Welcome to Apollo's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
Apollo's Rainbow Bridge Pet Loss Memorial Residency Image
Memories of Apollo
Apollo was a very special white boxer boy. He had what I call "the face". People would see him & be like "Oh he is so beautiful and he has such a cute face." My response was I know it is the face you just can't resist it. Unfortunately he left us way to soon. He was only 4. He was diagnosed with stage 1 lymphoma in late December. We immediately started treating it however it was the aggresive type and we made the decision to let him go February 17. It was the only thing to do as the tumors were pushing on his throat and he could not breath. We didn't want him to suffer and our only other option was to give him a trach tube while we waited to see if the strongest chemo out there would work. That would be suffering so we said lets let him go.
It was the hardest thing in the world espcially because he was such a love bug and so young. I miss him soooooooooo much. I cannot get use to the idea of no more 100 lb boxer in my lap, hogging my side of the bed, laying on me and giving me boxer kisses (I call it a boxer facial!),shotgun seat rider, laying in the sun on his lounge chair and all around lover and companion.
So many people have told me they miss him too. Especially his friendly butt wiggle. He loved everyone (in his eyes there are no mean people or animals). He would walk over to people & wait to see if they would look at him & if they did look out. He would walk over & the nub would start wiggling, then the whole back end and he was in heaven because someone was rubbing on him. He was a poop!
We love him so much. We lost Ching our Chow last June & he was so lost w/o her that we adopted a boxer in August & now she is lost. She is feeling like we are. She keeps waiting for him to come through the door. Everytime we come home she is looking at us like where is my brother? Why don't you have him? This of course makes it hard for me too. I know he is in a better place but I can't help but feel I have a missing piece in my heart.


2/19 - We still cannot believe you are not here giving kisses and making us laugh. I know you aren't in pain and are running around with new friends but please pause sometimes to send me a kiss or two. I LOVE YOU BABY BOY!

2/20 - I love you baby! I am glad you are whole and healed up in heaven so you can run & play & have fun but I still miss you baby. My little snuggle bug I keep thinking I will wake up and you will be hogging the bed. I LOVE YOU CUTE BOOTIE!

2/21 - Apollo I still cannot believe you are not here with us. You are such a sweet baby & a love muffin. I keep expecting to find you waiting for me in the window when I get home. I am sending kisses, hugs, rubs & love. I LOVE YOU & MISS YOU SO MUCH!

2/22 - Baby boy I miss you. I miss my bedpig. I expect to wake up curled into a ball becuase my baby is hogging my side of the bed. I know you are in a better place with no pain but I still cannot help but miss you and the big, wet, sloppy boxer kisses. Your sister is trying but she doesn't know you have to drink in the water bowl first then give kisses. You were such a love bug & good boy. Please remember daddy, calypso and me sometimes & send us a hug & kiss if you can. WE LOVE YOU & STILL MISS YOU SO MUCH BABY BOY!

2/23 - Good morning baby. I love you. I was thinking so much about you yesterday when we took Calypso to Ft DeSoto. I always wanted to see what you thought about the beach but we didn't get a chance to take you. I think you would have liked it. You are always in my heart baby boy. I know you are in a better place with no pain but I still can't believe your cute little face isn't waiting for me in the window. I know you are pain free, whole & well in heaven but please say hi some times. I LOVE YOU & GIVE YOU KISSES!

2/24 - Baby boy I cannot believe it has been a week. I miss you so much. You always made my day brighter just by being your goofy, boxer boy self. I know you are in a better place now but I still miss your kisses and boxer hugs. Please remember us down here and send us a smile or a kiss sometime. WE LOVE YOU BABY BOY!

2/25 - Good morning baby. I love you. I know you are running and playing and having fun with Ching & Chaing and all the other babies up there. I just want you to know I love you & miss my shower buddy. I still look for you in the window every night when I get home. Please send me a kiss or 2. You were such a good, happy boy & always made me laugh even after a rough day. I MISS YOU & LOVE YOU BABY BOY!

2/26 - Hi love bug! Daddy & I were both talking about you this morning and saying we bet you are running around playing and giving kisses. We hope you will send kisses our way too. I miss my boxer facials. Your sister is trying but she just doesn't do it like you baby. I know you aren't in pain anymore & you are safe & happy but I still miss your personality. I LOVE YOU & MISS YOU MY LOVE BUG!

