. Keep having fun my sweet little Angel. Love you, Mom07/10/08 Hello my beautiful Angel, I love you so much, misses you like heck. You are always in my heart. I miss you so much but I know you are healthy and happy. We shall see each other down the road to be together forever. Love you, mom           

In Memoriam Angelae

"Wherever the pathway takes me, my Sweet,
you bring me the breath of the blanketing air,
the sunshine caressing the shadowed street,
the strong song dancing the beat of you there.
Though seasons of sorrow and gladness have passedsince
holding you close in our cradle of play,
the sight and the sound of you sacred shall last
in your heartbeat,my Angel, still sparkling today."     

Poem by a friend in Chicago 

08/09/08  Hello beautiful Angel. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, today you would have been 9 yr. old. Mikee tell me they are planning a big birthday party for you. Mikee, Chloe & Honey going to get lot of toys for you, a new blanket, Puppy & Bear~Bear going to get you a ferret cake!!!!! All your friends will be showing up. Your little brother Kodi here on earth is also going to have a party for you. It will be a party to remember. I still miss you so much Angel. Hard to believe you have been gone for 2 yrs. I love you Angel you are always in my heart. Have fun at your party. Until we meet again my little Angel. You are loved, mom08/10/08 Hello darling Angel, I hope you have recovered from your big birthday party last night. I know you had a very happy 9th birthday with all your little friends.Keep having fun little Angel. Kodi and I love you. You are still missed so very much.All my love baby, mom

10/09/08 Hello my beautiful baby girl. Thought I would come by and visit with you, been a while. You have now been at the Rainbow Bridge for 2 yrs. I know you are healthy, happy, running, playing with all your new little friends you have met since you got to the Bridge. But I still miss you little Angel, still love you so very much. I always will but one day knows we will be together forever and ever. Keep having fun my beautiful Angel. Your little brother send you lot of wet kisses, hug and love. I love you Angel, mom

10/23/08 Hello my precious Angel,just wanted to say hi to you, I love you Angel, misses you so very much. You are always with me little girl. Keep having fun with all your friends. Kodi say he love his big sister. Love you always & forever, mom

11/27/08 Hello my beautiful little Angel. Sorry I haven't been to see you in a while but you are always in my heart. Happy Thanksgiving my little girl. I know all of you are going to have a Big Turkey Day at the Bridge with lot of fun games, lot of food. Your Dad Bob said he would come by, put you on his shoulder, go for a walk. Give him lot of wet kisses for me. I still miss both of you so very much. Be sure & watch over your little brother Angel. I will be out of town the week of Thanksgiving, so please go and keep him company. I love you Angel so very much, still misses you so much. Have fun at your Turkey Day. I'll always love you forever & ever, Mom

12/16/08 Hello my precious Angel. Hey guess what you now have a basketball to play with. I know you will be happy now. Your little brother Kodi, Mr Archie and FiFi the cat had the basketball put on just for you. I know you will be sending a little note to them. It will soon be another Christmas without you little girl. Kodi have a gift for you under his tree. I still miss & love you so much Angel. I will write again on Christmas Day my Angel. mom

12/24/08 MERRY CHRISTMAS ANGEL. Just checking in to see how you are doing. I know you & all your friends are going to have a big Christmas party. I also heard all the little ferrets are going to have their own party later. So go and have fun little girl. Well my little Angel, this will be the 3rd Christmas without you, it's hard to believe you have been gone a little over 2 yrs. I still miss & love you so very much Angel. You are always with me. I know you will be with your little brother Kodi while I am gone on Christmas Day. He got a little gift for you. I miss you Angel but knows one day we shall be together to never be apart again. So until then keep having fun with all your little friends. Love you Angel, mom

12/25/08 MERRY CHRISTMAS ANGEL. Just checking in to see how you are doing. I know you & all your friends are going to have a big Christmas party. I also heard all the little ferrets are going to have their own party later. So go and have fun little girl. Well my little Angel, this will be the 3rd Christmas without you, it's hard to believe you have been gone a little over 2 yrs. I still miss & love you so very much Angel. You are always with me. I know you will be with your little brother Kodi while I am gone on Christmas Day. He got a little gift for you. I miss you Angel but knows one day we shall be together to never be apart again. So until then keep having fun with all your little friends. Love you Angel, mom

01/01/09 HAPPY NEW YEAR my Precious Angel. Miss you, love you, I got to sleep every night thinking of you. We love you, Kodi & mom

02/14/09 Happy Valentine Day my precious Angel. Sorry I haven't written you but I know I don't have to cause you know how much you are misses by your mom, I still love you so very much little Angel. Your little brother also love you and he understand when I talk to him about you. You hang on hard on Valentine Day on Bear-Bear back cause I heard he going to really be running & playing with all your new friends and old friends. I bet your Uncle Bob will be over to see you tomorrow with a valentine gift for you. Give him lot of kisses to him, tell him I still misses him so very much. Take care my little Angel. I will start doing better. Still love you more than you will ever know. Love, Mom and your brother Kodi.

