Welcome to Bella's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
Bella's Rainbow Bridge Pet Loss Memorial Residency Image
Memories of Bella
Belly Boo, our hearts are so broken since we lost you. You were the sweetest baby and we all loved you so deeply. It doesn't seem fair that you were only with us for five years but in our hearts it felt like forever. You were such a silly little girl who loved her nightly walks with her dad and you loved barking at all the other dogs who came around! Boy did that make you crazy !!! You loved your bones and didn't want to share with the new puppy Marley. That's okay because you were the queen and don't ever forget that!!! We know you are now free from any pain you were having and I'm sure you are running freely with Riley once again❤️❤️It does make us happy knowing that the two of you are together again! I miss having you sleep right next to me every night and waking up to your morning kisses😥 You will forever hold a special place in our hearts and one day we will see each other again! We love you and miss you our sweet princess🥰🥰. Run freely sweetheart <3
Love Mommy, Daddy, Ian and Adam

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