2/27 - Hi sweet boy! I love you & hope you have a great day. You deserve to have lots of fun & love as you are such a good boy & so sweet to everyone (people and animals). I still miss you but know you are in a better place. I LOVE YOU!

2/28 - Good morning baby boy! I love you so much. You were such a good boy. I went to the dog park yesterday and a few of your friends were there & said they miss you too. You were such a sweet boy and made so many friends at the dog park so they miss you terribly too. I know you are having fun though running and playing and giving kisses. I miss my kisses. I LOVE YOU MY LITTLE NEU NEU!

3/1 - Baby I love you! I miss you everyday but I know you are not in pain anymore. You will always be my little booba dooba, snuggie puggie and love bug! I LOVE YOU BABY BOY!

3/2 - Hi baby! I hear you have a new friend named Snickers. You are having so much fun I am sure. I miss you terribly but I am glad you have a new friend. I still cannot believe you aren't here with me but I amn so glad you are not in pain anymore. You are the best boy! I LOVE YOU SWEET BOY!

3/3 - Hi sweet boy! I cannot believe it has been 2 weeks already. I miss you baby boy. You are in a better place but I cannot help but miss that face & my kisses. I am glad you are not in pain anymore but I still miss the boxer love ; ). I LOVE YOU!

3/4 - Hi baby! I am still waiting for your framed photo from your friends at Haines Road to be done. It is that cute picture of you when you were a little peanut. I miss you baby you are such a good boy. I know heaven has a great greeting committee with you there. I know how awesome the boxer kisses are so I know that you are greeting everyone with love. You are such a love bug & I know you are in a better place & having fun without pain. Take care and have a great day! I LOVE YOU SWEET BOY!

3/5 - Baby boy you are precious and I love you and miss you. You are so sweet. I am glad you are not in pain & in a beautiful place making new friends. I still miss you & my kisses though. I know I will get to see you again someday. I LOVE YOU CUTE BOY!

3/6 - Hi honey! I love you. I really missed you last night. I was moving the toys around and it made me think of you playing and getting crazy when they would rip & stuffing would come out. You are such a good boy I am sure you are having fun pulling out stuffing in heaven. I miss my kisses & hugs baby. I LOVE YOU NEU NEU!

3/7 - Hi sweet boy! I hear you have a friend named Kasey who is also a youngster. I am glad to know you have lots of friends. You are such a good boy. I hope you have a super awesome day. Send some love my way if you have a chance. I LOVE YOU BOO BOO BOY!

3/8 - Good morning sweet boy! I miss you & love you. I know you are making new friends and helping everyone feel welcome in their new home. You are such a sweet, kind and good boy. I LOVE YOU BABY!

3/9 - Hi sweet boy! I thought about you yesterday and this morning. We took your sister out on the boat & I must say she has sea legs unlike you. I remember you turning green (if a dog could turn green). I guess you were a land lubber. You were always such a love bug and sweet pea. I LOVE YOU ALWAYS!

3/10 - Hi baby! You were sucj an awesome boy & I miss you. I have to tell you FLBR had a boy who needed a foster home so we decided to be hiss foster home. He kind of reminds me of you. I know if you were here you would love him & help make him well. He is a little ill right now but I know you would nurse him back to health. The poor little guy also only weighs 55 lbs. He is going to be a big boy like you were. I hope you will send your love & kisses down to Helios to help him heal. I know you wouldn't want anybody treated like he was. I LOVE YOU & MISS YOU SWEET BOY!

3/11 - Hi sweet boy! I love you. I still expect to see you when I look at the couch or your lounge chair. You are suppose to be getting sun on your buns! You were such a sweet & good boy. I know you are making everyone feel welcome & loved & I hope you are getting lots of love in return. I know I will see you again but I still miss you. Someone sent me a site that says how a pet should be treated & the last step is exactly why I had to be with you at the end baby. http://home.att.net/~hideaway_today/t125/pet.htm

3/12 - Good morning handsome boy! I love you & miss you. Please send kisses and hugs. Especially to Helios as he has to have surgery today to find out what is in his colon area. He is a sweet boy like you & just wants loving. I know you would want him to have a chance at life and he is a young boy. I love you please send your kisses & love. I LOVE YOU ALWAYS CUTIE BOOTIE!