2/16/09  Missing you my little Angel. Love you so ver much. mom

03/05/09  Hello my beautiful Angel. I miss you so much and sending you lot & lot of love. Mom

03/14/09  Good morning my beautiful little girl. Just checking in to say hello to you and I love you. Sending you lot of love to you forever & ever. mom 

03/17/09  Good morning my precious Angel, Happy St. Patrick Day. I know you all are going to have lot of fun on this green day. Enjoy your day my beautiful baby. Talk to you soon. Love much, mom 

03/20/09 Hello my precious Angel, checking in to say "HAPPY SPRING" and tell you at I love you
so very much and still misses you like heck. Love you, mom

04/10/09 Happy Easter my precious Angel. I know you all are getting ready for your big Easter Eggs hunt. I know you will find many. Be sure & find the one's your little brother Kodi hid for you they got his name on they. Have fun my little Angel. I still miss you so very much. Love you, mom

04/27/09 Hello my precious Angel. Just checking in to say hello and I still love, miss you so very much. Keep having fun my Angel. Love you more & more, mom

05/25/09 Hello my precious Angel, sorry I haven't been to see you lately but always thinking of you. Hope you and your friends had a nice Memorial Day running & playing on your beautiful meadow. I still miss and love you so very much Angel. I talk to you every night and knows you hear me. I love you little precious Angel. Love forever & ever mom

06/20/09 Hello precious Angel. I still miss you so very much, it's still very hard knowing you not here anymore. But I know you are healthy, happy and having fun with all your little friends. Would you believe the a/c is out again. Trying to keep your little brother cool. Sunday is Father Day, so be sure to wish your Dad a Happy Father Day. I know he will be over to see you, carrying you on his shoulder while you'll are walking and talking. Tell him I still love him and misses both of you so very much. Keep having fun my little Angel, one day down the road we shall meet again and be together forever and ever. I love you Angel. Mom

07/04/09 Happy 4th of July my little Angel. I know there going to be lot of fireworks going off at the RB and you will be right in the middle of it. You were never scare of anything. Keep on having fun my baby girl. I will be watching the fireworks in Heaven, looking for you. I love you, Mom & your little brother Kodi

07/05/09 Hello my precious Angel. You have been gone now for 3 yrs. and it's still so very hard and I still love you as much or more since you been gone to the RB. Just wanted to let you to know you are always with me in my heart and I miss you every second of the day. I know you are healthy, having fun & enjoying all your little friends but it still so hard Angel. I will always love you, you're still the special little girl I got 10 yrs. ago. Give your Dad a big kiss for me. Mom

08/09/09 HAPPY BIRTHDAY my precious Angel. You are 10 yr. old today, doesn't seem like you should be. I still miss and love you so very much my Angel. Still very hard knowing you're not here on this earth anymore. But I know you are happy, enjoying your new little life with all your friends. You're healthy, your fur is beautiful & I know one day we shall met again but Angel I still love you so very much. Keep enjoying the beautiful meadow. I know your Dad always coming to see you. Give him my love. I still miss him so very much also. I love you, Mom (P.S.: you little brother got a new toy for you when you come to visit him. I love you big sister, Sir Kodi)

08/09/09 Hello my precious Angel. I heard they really giving you a big birthday party, Princess, Chacha, Bear~Bear, Puppy, your little brother Mikee, your sisters Chloe and Honey and all your other little friends was running, playing and rolling around with each other just having great fun. Your brother here on earth well I knew he was with you cause he was doing the war dance, running around the apartment having fun. Mikee told Sir Kodi at Princess & Chacha made you a banana cake, they all knew you like banana. I know by the end of today you all will be very tired from playing, eating all the good food. But keep having fun little Angel. I still love you so very much. Much love, mom & Sir Kodi

9/27/09 Hello my precious Angel. Thought I would drop in on you & talk to you,
haven't done it in a while. Also wanted to wish you Happy Autumn. Hard to believe
another year will soon be gone. Hope you are still having much fun my little girl with
all your friends, I know you have met new ones. All is well here, your little brother
Sir Kodi got a good checkup from Dr. Jones. You always like him, he took good
care of my little baby when you were ill. Keep having fun little Angel. We love you so very much.
Mom & your brother, Sir Kodi. I still miss you so very much my Angel.

