Dear Siwu, 8/14/24 - We laid you to rest on 8/5/24, and I haven't stopped thinking of you since. Our memories together permeate my mind, and I wish we could have more. I miss you more than words can describe. The hole you left in my heart is unbearable at times. I wish I could hug and kiss your sweet paws one last time. I miss your amazing cuddles and healing purring vibrations whenever I'm feeling down. You always knew how to comfort me. Your sweet face instantly put me at ease. It hurts me so much to know I'll never be able to hug and kiss you. This heartbreak feels unbearable but I know you're in a better place. You were such a fighter my sweet baby. You loved me until the very end and I'll always love you forever. You taught me what unconditional love is and we grew up together. You moved with me twice and always supported me. Looking at you could put me into a deep state of relaxation. Without you, life feels so empty. You left such a deep hole in my heart and soul. You were my best friend and soulmate. I feel so lost without you. I look for you at the end of the night whenever you'd come and cuddle me in my lap. You were so funny and kind baby. You always gave me that loving stare whenever we were cuddling. I wish I could hug you one last time. You were there for me through thick and thin. My best friend forever. I'll always cherish our memories. I did as much as I could for you, but it wasn't enough. 13 years wasn't long enough. I wish you could've stayed with me longer, but I guess you felt your job here was done. I hope you visit me in my dreams soon baby. I miss you dearly every day, but some days it's unbearable, as today. Looking at pictures isn't enough. I want to cuddle you but you're not here. I loved your sweet little trill, zoomies and whenever you'd roll on your back and show me your stomach. I love you more than words can even explain baby. I hope you're guarding me from above forever. I'll miss you forever and ever. 8/18/24 - My dear baby, I miss you deeply tonight. Tonight is one of those nights when I just know you'd sense my pain and come lay on my chest until it went somewhat away. You understood me without me having to shed a tear. You were there for me whenever you felt like I was sad. I watched a movie last night called "The Tale of Princess Kaguya" and the ending reminded me of how soon you were taken from me. The grief that I'm left with is so hard to deal with at times. It feels like no one understands and I know you'd understand my pain. You always did. In that movie, Princess returned to the moon in a beautiful ritual. I hope that you're up there looking over me baby. I miss you more than words can describe. I wish you were here with me right now. I don't have any tears left to cry. I'm so upset without you. I miss smelling your sweet coat. Your smell always soothed me. My precious baby. I hope we can meet in my dreams soon. Please visit me. I love you forever and ever. More than you'll ever know.
9/16/24 - My dear Siwu, it's officially been one month and two days without you. And yet again, it's another Monday (I hate Mondays). I still miss you more than I can describe. I went to Turkey and came back on 9/14. I couldn't get my mind off you. Whenever someone would bring up your passing, I'd choke up and become speechless because the hole you left in my heart is unspeakable. I feel like I'll never be the same. You were my heart. It feels like I can't love again. No one understands our bond and that's okay. I was so lucky to have shared all the good times I had with you. I just wish you were still here to comfort me like you always would. I miss smelling your sweet paws and belly. I miss your sweet face and cuteness. I created a photo album for you with 400-500 of your pictures. I also visited your grave today, so don't be upset that we haven't been around for two weeks. Turkey was a shit show. I wish you would give me some signs and look out for me. I believe you do. But I would like you to visit me again. I miss you beyond words and any signs from you would make me feel a bit better. I'll never forget that lizard situation. I really miss you baby. I wish I could hug and kiss you one last time. I really can't get your last moments out of my mind. They haunt me. I'm so hurt. I didn't want to make the decision but I didn't want you to suffer more than you were. Our bond was so strong that you wouldn't let go and we can never know how much pain you were in. Your sweet face couldn't complain but you were still hanging on even though the cancer had spread everywhere. What a nasty disease. You were taken way too soon. I really hope I can love again but you took my heart with you to the grave. You were my heart on the outside and my absolute soulmate. I was so lucky to have you. I'll treasure our memories forever. I love you so much, until the end of time, and I always will. Love, Melis 10/6/24 - My dear Siwu, yesterday was two months without you and I didn't even realize. Yesterday was a very hard day for me and I didn't even know it was two months without you. That would explain a lot. I miss you deeply. Life is hard without you. I'm learning to do things that make me happy. You were my happiness, so now I'm trying to navigate that feeling and redefine what happiness is. The hole in my heart is still very much there. I think about you every day. Some days are harder than others. It hurts so much writing about this. I've been running from my feelings and desperately trying to distract myself but I know the emptiness still lies there, deep within. You were my sweet baby and my treasure. Now you're my angel and I hope you're looking out for me. I feel so drained. I hope it gets easier but I still miss you more than ever, with tears running down my face as I write this. I love you forever and miss you more than you'll ever know my baby. I love you. 10/22/24 - My baby Siwu. My beautiful and sweet angel. I miss you more than ever today. All I want to do is smell your sweet stomach and toe beans, and kiss your button nose that was always wet. All the tears I've cried, and yet I continue to shed more. I miss you terribly and there's nothing I can do except miss you. I miss you every day. And I look at your pictures every day. The pain I feel from missing you is like nothing I've ever felt before. It feels so unfair to live without you. You were my happiness. You put me at ease and I didn't need or want anything else from life. Now that you're gone, it's so hard to live without that peace you brought me. I love you so much, until the very end. You've changed me in so many ways. I'm glad I got to experience your love and loyalty. I'm glad I got to be your mother. I wish you were still with me. I love you forever. Love, Melis. 11/5/24 - My dear Siwu. Today marks 3 months since we laid you to rest. I miss you terribly right now. I wish you could be here with me. I miss your sweet face and stomach every day. I love you more than anything. You will be in my heart forever. The hole you left in it, however, hasn't gone away whatsoever. I miss you forever my baby. Until we meet again. I love you. Love always, Melis. 12/6/24 - My Siwushe. I miss you so much. It's been 4 months and I can't stop crying. I love you so much. Nick said he saw you in his dreams and I was petting you. I wish you would visit me too. I want to pet you and cuddle you again. I miss you so much it hurts. I need you now. I love you so much. I wish I could see you again. But maybe you'll visit me when you feel I'm ready. I think about you every day. The hole you left in my heart isn't shrinking. I feel like I lost my heart. I miss you deeply. You were my everything. I wish you were still here cuddling with me. I was so lucky to have you by my side for all of those years, but it wasn't enough. I got to know what unconditional love was like. I can't love like that again. You were my complete and utter happiness. You motivated me to be a better person and express love outwardly. I was so lucky to have you. I love you so fucking much. I visited your grave and cleaned off the leaves the other day. It always hurts me so much to visit your grave. Maybe I will garden so I can be closer to you. When I last saw you in my dreams, it wasn't a good one. I want to experience our cuddles again. Please visit me soon my beloved baby. I love you so much until the day I die. Love, 1/25/25 - I miss you now more than ever. Not a day goes by that I don't think about you. I love you so much and I wish you would visit me so we could cuddle again. I'm volunteering to help out cats now, but none of them can ever take you place. I love you forever. |
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