3/13 - Good morning baby! I am guessing by now you have met Helios. When they did the surgery yesterday it was that nasty cancer word in his intestines so he had to be let go too & he was even younger than you baby. Please make him feel welcome & feel loved as I don't think he got a whole lot of that in his short life but he deserved to as he was sweet like you. I LOVE YOU BABY BOY!

3/14 - Hi sweet boy! I hope you are having lots of fun and running, playing and eating bones. Do you like Chaing? Did you meet Helios? Do you like him too? I know Ching is there with you too along with a bunch of other sweet babies. I still miss you and cannot believe it has almost been a month. I LOVE YOU ALWAYS!

3/15 - Hello sweet boo boo wiggle butt! I love you! I still miss my boxer kisses and boo boo loving. I know you are in a better place but I miss you. I hope you are hainign an awesome time. I LOVE YOU & MISS YOU PUNKA MONKA!

3/16 - Hello baby! You are such a good boy. I know you are giving everyone kisses, please send some my way. I am glad you are having fun & not in pain anymore. I LOVE YOU & I MISS YOU BABY BOO BOO!

3/17 - Hi my love bug! I cannot believe it has been a month since you went to heaven. I still miss you so much. You were such a sweetie. I am glad you are not in pain anymore though my little love bug. I LOVE YOU ALWAYS BOOBA DOOBA!

3/18 - Hi baby! I just want you to know I am thinking of you every day. I want be able to sign your book everyday as I am running out of allowed words but remember I think of you everyday. I LOVE YOU BABY BOY!

4/16 - I cannot believe it has been almost 2 months. I still miss you so much baby boy. I miss writing to you everyday too. I know you hear me talking to you and thinking of you everyday. I hope you are having lots of fun, kisses, play time, rubs and bones. You are a sweet boy. I LOVE YOU & MISS YOU MY LITTLE OOBA DOOBA DOO!

4/17 - Baby boy I love you. It doesn't seem like it has been two months already. I miss you sooooo much. It just isn't the same without your face in the window waiting for me. I love you so much. Please send me kisses and love. Have fun with all your new friends and make sure to show the new babies love. I know you will as you are the best boy ever. I LOVE YOU BOOBA DOOBA BOY!

5/17 Baby boo it doesn't seem possible that you have been gone for three months. I still miss you sooooo much. Your birthday is coming up too. I still miss my bed pig & shower buddy. I know you are being a good boy & greeting everyone & making new friends but remember to send me a kiss every now & then. You are the best love bug every. I LOVE YOU & MISS YOU BABY BOO!

5/22 - HAPPY BIRTHDAY BABY! I wish you were here to have your birthday but God needed you more. I am sure you are having a wonderful time & today there will be a party with puperoni and bones! I know you are eing a good boy & making lots of friends. Give kisses to Ching, Chaing, Muffin & Helios for me. Calypso sends lickies to you & Orion is the new baby you would like him I am sure & he sends lickies too (even though he doesn't know you but beccause he is a lover like you). I LOVE YOU MY OOBA DOOBA SNUGGLE BUNNY!

6/17 - Baby boy I love you & still miss you. I think of you everyday. The vets office is redesigning the lobby & are putting up client pictures & you are going to be there!! I think you would like that as you were such a love bug & hambone : )! I love you sweetie boy & I know you are having fun & being a good boy! Baby the boxer rescue has asked us to foster a "senior" boxer named Rocky and he reminds me of you. I know you would have liked him & I know you will keep an eye on him! I LOVE YOU BABY!

7/17 - Hi baby boy! I love you & still think of you every day. I know you are in a better place & having fun playing with all the other babies up there. Just think of me sometimes too ; ). I love you baby ooba dooba & keep on being the good boy & greeting comittee up there. LOVE YOU BOO!

8/17 - Hi my sweet boy! I love you. I know you are having fun & making friends. I know you have a new white baby to paly with, Kellogg, Veronica's baby. I bet you two are having a blast. I know you are giving lots of love & kisses but send me a kiss every now & then too ; ). The pain of losing you is getting easier now I smile alot more when I think of you but I still miss you! Keep being a good boy! I LOVE YOU CUDDLE BUNNY!