10/12/09 I love you my little Angel and miss you so very much. Love you forever, Mom

10/23/09 Hello my precious little Angel. Thought I would just check in and see how your doing. We are doing good here. Your little brother Kodi is in good health, he got a good checkup. I miss you so very much my little girl. Keep having fun and one day down the road we shall meet again to never be apart. I love you forever and ever. Mom

10/30/09 Happy Halloween my little Angel. I heard you all are getting ready to have a big Halloween party. I heard Princess and ChaCha are making treats for all. I know you are helping out, wrappings and trying to keep things clean. Know you all have your Halloween costumes hiding away so nobody will see them before tonight. So have fun my little girl. Your little brother told me what you were going to wear and you will scare the fur babies. Have a scary Boo haha my baby girl. But don't watch to many horror movies I know you love them. I love you my little Angel and miss you so much forever and ever, Mom

10/30/09 Happy Halloween big sister Angel. Just wanted to wish you a big Boo HaHa and to let you know I am thinking of you. I love you my big sister. Love you, your brother Sir Kodi

11/26/09 Happy Thanksgiving my precious Angel. I know you all will be eating all day long and running, playing, so have fun my baby girl. I still love and miss you so very Angel. I will always love your forever and ever. Love you my little Angel, mom

11/28/09 Hello my precious Angel, just wanted to tell you I love you and misses you so very much. Keep having fun little girl, we will meet down the road one day. I love you Angel, mom

12/22/09 Hello precious Angel. Well it's almost Christmas time again. So I just want to say hello to you. This will be the 4th Christmas without you and it's still hard. I still love you so very much baby girl. But knows you are happy and healthly, we will meet down the road one of these days. I love you Angel, Mom. Your brother send you lot of love.

12/24/09 Merry Christmas my little precious Angel. We are having a white Christmas in fact we are snowbound in. If you look in the pool you can see all the beautiful snow we have. If it wasn't so cold I would take your little brother out in it. I hear you all are getting everything ready for Christmas, putting the tree up with all it lights, decorating, lot of gifts, treats and food under the tree. I also heard Chacha, Princess and many more of your friends are doing the baking, getting the tables ready so it sound like you'll will have a beautiful Christmas and I know you are making sure it is all done right. I miss you my little girl and love you so very much. Have A Very Merry Christmas my Angel, I know how much you like to open your gifts. Love you forever and ever, Mom

12/26/09 Well my precious Angel on Christmas day we was snowbound in and couldn't get out to go anywhere so your little brother and I had Christmas all by ourself. He told me you were here and open your present from him and play together. Was very boring here but know you had a ball with all your little friends. Keeping having fun my little Angel. Love and miss you so very much, mom and your brother

01/01/10 HAPPY NEW YEAR MY BABY GIRL. Well another year has gone by without my little Angel. I love you and miss you my precious Angel. I know all of you brought in the New Year last night. Your little brother just sleep thru it all. Keep on riding on Bear~Bear back, playing with Puppy, Princess, Chacha, Tuppy and the rest of your little friends. Just keep on having fun my little Angel. Cause one day we will meet again down the road. I still love you so very much and misses you Angel. I love you forever and ever, mom

02/14/10 Hello my beautiful baby girl, I just want to wish you A HAPPY VALENTINE DAY. I bet you all are going to have a big party with lot of good treats. Well my little Angel I am back to using my left hand. I broke a bone in my right shoulder and can't use my right arm until the 1st of April and you know all about it cause you know it happen in 2002. I just want to let you know I miss and love you so very much. Love mom.

04/03/10 Hello precious little Angel. Stop by to wish you a Happy Easter. I know you all going to be busy tonight coloring eggs, hiding them getting things all ready for tomorrow. Be fast tomorrow my little girl so you can find the most eggs, get your 2 new little friends Shasta and Taz to help you, you know you have to watch out for Princess and Chacha they will be trying really hard to beat you. So keep having fun my little Angel with all you friends.. I still miss and love you so very much. I know one day we shall be together again to never be apart again. I still love you so much Angel. Mom

05/11/10 Hello my precious little girl. Stop by to say hello and wish you a happy May. I know you are still having a ball with all of your little friends. Still riding on Bear~Bear back, I know he take good care of you and won't let you fall off. Your little brother Kodi is doing just fine. Having to give him his med and boy does he fight it, you was just a little lady never fought when I gave meds to you, you always like it, your brother doesn't like any meds. Well my precious little Angel I need to head for bed but want to say I still love and miss you so very much. I love you little Angel, mom

07/04/10 Happy 4th of July my little precious Angel. I know you all will be having a party, playing and just having fun. Keep having fun my little girl. I Love and miss you so much Angel. Mom

