Welcome to Baxter's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
Baxter's Rainbow Bridge Pet Loss Memorial Residency Image
Memories of Baxter
Dear Baxter (Baxey Boo-Boo), (Boo-Boo)

CNWH was asking for fosters, and I picked you and Skrat now Grit-Grat (Giggy Butt) up at PetSmart. After a bit, we couldn't let either of you go. Mommy got you neutered at doc's then found out you were heartworm positive. Dr. Rosen gave you the injection in your muscles and you screamed each time. I felt so bad for you.

One night you dug under the fence to chase a deer, and you were gone all night. Daddy and I went through the woods and heard you barking the entire time, and we even saw you a few times. We left the gates open and outside lights on all night, and you finally came home, thank God! I was so scared that we would never see you again. Another time a tree came down on the fence and you got out on a snowy day. Daddy found you all curled up freezing. Again, a tree came down on the fence because of a snow storm and you and Jasmine took off. Mommy went through the snow in the woods and couldn't get you. Finally, daddy got home from duty and got you both from being in the fields and brought you both to the truck. Your nose was something else.

You got us up early every morning with that loud special bark/howl and it rubbed off on Sophie. You also let us know when it was 'nite-nite' time.

You developed CHF and was on meds for that for a long time, and they helped. You didn't care much for toys, but you loved your bones and when we would go to see Dr. Michelle, we would stop at McDee's. We just celebrated your 'Gotcha Day,' and I took you to McDee's then DQ. We sat out on the bench at DQ and had ice cream. Little did I know in less than a month I would lose you :(

You were vomitting and not yourself. Took you to see Dr. Michelle and she found a mass on the edge of your spleen and your kidney values were through the roof. You were up/down for the two weeks, and I was so happy when you were doing well then in denial. On that awful day, you were outside just lying there then you pooped all blood and daddy and I had to take you. I'm so sorry sweet boy! You lived a long life, and I hope you were happy here with us.I'm so mad that I forgot to take your collar off.

Run free and please know mommy and daddy love and miss you so much!


Daddy, Mommy, Giggy, Mya, Sophie, Fred, Boomer, Jasmine, Jesse, Zinnia

6/22/23 - One (1) year tonight we had to let you go. You were something else with that bark/howl. Grit-Grat just had surgery to remove a cancerous tumor. He's doing okay. Sophie is still nuts and has taken over your early morning barking. We have a foster beagle, Louie and he's nuts. Th house is as crazy as ever. You were such a good vocal boy. We still have our pizza nights. I hope all your furry brother, sisters, aunts, and uncles greeted you at the bridge and you're happy and enjoying your new home. Please know we love and miss you very much. Please look down on us every now and then. I can't believe it's one year. Run free, sweet boy.


Daddy, Mommy, Giggy, Mya, Sophie, Fred, Boomer, Jasmine, Jesse, Zinnia

7/8/24 - Two (2) years has gone by. So sorry this is late. It's been hectic here. Daddy is now sick with cancer. He has good days and bad days. Mommy is very stressed and scared. Giggy just had that lump removed again as it grew back. He's a spunky lil thing. Sophie and Louie are crazy as ever and Mya stays by Giggy. I hope you greeted Walter 7/3/23, Jazzy 9/27/23 and Jesse 1/25/24. It's so hard when we lose one of you. We love and miss every single one of you. Oh my sweet boy, enjoy and run free.


Daddy, Mommy, Giggy, Mya, Sophie, Fred, Boomer, ZZ, and Louie

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