9/17 - Hi precious boy! I love you. I still think of you everyday but I know you are in a better place and not in any more pain. I know you say hi to me some days I swear I feel your lickies lol. Be a good boy (as I know you always are) and take care of the new arrivals. Make sure to let Helios know he is loved too even though he was here for sucha short time. I know you are being the welcoming committee as you were always good at that. I LOVE YOU NUBA DOOBA BOY!!!!

10/17 - Tomorrow is my birthday & I wish you were here to celebrate it with me. I am sure you will be sending me lickies. I think you sent Rocky to us as he is like you in so many ways. Thanks for being such a good boy. I love you boo boo & still miss you but I know you are in a better place. Jesus must love you too as you must make him laugh because you are so silly. Be a good boy & give lots of kisses (as I know you will). I LOVE YOU!!

11/17 - I love you baby boo! It is almost Thanksgiving & we will all miss the nub wiggling as you try to mooch as much food as you could. You are a precious boy & were a gracious gift from God. I love you & still miss you boo. I smile thinking of you my sweet boy. Take care of all your friends in heaven. Give Chaing, Ching and Helios kisses for me. I love you all.

12/17 - It is almost Christmas boo and who is going to open all the presents for us? I miss you but know you will have a great Christmas with all the babies in heaven. It won't be the same without waking up to the presents already being opened lol. You are a good boy. I LOVE YOU OOBA DOOBA!

12/25 - Merry Christmas love bug! I still miss having you here but I am sure you had a great day. I hope you were a good boy and shared your presents (I know you did). Please give kisses to Ching, Chaing & Helios too. I miss you. MERRY CHRISTMAS MY LOVE BUG!

1/1 - Happy New Year boo! It doesn't seem possible it is almost a year since you left us. I still can't believe it. You are a good boy. I LOVE YOU BABY BOO!

1/17 - Hi baby! I love you. I still think of you everyday. I miss the kisses. The new boys are funny and have personality but not like you baby. I hope you are being a good boy. I am sure you are. I know I will get to see you again one day baby until then be a good boy and do what God tells you to as I know he loves you too. I LOVE YOU MY LITTLE SNUGA MUGA!

2/17 - Hi ooba dooba! I love you & cannot believe it has been a year since you went to be with Jesus! I know he needed you for some good reason and since you are such a love bug I am guessing you are on the greeting committee for little children and other animals. I miss you and think of you everyday baby boy. I know you are not in pain anymore and you are doing a great job as a greeter lol. Please say hi to Ching, Chaing and Heliosvthey were good kids too. I know you boys are being good and making God laugh and smile with your antics. I know you are having fun with Ching again too and Chaing is glad to meet you too I am sure. I LOVE YOU MY LITTLE SNUGGLE BUG!

3/17 - Hi my snuggle buddy! I miss having you here to be my little cheering section and lap dog. Not to mention the kisses. I know you are being a good boy and helping out where needed though. I also know all the other doggies & little children have a greet greeting commitee waiting for them. Thank you for being such a warm hearted sweet & loveable boy. I know Helios is there with you helping out as well as Ching & Chaing. I hope you are all being good!! I love you all very much and know that you are all love bugs. I thank God for the time I had with you all & know when the time comes we will be together again. I LOVE YOU!

4/17 - Hi baby boo! I love you & hope you are having fun playing with Helios and spreading boxer loves & kisses. I know you are being a good boy & being happy kisser boy. I know you are also helping out with the children cause you are so sweet. Say hi to Ching, Chaing & Helios for me baby & give them kisses. I LOVE YOU!

5/17 - Hi my little ooba dooba! I just wanted you to know you are a special boy & I love you always. I know you are being good. I still miss you but it isn't painful or sad now it is just a little ache I will always have you in my heart baby. You keep being good & doing whatever the Lord asks. Just remember to occassionally send me a lick or 2, lol. I LOVE YOU MY LITTLE OOBA DOOBA!

5/22 - HAPPY BIRTHDAY MY LOVE BUG! I miss you & wish you were here to celebrate but I know you are in a better place and not in pain anymore. You are a cutie patootie. I am sure all the Rainbow Bridge residents had a great party for you & I bet God stopped by to give you a pat & a hug. He has a good guardian in you baby boy. I love you please be a good boy as always. I MISS YOU SNOOGA MUGGA SNUGGLE BUNNY!