07/05/10 Hello my precious baby girl. Happy 4th anniversary. Today is the day you went to the Rainbow Bridge 4 yrs. ago. On this day I took you in to have surgery and just knew you were coming back home, but instead you went to the Bridge. I still miss and love you so very much Angel. But I know one day we will be together again forever and ever to never be apart ever. Your little brother Sir Kodi is not doing good. Today I am taking him in to see his vet and hopeful they can find what is going on. He is kind of like you were Angel, he not eating and drinking much. I am feeling him by hand baby food chicken with gravy. He drink a little water if I put it in my hand. I am praying he doesn't join you at the bridge today. I still love you much Angel. Mom

07/19/10 Hello my precious little Angel. I know your little brother, Sir Kodi is with you now & you'll having the time of your life. Chloe, Honey, Mikee, Sir Kodi and you are all together now. Oh how I miss Sir Kodi my Angel. I know you will take good care of him for me. I still miss you my little Angel. You all are always with me & in my thought. One day we shall all be together again. Until then my precious Angel, I love and miss you so very much. Mom

07/19/10 TO MY SON, SIR KODI
June 6, 2004-July 19, 2010
Oh how I miss you my little son, I have only had you for 3 1/2 yrs. but they were beautiful and wonderful years. Just a short life you had but I just couldn't let you be in pain my little boy, now you're free of pain, once again beautiful, I know you are having a ball with your big sister Angel and cousins. You love to give kisses, I will miss these, miss your little beautiful face when you stick it around the corner into the bathroom, miss you sleeping on the bed with me at night for the past 2 wks. Always put your little head on the pillow with your 2 front paws under your neck. Oh how I will miss all of your little things you always did. No more toys will be under the bed so I have to pick them up, no more looking for you cause you always found a different place to sleep. You will always be in my heart my little boy, be with me forever and ever. I will always love and miss you so much dear Sir Kodi. Hard going upstairs into your room and you're not there. Love you much my little boy forever and ever. Mom REST IN PEACE SIR KODI

08/08/2010 FOR SIR KODI: Hello my little boy Sir Kodi. I know you are having fun with your big sister Angel and all your new friends you have met. I know you are going to be helping everyone's to get thing ready for Angel's birthday tomorrow. I miss & love you so very much my little boy, hard to believe you been gone now for 3 wks. I keep looking for you and can't find you but I know you are pain free and having a ball in the beautiful Meadow. Love you my handsome boy forever and ever, mom

08/09/2010 HAPPY 10th BIRTHDAY ANGEL. You would been 10 yrs old today my precious Angel. I know they are planning a big party for you with all your friends. Little Sir Kodi will be right by your side helping you to celebrate. I know he got a present for his big Sister. I still miss and love you so very much Angel. Keep having fun my little girl. Take good care of your little brother Sir Kodi. Love you much, mom

09/23/10 Happy Fall my precious Angel. How are you, hope you still having lot of fun with all your little friend and your little brother Sir Kodi. Running, playing, eating treats and just enjoying the beautiful Rainbow Bridge Meadow. I still miss and love you so very much my sweet little Angel but know one day we're all be together again. Love ya much, mom

11/08/10 Hello my precious Angel. Well, I have gotten into my new home. Really do like it. Got you and your little brother pictures up in the bedroom. It was a hard move but am happy with the move. I know you and little Sir Kodi are having the time of your life playing with all your little friends. Keep on having fun my Angel, one day we will meet again to never be a part again. I can't wait to see you Angel and little Sir Kodi. Am always thinking of you both, you'll are away with me no matter when I am. Take good care of your little brother. I still love and miss you so very much Angel. Love you so very much, Mom

11/25/10 Happy Thanksgiving my precious Angel. I know you all are having a big Thanksgiving dinner and party. So Help your brother Sir Kodi to find everything, this will be his 1st Thanksgiving away from home. I know you are showing him all the rope and fun things to do. I still miss and love you so much Angel. But know someday we shall all be together again forever and ever. Give your little brother a big wet kiss from me. Love you much my little Angel. Mom

12/24/10 Hello my precious Angel. Guess you all are getting ready for your big Christmas Party, making treats, food, wrapping gift and having fun. This will be my first Christmas without a little ferret to help me open gifts. I do have you and Sir Kodi Christmas socking up in my room. I sure do miss and love both of you so very much but I know you are taking care of your little brother. Keeping have fun my little Angel and one day we shall all meet again to never part ever. Love you, mom

12/25/10 MERRY CHRISTMAS MY PRECIOUS ANGEL. Love you much, mom

01/01/2011 HAPPY NEW YEAR my precious Angel. I know you're all dress up in your little New Year outfit, ready for the party to start. I know it's going to be a big one but just watch out for the big ball when it start coming down. You are loved and miss my little Angel. Know you are always with me. I still love and miss you so much but know you are happy. Love you much, mom

