Welcome to Ava's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
Ava's Rainbow Bridge Pet Loss Memorial Residency Image
Memories of Ava

You always loved being in the sun and in the morning it would be in the cat hammock in front of my window so you could get the sun in the afternoon. You would be on the cat tower because you were just so obsessed with the sun. I think because that coincided with one of your favourite activities which was bird watching, you would make that prey noise and everyone around would look for the bird with you. You made everyone smile and laugh. It was always so entertaining to put the cat tv on and see you watch with such fascination.

You were also obsessed with your cat food. There was nothing you love more than wet food and you let me know that every morning at 6:30. You wouldn't be happy if you didn't get at least two cans a day and I always complied you never really left a lot of time for your sister to eat her food, you really were the destroyer of food and we loved you for that. Also you won't really allowed human food but when you did get some it was your favourite Maccas chicken nugget or whatever chicken I was cutting up Ava, you would meow to eat anything I was cutting even if you hated it.

Speaking of your sister, she misses you. She's been crying out for you. That's just because of how much you guys loved each other. Ava, you were the best sister that Bella could've ever asked for. Even if at times you would get on each other's nerves. You'd mostly get on Bella's nerves either by forcing her off the cat hammock or by tricking her so you can jump onto your preferred spot on the cat tower. But you would always make up for that by giving her cuddles by cleaning her face and her ears even if you went a little too far sometimes and you guys had a little rough and tumble it was so much fun to watch.

My favourite memories of you are endless but I always loved whenever I would change the bedsheets and you two would just go crazy and start rolling around and play fighting.

You also really loved the top of my computer and I would always make sure to play the games that would make my CPU overheat just so you could get warm and it would be the PS5 would be next to it for warmth or under the blanket with me and sometimes your sister.

There's so many more memories Ava and over time I will write them all down but for now I need to let you know that we love you. I love you. Bella loves you. Immy loves you. Granny loves you. We all love you so so much.

We miss you more than words can ever describe and there will always be an Ava sized hole in my heart. You'll never be forgotten my love.

Please enjoy all the catnip, sunshine cat hammocks and birds to watch in the rainbow Bridge

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