6/17 - Hello little snoogy moogy boy! I love you. I am so glad to know you have lots of freinds up there. I am sure you are chasing rainbows and butterflies as well as your buddies. Remember to always give lickies to everyone you meet. You are such a love bug. I still miss you but know you are not in pain anymore and are having fun. I also know that one day we will be together again. Hello to Helios and Chaing and Ching too. I love you all. Please be good and tell Jesus thank you from me for loving you all too. I LOVE YOU SNUGGLY LOVE MUFFIN BOY!

7/17 - Hello to you baby ooba dooba! Hello sweet Helios, my little fluffy lion Chaing and my cream puff girl Ching! I miss you all and hope you all are being good ; ) I know you are. I love you and am glad you all are in a nice place where there is sunshine, play mates, treats and toys. Please send me lickies occasionally. Thank God for me when He is there with you for making doggies. I thank Him too everyday for sending such precious gifts. I LOVE YOU ALL MY LITTLE LOVE BUGS!

8/17 - Hello my love bugs! I hope you all are being good for Jesus and helping out where He needs you. I am sure you all are being good as you are sweetie pies. I love you all and miss you all too. You all play nice with everyone and give them kisses and hugs. Remember to send me kisses sometimes. I LOVE YOU ALL MY LITTLE SNUGGLE BUGS!

9/17 - Hi snugle bugs! I love you all & miss you too but I know we will all be together again one day and that makes it easier. I know you are frolicking and chasing butterflies and having a good time. I am glad you are no longer in pain and are being good. Poor little Ching is out numbered by all you boys lol. I LOVE YOU ALL MY SNOOGA BOOGAS!

10/17 - Hello baby boos! I love you all. Tomorrow is my birthday so I really miss you all so send kisses. Thank you for being good babies for the Lord and helping out where ever needed. I know you are all being good and not chewing on anyones shoes (lol). Please send me some sunshine and kisses. I LOVE YOU MY OOBA DOOBAS!

11/17 - Happy Thanksgiving my baby booba doobas! I love you all. I know we will be together one day but until then be good and mind Jesus and keep the children happy. I know you all are being good. I LOVE YOU ALL MY SWEETIE PIES!

12/17 - Merry Christmas sweetie peas! I love you all and hope you have an awesome Christmas with Jesus celebrating his birthday. Remember to send me love too ; ) I LOVE YOU MY SNUGGLEY BUGGELIES!

1/17 - Happy New Year to my beautiful babies. I hope you all are having fun romping and playing with the children in heaven. Please be good and remember I LOVE YOU MY LITTLE BOOPAS!

2/17 - Hello love bug! I cannot believe it has been 2 years since you went to be with Jesus! I love you and still miss my ooba dooba kisses. I know you are being a good boy & are in a better place. I miss you all Chaing, Ching, Apollo & Helios. I know you are all being good. Ching I know you are outnumbered by the boys ; ) but I know you can keep them all straight too haha. Please send me kisses. I know you are having fun & playing as well as helping the poor children that are there too. Help them be happy too & be good & do what Jesus asks. I LOVE YOU MY CUTE BOOTIES!!

3/17 - Hello snuggle buggle! You are so sweet and such a good boy. I know you are taking good care of your brothers and sister up there. Please give lickies to Ching, Chaing & Helios. I love you and know God created doggies to show love to the world. I LOVE YOU ALL MY SILLY HEADS!

4/17 - Hello my little buga duga! I still miss your cute face. You are such a good boy & I miss your kisses. I miss you all of course. You are all good kids. Please be good and do whatever Jesus tells you to do. I am hugging you and sending kisses. I LOVE YOU ALL LITTLE BOO BOOS!

5/17 - Hello cutie pies! Are you all being good? I miss the kisses but know you are all in a better place. This world is so crazy. People being mean to animals and all the weather causing so much destruction. Please make sure to be good and great all the animals that have been lost to the storms and people being dumb. Of course greet the children and anyone Jesus asks you too. I know you all will be good. I LOVE YOU MY LOVE BUGS!!!!

6/17 - Hello love bugs! I love you all very much and am glad you are in a better place with love and no pain. Please be good (as I know you are) and thank Jesus for creating such a lovely place for you all. Send kisses when you can. I LOVE YOU MY BUTTER BEANS!

7/17 - Hello cute booties! Have you been playing and having fun? Remember to be nice to the new babies that come in too. Make them feel welcome. I know you all are being good. I LOVE YOU MY SNUGGLE BUGS!