02/09/2011 Hello my precious Angel, stopping by to say hello to my sweet little girl. Well, here it is February & once again we are snow bound in. So haven't been doing much just watching Tv, reading & playing on the internet. I do miss not having a little furball to play with & still miss you so very much. Keep having fun my little Angel. I know you're taking care of your little brother he tell me how good you taking care of him and how much fun you all have playing with all your little friend. I still love and miss you so very much my precious Angel. Love ya, mom

03/17/2011 Happy St. Patrick's Day my precious little Angel. Got your green dress on and your little brother coming to pick you up for the big party. Have fun little Angel. Love and miss you so much. Love you, mom

03/20/2011 HAPPY SPRING my little Angel. Stopping by to say hello to you, I know you all are welcome in Spring. I know it's so beautiful in the Meadow for all of you. I still love and miss you my precious Angel. Always will. love ya mom

04/24/2011 HAPPY EASTER LITTLE ANGEL. Hello my precious little Angel. Are you ready for the big party at will be going on today. Hope you find lot of Easter Eggs but you got to share now. Help your little brother Sir Kodi to find eggs. This will be his first Easter away from home. Have fun with all your little friends. You are still missed and love so very much Angel. Love you forever and ever. Mom

05/08/2011 Hello my precious little Angel. HAPPY MOTHER DAY. Know they are having a big day for all the ladies in the Meadow. I heard your brother Sir Kodi is walking you to it. Have lot of fun Angel. Know I still miss and love you so very much. I will always love you forever and ever. Take care of your little brother and one day we all shall be together again forever. Love you much, MOM

06/21/2011 Happy Summer my little Angel. Still miss and love you so much. Love you much, Mom

07/05/2011 Happy 5th anniversity my little Angel. Doesn't seem like you been gone for 5 yrs and I still miss & LOVE you so very much. I got another little pet, not a ferret but a puppy, her name is Molly and she is a hand full, not like a little ferret but I had told little Sir Kodi he would be the last ferret I have. So now my little Molly is keeping me company. I know all your little friends are planning a party for you with lot of treats, presents, so keep having fun my little Angel. One day we shall all be together again. Love you forever, Mom

08/09/2011 Happy Birthday my little Angel. You would be 11 yr. old today. Sir Kodi told me they are having a big birthday party for you so be sure & dress in your best dress & hat. I still miss and love you so much Angel & with your little brother at the RB I get very sad but I know we all shall meet again one day to never apart. Keep having fun with all your little friends. Oh make sure Sir Kodi behave now. haha Still hard to believe you have only been gone for 4 yrs. Love you and miss you little Angel. Mom

09/26/2011 Happy Fall my little Angel. I know it's just beautiful at the RB Meadow. Had a enjoyable time on my trip. I still love and miss you so very much my little girl. Keep having fun with all your little furball friends. Love ya for ever and ever, Mom

10/31/2011 HAPPY HALLOWEEN MY LITTLE ANGEL. Hope you didn't get to scare but hope you had fun. I still love and miss you so very much Angel. Love you, Mom

11/24/2011 HAPPY THANKSGIVING my little Angel. I bet you all will be having a big Thanksgiving dinner today with all the goodies you can eat. Have fun with all your little friends and don't eat to much turkey. One day down the road we will all have Thanksgiving together again forever & ever. I still miss and love you so very much Angel. Until we meet again Angel, I love you much, Mom

12/24/2011 MERRY CHRISTMAS my precious Angel. I bet you got lot of gift for your little brother Sir Kodi and cousins. Know you all will be have a very Merry Christmas opening gifts, running in the Meadow, lot of food and treats to eat. Keep having fun with your little friend Angel. Be sure and send a big wet kisses to Molly your cousin here on Earth. I still miss and love you so very much Angel. Love ya, Mom

01/01/2012 HAPPY NEW YEAR my little Angel. Miss and love you forever and ever, MOM

02/14/2012 HAPPY VALENTINE DAY my little Angel. I know you all gave a big valentine card to each other and know you got many. I still miss and love you so very much Angel and always will. I love you, Mom

03/25/2012 Happy Spring Angel. I know you are enjoying all the green of Spring. Love you my Angel, forever and always. Love, Mom

04/08/2012 Happy Easter my little Angel. Getting all dress up for your little brother to pick you up for the Easter Parade today. I also heard you are having lot of food and treats, an Easter eggs hunt. Maybe you will beat your little brother in finding more eggs then he does. I know there will be lot of fun and laughing. Keep having fun my little Angel don't get all the Easter eggs now, leave some for your little friends. I still love and miss you so very much. Love you forever and ever. Mom

