Welcome to Bailee's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
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Memories of Bailee

June 1, 2009 - August 27, 2023

We lost our beloved black lab Ziggy in June of 2016. Even though we had 5 other dogs, a house is not a home without a lab in it. Bailee needed a home in January of 2017 and we needed her. Bringing her home with us was the best thing we could have ever done.
We loved you immediately.
We were told you were 5 but the chip said you were 7 years old. You acted more like you were 7 months old. You had endless energy. We couldn't keep up with you. Even under anesthesia you didn't slow down.
Bailee is survived by 2 younger sisters, a pitbull named Roxie who is 13, and a little mix named Jazzy who is 11. She also has a younger brother, a little minpin named Joe who is 12.
There were many things you enjoyed doing but your favorite was chasing balls. You were consumed with that. That is what you lived for. The only thing better was if they were in water. You loved swimming and you were so good at it. We could watch you all day and you could do it all day never tiring out. The little pool in the yard made you just as happy as a big lake. You also loved the snow. You loved to bury your head in it and roll around in it. I guess that was the Canadian girl in you!!
You were so good with people and they all loved you. You could take or leave other dogs but that was a good thing. Never any trouble. You were like a young dog until the last year or so. You were always a big eater. Your legs started giving you problems and you developed laryngeal paralyis. You had trouble walking, didn't want to eat and became disoriented. We did come up with a recipe that you did enjoy. It was ground meat, elbows and creamy tomato sauce. Eventually you stopped eating that too. We took the best care of you we possibly could. Everything we did, we did for you until the very end. We gave you as many treats as you wanted for your last ride and for some reason you couldn't get enough of them.
You came all the way from Saskatchewan to Pennsylvania and we don't know what your life was like for the first half but we gave you the best life we could for the second half and I know you were happy and very much loved. We love you with all of our hearts Bailee B Weaver. Someday soon when we see each other again, I want a big sloppy kiss from my special angel.
The name of the song is "Friends". You were more than that to us. You were one of my children.
I know your little sis Izzie was waiting to greet you at the Bridge. She just left us unexpectedly in April. This is more heartache than we should have to go through.

Mumma, Daddy, Erin, Randi, Melani, Roxie, Joe and Jazzy

There's something missing in my home
I feel it day and night.
I know it will take time and strength
before things feel quite right.
But just for now, I need to mourn.
My heart - it needs to mend.
Though some may say "It's just a pet,"
I know I've lost a friend.
You brought such laughter to my home
and richness to my days,
A constant friend through joy or loss
with gentle, loving ways.
Companion, friend and confidante,
A friend I won't forget.
You'll live forever in my heart,
My sweet forever pet.

September 5, 2023
Hi Angel. It's been a week since you left us. My heart is completely broken. Everywhere I look I think of you.
I know you were very tired and over it but I don't know if I will get over it. I love you so much. I know you have met up with Izzie and all your other brothers and sisters by now. Someday when we are reunited don't forget that big sloppy kiss I need so badly. You are my sweet angel.

September 12, 2023
Hi girlfriend! The house is so quiet without you and Izzie. Roxie, Joe and Jazzy aren't as crazy as you two were. You two were the life of the party. You cannot imagine how much I miss you. I think about you every other minute of the day. Everything reminds me of you. I cannot wait to see you and get that big sloppy Bailee kiss. Talk to you soon.

October 9, 2023
Hi Sweet B. I hope you have adjusted to your new life at the Rainbow Bridge waiting for us. I miss you sooooooooooooo much. I'm sure you have met all your brothers and sisters by now and I know they love you as much as we do. Take care sweet angel and we will see you soon. My special girl!

November 4, 2023
Hi sweetie B. I miss you so much. I am beginning to smile when I think of some of the crazy things you used to do. You were one of a kind and there will never be another "B". I know you are with Izzie and that makes me happy.
I love and miss you very very much. See you soon my sweetest angel.

December 2, 2023
Hi sweetie B. I miss you so much. You were the sweetest girl there ever was. The house has not been the same since you left. I remember the day we went to pick you up. You had never met us before and you were so so happy to see us. You did your half jumps all over the place, got in the car and came home with us like it was something you did everyday. You fit right in with your 5 brothers and sisters. You were 7 when we got you and you lived to be 14. We don't know what the first half of your life was like but we do know that the 2nd half was pretty terrific. You were a very happy girl and I'm so thankful for that. I cannot wait to see you and get one of those big old sloppy kisses you were so famous for!! I will always love you.

Dec. 25, 2023
Merry Christmas B. Not a very merry one for us. This is the first Christmas in a very long time without you and Izzie. My whole house has a sadness to it that I just cannot shake off. I miss and love you very much.
See you soon my sweet angel.
Love Mumma

December 31, 2023
Happy New Year B. We love you very very much. There will never be another Bailee B.

February 24, 2024
Hi B. I haven't been here to visit you in a couple months, but it is not because I don't think about you everyday because I do. It's very hard to see you and Izzie here. My girls left us only 4 months apart and it's been difficult. I miss you so much. Take care B. There will never be another Bailee B.Weaver!

March 31, 2024
Happy Easter Bailee. We miss and love you.

April 15, 2024
Hi B. Just wanted to let you know that your little brother Joe has joined you today. You two were good buddies.
Take good care of him. He's a little guy with a big heart.

April 25, 2024
Hi Sweetie B. Just visiting everyone and I want to remind you of how much I miss and love you. You were a very special and sweet girl. There could never be another Bailee B.

June 1, 2024
Happy birthday sweetheart. It's been a year and it seems like yesterday that we celebrated your 14th birthday. We miss you so much. The years just fly by and I cannot wait to be reunited with all my angels at the Rainbow Bridge. Have a great day B. There will never be another one like you my special angel.

August 27, 2024
It's a bitter sweet day today. It's our 45th wedding anniversary and you passed away on this day last year. We miss you so much. You were the life of the party at home here. You were such a sweetheart, so funny and so nice.
You are always in our thoughts and heart B. We will be joining you soon. Don't forget I'm looking forward to that big sloppy Bailee kiss.

November 28, 2024
Happy Thanksgiving Sweetie B. You have not idea how much I miss you. We will see each other soon. Don't forget I'm looking forward to that big sloppy Bailee kiss.

December 25, 2024
Merry Christmas Bailee. We miss you so much and cannot wait to see you again and get a big sloppy B kiss.

January 1, 2025
Happy New Year Bailee !

Please also visit Charly, Izzie, Joe, Ozzie, Pud, Pud-Pud, Ziggy and Zoe Ann Weaver.

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