8/17 - Hello ooba doobas! I still miss all my snuggly bugs. I know you are all having fun and playing and giving kisses. Please remember to send me kisses sometimes too ; ). I know you will. I LOVE YOU ALL MY LITTLE SILLY BUTTS!

9/17 - Hello my little cuties! I think you all are so precious and I love you lots. Please continue to be good. I still think of you all and miss you. I know that you are good love bugs and being good. Thank you for being so good. I LOVE YOU MY NOONU HEADS!

10/17 - Hello love bugs! It is almost my birthday so please send kisses! I miss you all & will snuggle with you in my dreams for my birthday ; )! Please be good and have fun running and playing in no pain as you al deserve it. Thank Jesus for being so kind too. I will thank him too. I LOVE YOU MY DUMPLINS!

11/17 - Love and kisses! I love you all my love bugs. Be good and know that you all are always in my heart and thoughts ; )LOVE YOU MY BOOGA BOOS!

12/17 - Merry Christmas my little love bugs! I know Jesus will be there with you on His birthday. Give him hugs and kisses from me. I love you all and know you are being good. I LOVE YOU MY LITTLE SWEET PEAS!

1/17 - Happy New Year to the my beautiful babies! You all are so wonderful and sweet. I know you all are being good and playing in fields and with toys. I am glad you all are no longer in pain. I LOVE YOU MY BABY BOO BOOS!

2/17 - Happy Valentines Day! I know it is a few days late but I want you to know I love you. I cannot believe it has been 3 years since you passed away Apollo. Please be a good boy and play with all your brothers and sister in heaven as well as all the other babies. I know you are a good boy and so sweet so I know you will. I love you all. Chaing, Ching, Apollo and Helios you are all wonderful and I love you. I LOVE YOU MY LITTLE SNUGGLE BUGS!

3/17 - Hello baby boos! I still think of you all and love you. I know you all are in a better place and are having fun. Ching you make sure to keep all the boys in line. You are a good girl and I know you are behaving and telling the boys what to do ; ) I love you. Chaing you are my fuzzy bunny and I love you. Thank you for being a good boy always. Apollo I know you are being a good boy and greeting everyone and playing like a good boy. Helios baby I know you are finally able to be a puppy and run and pay instead of being sick from stupid cancer. I LOVE YOU ALL, PLAY, RUN AND HAVE FUN!

4/17 - Hello again cuddle bugs! I just wanted to say hello and I love and miss you all. I know you are having a good time and being good. I love and think of you all often. Be good and send me kisses ; ) I LOVE YOU MY LOVE MUFFINS!!

5/5 - I know I haven't been on in a while but I love you and still miss you all. You are all wonderful, special and sweet presents God gave me on this earth. I think you guys have it right so you don't live as long as people because you love unconditionally and are kind and loving no matter what. I know you all are awesome and being good. I love you all. Please keep being good :) Please prayer for Rocky as he was diagnosed with a brain tumor. I am believing for a miracle as he may be 9 but we haven't had him all 9 years and I would love more time to love on him as he kind of reminds me of you Apollo boo :) Ching you are a sweet good girl and thank you for being such a good girl. Chaing you were my first true dog that was my dog, I love you fuzzy bunny boy. Apollo you were my life line during a really rough time and I love you so much my ooba dooba. Helios we only had you for a few days but I know you were a good boy and I love you sweet pea. You all be good and give licks and wags to everyone!!! I LOVE YOU MY SNUGGLE BUNNIES!!

8/19 - I am running out of space here so I cannot type notes as often as I would like but I know by now you have met Rocky. The brain tumor started making him have seizures. I know you are playing together and he is healthy and whole up in heaven with you all. Please know I love you all and think you all are SUPER SPECIAL always. God brought each of you into my life for a specific time and purpose even if I feel it wasn't long enough :) I LOVE YOU ALL MY SWEET LOVE BUGS!!!!!!!!