06/20/2012 Happy Summer little Angel. I know you all will be working really hard in the Meadow to make it beautiful for running, fun time. Keep having fun my precious Angel. Know I still love and miss you so very much. Love forever, Mom

07/04/2012 Happy 4th of July little Angel. I bet you are really busy getting the fireworks, treats, food all ready for the fireworks today and night, know you little friends are helping you. Watch over your little brother Sir Kodi so he won't be scare with all the fireworks going up in the air making lot of lights for all. I heard ChaCha, Princess and Lucky is helping you. You were always a busy little lady. I still love and miss you so very much Angel. Love forever, Mom

07/05/2012 Happy 6th anniversary my precious little Angel. It's doesn't seem like you been gone for 6 yrs. but my heart know you have. Your little brother's Sir Kodi said he going to stay with you all day & night. He said he didn't want to see you cry but if you do he there for you. Keep having fun my little Angel. I still love you so very much. I know all your little friends going to have a get together for you tomorrow with lot of goodies, fun and partying. Love you much Angel. Mom

08/09/2012 Happy 13th Birthday my little Angel. I know you got all dress for your big day with all your little fur ball friends & other. I know they gave you a big birthday party with lot of food, treats and gifts. Also know Princess, ChaCha and little Sir Kodi got things all set up for you with help from all your other little friend. Pincess and ChaCha did all the baking from what I understand. I still miss and love you so very much Angel and always will forever and ever. Love ya Angel, Mom

09/29/2012 HAPPY FALL MY LITTLE ANGEL. Sorry I haven't been to see you, don't think I don't love or miss you cause I really love and miss you alot my Angel. I know the Meadow is really beautiful with all the fall color. You and Sir Kodi wouldn't be hard to find. Don't get lost now. Love you Angel forever and ever, MOM

10/31/2012 Happy Halloween Angel. I heard you dressed up as a banana, I know you love it cause you did like your bananas. Did you get lot of treats tonight? Be sure and share some with your little brother, you know how he is. I know you all had lot of fun and you will be full tonight for a good night sleep. I still miss and love you so much my little Angel. Keeping having fun. Love ya much, Mom

11/22/2012 HAPPY THANKSGIVING my precious little Angel. I know you are getting ready for the event you all going to have. Lot of treats, good eats and fun. Be on the look out for your little brother Sir Kodi so he won't sneak up on you and grab your food. Love you and miss you so very much little Angel. Love ya forever, mom

12/21/2012 MERRY CHRISTMAS MY LITTLE ANGEL. Sending this to you early since I am heading for Deer Park to your Aunt for the holidays. Wish you could be with me. But I know you all will have a big Christmas tree with all the trimming on it, all the food & treats you can eat. Now don't you get into the tree and climb it, you know what happen when you do. Keep having fun my little Angel. I still miss and love you so very much and always will forever and ever. Love you Angel, Mom

01/01/2013 HAPPY NEW YEAR my precious Angel. I heard you helping with getting all the treats and food ready for all the fireworks when the all the balls start coming down all over. Sir Kodi said it was all really beautiful to see. I still love and miss you very much my little Angel. Love ya much, Mom

02/14/2013 Happy Valentine Day my precious Angel. Boy, I hear you all are going all out on this day with lot of food, treats, games to play, making Valentines Day cards for all your fur friends. Making the meadow more beautiful in color, with a big Red Valentine Heart right there. I know you are going to having a blast my little Angel, keeping enjoying it all. Love and miss you very much Angel. I love you much, Mom

03/20/2013 HAPPY SPRING my precious Angel. Love you, mom

03/31/2013 Happy Easter precious Angel. I know you all are having a wonderful time with everything going on today. I got a report from one of your friend on what all going on, what you going to have to eat and just going to have a blast. Getting all dress up in your beautiful dress. Have fun with your brother Sir Kodi, your cousins Mikee, Honey and Chloe and all your little friends. I miss and love you little Angel. Mom

06/20/2013 Happy First Day of Summer my precious Angel. You are still Loved and miss very much. Love you Angel, Mom

07/04/2013 Happy 4th of July my precious Angel. I know you all watch all the fireworks from the Meadow tonight. Love you my little Angel. Mom

07/05/2013 Hello my precious Angel, well today is your 7th Anniversary of you being at the Rainbow Bridge. Doesn't seem like it been 7 years, I still love and miss you so very much. I know your little brother Sir Kodi is right by your side today & all your little fur ball friends. They said they were bringing your many treats, toys & playing with you. I know Jesus is with you always, I ask him to help you when you need it, he said he would. I still love you so very my much Angel but I also know one day we shall meet again and will always be together & never be apart again. Love and miss you so much my little Angel forever and ever. Mom

08/09/2013 Happy 14th Birthday my precious Angel. Are you ready for your big day? Hard to believe you would have been 14 yr. old today. I know your little brother Sir Kodi & cousins gave you a big gift & having a big party for you tonight. Have a blast my Angel. I still miss and love you so very much. Love you my Angel. Mom

09/22/2013 Happy Fall my precious Angel. Love and miss you much, Mom

11/28/2013 Happy Thanksgiving my precious Angel. I know you all got the Meadow all deck out for a big Thanksgiving dinner today. I still miss and love you so very much Angel forever and ever. Mom

12/23/2013 Happy Winter to you my little precious Angel. MERRY CHRISTMAS ANGEL. I know you all will be having a big blast with good food, homemade treats and running with all your little friend. Enjoy it all my Angel. Know at I still love you so very very much. Can't wait to see you again. Love you much, Mom PS: Make sure to get a beautiful gift for your little brother Sir Kodi. Love, Mom

02/14/2014 HAPPY VALENTINE my precious Angel. I know you are all deck out in you new dress ready to go dancing with Sir Kodi. All the guys will have eyes only for you but you better watch out for Princess and ChaCha. They already to get all the guys. Have fun my little Angel. I still love and miss you so very much. Love you, till we meet again. Mom

03/20/2014 HAPPY SPRING my precious Angel. Love you much, Mom

04/20/2014 HAPPY EASTER MY precious Angel. Hope you found lot of Easter Eggs and saw the bunny. I know your little brother gave you all a big party with playing, Easter Eggs hunt and lot of food and treats to eat. I still miss and love you so very much Angel. Love you forever, Mom

07/05/2014 Hello my precious Angel, today will be 8 yrs. since you left for the RB, I miss and love you every day & will forever. I know your little brother, ChaCha, Princess and many more of your little friends are having a big day for you with many treats, food, games and running after each other. Keep having fun My little Angel. We will be together down the road. I love you forever and ever. Mom

8/09/2014 Hello my precious Angel. HAPPY 15th BIRTHDAY. Hey I bet all your little fur friends got big plans for you today, you need to watch out. You know your brother Sir Kodi you never know what he is going to do. Have a wonderful time, eat lot of treats and food. Keeping having fun Angel and know one day we all should meet again. I miss and love you very much. Love you, Mom

09/22/2014 HAPPY AUTUMN my precious Angel. I still love and miss you so very much. Love you, Mom

11/26/2014 HAPPY THANKSGIVING my precious Angel. Missing you very much Angel. Still love you much. Love You, Mom

12/25/2014 MERRY CHRISTMAS my baby girl. sorry I was late but I fell again and broke my left elbow so I'm not using the computer much, to hard for me. I love you and miss you so much Angel. Mom

01/02/2015 HAPPY NEW YEAR my precious Angel. I know you all had a big New Year blast. Keep having fun my little Angel. I love you, Mom

03/20/2015 HAPPY SPRING my precious Angel. I know you all are out running, jumping, chasing each other and just having fun on this first day of Spring. I love and miss you so very much my little Angel. Love forever, Mom

06/21/2015 HAPPY SPRING my precious Angel. I know you all will be out running, playing, just having a good old time with all your little pals. Miss and love you much Angel. Love forever, Mom

07/05/2015 Happy 9th anniversary my precious little Angel. Hard to believe you been going 9 years. You are still misses and loved so very much. I know little Sir Kodi is right there by you and with all your little friends. I still love you much my little Angel. Mom

08/09/2015 HAPPY 16th BIRTHDAY my precious Angel. I know they had a big party for you today. Sir Kodi told me all about it. I know all of you had a blast. I still miss and love you so very much Angel. Love forever Mom.

09/23/2015 Happy Fall my little Angel. Know you are enjoying the beauty of fall. I know it is beautiful in the Meadow. I still love and miss you Angel. Love you forever. Mom

11/26/2015 HAPPY THANKSGIVING my precious Angel. I know you all got the table all ready for your big dinner today. I love and miss you so much Angel. But know on day we shall be together again for ever and ever. Love you my little Angel. Mom

12/21/2015 Happy winter my precious Angel. I love and miss you so very much. Love you Angel for ever and ever. mom

12/25/2015 MERRY CHRISTMAS precious Angel. I know you all were up all night eating, playing and waiting for Christmas morning so you all could open all of your gifts. I know you got a beautiful gift for your brother Sir Kodi. Still love you so much and miss you my little son. Love you forever, mom