3/17 - Happy St. Pattys day to all my precious babies. I LOVE YOU ALL!! I am thinking of you all always and sending love and kisses to you all. I love you Chaing, my first doggy that was truly my doggy and a Chow like I always wanted, little lion boy who fought that cancer so stoically. Ching my little white fluffy baby who was so sweet and loved me no matter what and fought those mini seizures so valiantly. Apollo my first boxer who taught me boxers are goofy and crazy and fun and love you no matter what! Helios my poor little boy who was still a baby and was sweet as could be, who was only with me 2 days but had my heart. Rocky ocky what can I say you came to us at 6 and were the sweetest most vocal boxer baby, you tried to stay with me but it wasn't to be. I MISS YOU ALL AND KNOW YOU ARE IN A BETTER PLACE! THANK YOU LORD FOR THE LOVE AND GRACE YOU HAVE SHOWN & GIVEN ME THROUGH THESE 4 LEGGED CHILDREN!!

10/31 - Happy Halloween! I love you all. I thank God everyday for every one of you being a part of my life even though it hurts sometimes and I still miss you all. MY LOVE BUGS YOU WERE LOVED AND STILL ARE!!!

2/8 - Apollo I know you are now reunited with Calypso. She was so thin and she had another infection and couldn't walk anymore so we decided to let her come be with you and Rocky and all the other kids she never met. I miss you all so much!

2/17 - Apollo I cannot believe it is anniversary time again. It seems like you were here just yesterday. I love you my precious boxer boy! Please give everyone a kiss for me :) I LOVE YOU ALL!!!

3/17 - Happy St. Pattys day again to you all. In the grand scheme of things I will see you all soon. I miss you and love you all.

5/22 - Birthday time again. HAPPY BIRTHDAY SNUGGLE BUNNY!! I LOVE YOU. I love you all.

2/17 - Another year and yet it seems like yesterday. I love you and miss you baby boy! Give all the kids a snuggle and kiss for me. Know that I always love you as well as your brothers and sisters and in the end we will all be reunited God willing.

5/13 - I love you all so much. Calypso, my little peanut, I think you and Luna would be such good buddies. She looks so much like you!!! Ching and Chaing I miss your fluffy selves I hope you are running and having fun. Apollo, Helios and Rocky you are all so sweet I hope you all are chewing on a bone and chasing balls :) I LOVE YOU ALL!!!!!!

12/16 - Hello again my love bugs. Calypso you are now playing with Orion too and loving it I bet. My Orion tater I love you and miss you. I know you are in a better place and no more seizures. Be good and have fun. I love you all.

5/9 - Hi all! Did you get Mimi cheese yet? I told mom she better have cheese in her pockets when she gets there. Please give her extra kisses from me. Mom give them extra snuggles from me. I love you all and I know I will see you all again but I miss you all too.

5/22 - Birthday time again. HAPPY BIRTHDAY SNUGGLE BUNNY!! I LOVE YOU. I miss you all.

2/17 - I love you all. I miss you all but I know you are all in a better place and running, having fun and getting love and cheese from Mimi. Please send love to me as well as I miss you all and can use some love and positivity!!!! LOVE ALWAYS!!!!!

Love to you all. I miss you all and love you all. Mom I miss you but I know you hear me when I talk to you. Please give all the kids love, kisses and cheese.

2/17 - I still cannot believe you have been gone 11 years. I know mom/mimi is up there loving on you and all the kids. Give her a kiss from me and I know I will see you all again one day.

4/28 - I love you all and miss you all so very much. Please take care of mom/mimi for me and play nice. Each and everyone of you have a special place in my heart. I wish I could save all the babies down here that are mistreated so they would know love too. I know you all don't live as long as we do as you have it right the first time, love no matter what. I love you and give you treats, high fives and lots of hugs and kisses. To mom too!!!

2/17 - I still miss you and love you baby boy. I know I will see you again someday as well as all the other babies. Say hello to mom for me and make sure she gives you extra cheese today :) You are a good boy and I know you are having fun playing with all the other kids. Kisses, hugs and lots of love my big boy.

10/30 - By now you have been introduced to Luna. We miss her and you and all of the babies everyday. I LOVE YOU ALL!!!!

5/22 - Happy Birthday Apollo!!! I still miss you cute boy. I hope you have an even more fun day in heaven. I know all animals have to go to heaven as how can they not. You my baby boy definitely showed the world what true love with no conditions really meant.

06/13 - Hello all my babies. I love you all and miss you so much. I know we will be together again some day but I still miss all you and your kisses and love. I know you are being good and having fun with no pain so that is what is important. Say hello to Mimi for me too. I love you all so much.

Thank you for everyone who has visited and posted thoughts & prayers.

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