01/01/2016 Happy New Year Precious Angel. I know you all will have a happy new year with lot of good thing to eat and play with all of your little friends. Be sure and wish your brother Sir Kodi a Happy New Year. I love you so much and miss you Angel. Love you much, Mom

03/20/2016 Happy Spring my precious Angel. Still miss and love you so very much. Forever, mom

06/20/2016 HAPPY SUMMER Angel. I love you much, Mom

07/05/2016 HAPPY 10th ANNIVERSARY my precious Angel. I know they are planning a big treat for you. Give your brother Sir Kodi a big kiss for me. Still miss and love you so much. Mom

08/09/2016 HAPPY 17TH BIRTHDAY my precious Angel. Hope you had great time with the Party all your little friend gave you. Keep having fun my baby, will see you down the road. I love you much Angel. Mom

10/31/2016 Happy Halloween precious Angel. I know you were all dress up for Halloween. Do hope you didn't scare to many of your little friends. Love and miss you so much Angel. Mom

11/01/2016 HAPPY FALL my precious Angel. I know it is beautiful in the Meadow. Keep having fun. Love you more and more Angel and still miss you so much. Love you forever, Mom

12/25/2016 MERRY CHRISTMAS my little Angel. Know you all got a big day today so have fun running after your little fur friends. Don't over eat now. I still miss and love you my little Angel. One day we shall meet again. Love, mom

08/09/2017 HAPPY 18 Birthday and a HAPPY NEW YEAR my precious Angel. I know you're going to have a wonderful birthday wit all your little friends today. I still love and miss you Angel. Mom

03/20/2017 Happy Spring my precious Angel. Hope you still having fun with all your little friends. Love you much. Mom

07/05/2017 Happy 11 Anniversary at the Bridge my precious Angel. Happy Summer. I still miss you so very much Angel for always. Miss and love you much. Mom

12/25/2017 MERRY CHRISTMAS my little Angel. Know you all got a big day today so have fun running after your little fur friends. Don't over eat now. I still miss and love you my little Angel. One day we shall meet again. Love, mom

01/09/2018 HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY Angel. Do hope you had a fun day. Still miss and love you my precious Angle. Foever and ever. Mom

01/01/2018 Happy New Year my precious Angel. I love you much forever, mom

03/20/2018 Happy Spring. I know it is beautiful in the Meadows. I love you, mom

07/05/2018 Happy 12 Anniversary at the Bridge my precious Angel. Know they gave you a big party. Sir Kodi said he got you a big gift. Still miss you so very much Angel. Love you, Mom

08/09/2018 Happy 19 Birthday my beautiful Angel. Knows they had a big party for you. Sir Kodi told me. Miss and Love you my precious Angel. Love you forever and ever. Mom

01/09/2019 Happy 20th Birthday my little Angel. I bet you had a grand time at your birthday party and I know Sir Kodi was right by you side. I still miss you much Angel and love you more & more. I love you Angel. Mom

04/21/2019 Happy Easter precious Angel. I miss you so much my little Angel. Love Mom

07/05/2019 Happy 13 Anniversary at the Bridge my precious Angel. Can't believe it been at long. I still miss you so much Angel. Love you forever. Mom

11/28/2019 Happy Thanksgiving my precious Angel. I now you all had a big meal and lot of fun and game. I also know you and your brother are having lot of fun. I still miss you so much Angel. Love you forever and ever. Mom

12/20/2019 Happy Winter Angel. Love you much. Mom

12/25/2019 Merry Christmas precious Angel. I know you got lot of gifts and know you gave your brother a big wonderful gift and had fun with all your little friend. Missing y much Angel. i love you. Mom

01/09/2020 Happy 21st Birthday my little Angel. I know they had a big party for you and your got lot treats and toy. I know your brother Sir Kodi gave you a big wet kiss from me. I still love and miss you so much Precious Angel. Love you forever. Mom

07/25/2020 Happy 13 anniversary at the Meadow my little Angel. I still miss you so much. I know your brother keeping
you company. I Love you so much for ever and ever. Mom

03/22/2021 Happy Spring my little Angel. Miss you so much. Love forever Mom

12/25/2021 Merry Christmas my little Angel. I know you all will have a big Christmas. Have fun with all
you little friends. Watch over your brother. Love you much and Miss you lot Angel. Love you, mom

07/05/2022 Happy 15th aniversary my little Angel. I still miss you so very much. Hope you and Sir Kodi
is still having a ball. I love you forever and ever

07/05/2024 Happy 17th aniversary Angel. You been gone a very long time but you always in my heart. I still
miss very much my little Angel I will always love you and miss you. Hope you and Sir Kodi running around having fun. Love you forever my Little Angel. Mom

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