Welcome to Bella Luna Taylor's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
Bella Luna Taylor's Rainbow Bridge Pet Loss Memorial Residency Image
Memories of Bella Luna Taylor
The sweetest German Shepherd I ever loved,everyday of her life she snuggled with us all night and loved us everyday of her life,never told off, never needed to,sweet loving nature,a VERY gentle soul,where we are,she is,loved unconditionally from the day she came home,we promised her she would never be alone.Ever.She only ever knew unconditional love.From her first night as a baby,to her last night as our pride and joy,she trusted us and slept between us EVERY Night of her life,dearly loved and the heartbreak of her passing,so unbearable.
No matter any words I use,I cannot express the beauty,love,happiness and fulfillment to our lives,as we sincerely hope we did to hers.
Her taking from us was so sudden and unexpected,perfect health to gaining her Wings in 3 short days and just 7 1/2 years old.
Love your Furbabies as we dearly love ours,NEVER take the time you have with them or their unconditional love for granted,Love them dearly every day,talk to them,love on them and let them know and feel you love them back unconditionally every moment of everyday,it means the world to them as we are their world.
Bella Luna,you have always been the apple of your dads eye,I loved you from the first day I met you and mom was in love with you when she met you too.
Your Uncle Navar,cousins Isabeaux,Mr Moustache,Yami,Ninja,Masaki,Lucy Sally,Heidi,Gemma,Lassie,Rebel will all likely be there waiting to welcome you until me and mom come to get you,I know you are such a sweet,loving caring furbay,so if you make friends with any unloved furbabies who have no one coming for them,let them know your mom&dad will gladly show them love to.
You HAVE YOUR WINGS Bella Luna,and mom&dad are so very proud of you and thank and love you so much for comforting us in your last moments,while we comforted and cried for you,but know you took big pieces of our hearts to remind you how much you are dearly loved,always were always are always will be.
God we miss you sweetheart and always will.
We PROMISE you we will ALWAYS love and protect you sister Sophie Hana,o honey,she misses you so very much,just like we do,life will never be the same not feeling you nuzzle your head with us.
We LOVE AND MISS YOU O SO VERY MUCH our sweet beautiful baby.Your love and gentleness always means everything.
Run free baby,enjoy playing until we come to get.you We Love YOU.
Mom,Dad,Sophie Hana.❤️❤️❤️😢🙏🐾🐾🙏😢❤️❤️❤️🐶❤️❤️❤️
We miss you so much Bella Luna,a week today you earned your wings baby,I am so happy you come to snuggle while your dad is asleep,I can't lie sweetheart, dad wakes up feeling empty,but after he strokes your portrait and your earn and touches your last ever paw print you gave us,we feel a little better for a few moments.But not for long because we miss you so much.
Sweetheart,we didn't KNOW today was your last day with us a week ago,had we have truly known,we would have brought your sister Sophie Hana with us so she could have understood you were ready to stop the pain and go to RainbowBridge,mommy was sooooo very strong,asking all the questions when dad was a mess.I am so sorry for upsetting you honey,that was never my intention I was worried about you,sad at knowing we would lose you.
Sophie Hana is very sad,she is grieving you just as we are,she looks for you,won't sit in your spots because she doesn't realize you are waiting for us all at RainBow Bridge.O honey,we will work hard with her,it's in our hearts,but we need help from you baby,can you visit her when she is sad so you can help us,help her understand.
I came home from work yesterday,and you weren't there to greet me with your love and hugs,that really hurt.Even when you were sick on your very last night on this earth,you stood on your back legs so you could give me the same hugs you had done for all these years.
Oh our baby,we MISS YOU SO MUCH Bella Luna.Our beautiful Moon.We love you baby,and not a day passes that we don't miss you Pumpkin.
We LOVE you baby and you have left a huge void.We will love Sophie Hana for you baby,she really misses you.Bless your wonderful soul and we will be together again in the fullness of time.You are ALWAYS in our hearts and thoughts.
Mom&Dad&Sophie Hanna.❤️❤️❤️😭🙏🐾🐾🙏❤️❤️❤️🐶❤️💔❤️
Hi our sweet little girl,we miss you being here so very much Bella Luna,Sophie Hana is adjusting to life without you,it's very hard for her honey as you showed her everything and always there,but we are working hard with her for you.We look at your beautiful portraits everyday,it makes us happy to remember how happy you are.That's always been very important to us,that you and your sister are always happy.That's why you have never been alone.
We had a portrait done of you and your great uncle Navar,I know he's there with you and along with MANY other much loved furbabies who made you welcome at RainBow Bridge,just make sure that you run and play a lot,make sure you eat and drink too,in your few quiet moments,think of us and KNOW we are always thinking of and missing you so much,but we will all be together again one day,a family once again,just bigger because all our furbabies will be there,you know,all the furbabies who were the first to greet you when you first got to RainBow Bridge.
Mom&Dad,Sophie Hana ❤️❤️❤️😭🙏🐾🐾❤️❤️❤️🐶❤️💔❤️
Hi my beautiful girl,we hope you made lots of friends at RainBow Bridge,we miss you every day baby,miss you beautiful eyes,your gentle,sweet snuggling,your happy little self...........it's just not the same honey,Sophie Hana is slowly getting used to you not coming home where you truly belong,we are working really hard with her like we promised,but she won't sit in any of your favorite spots,I guess it's her way of letting you know she misses you and wants you home with us too.
Bella Luna,you made such a HUGE impact on our lives,from your very first day,until your last day with us,for now,you made every day so happy for everyone,sure wish you were enjoying treats here with your sister.
Mom doesn't say much,but her sad smile lets me know she misses you so very much too.
Not a day goes by we wish things had been so very different ,we-feel robbed of another lot of years with your precious presence .
Hundreds of people sent kinds messages about you Princess,hundreds!So many people showed they care about you,that your life here really matters and we are very grateful for that.You MATTER sweetheart,you always have and always will,you so very intelligent,really quick to understand,to show affection and love,and so gentle.We Miss you baby.THAT will never change.
Enjoy running with your new friends and other fur family members who were there waiting for you,we will come for you all in the fullness of time,you know that.Sleep,eat and play as much as you want and can honey,as when you were here with us you are NEVER alone.Bless You our Sweet Bella Luna,your mom truly named you PERFECTLY.We love and miss you Princess.
Mom&Dad,Sophie Hana ❤️❤️❤️😭🙏🐾🐾❤️❤️❤️🐶❤️💔❤️
Hi my beautiful little girl,we hope you have played a lot today and made many more friends while you wait for us,Sophie Hana misses you everyday,it's tough for her with your scent everywhere,but she is staying close to us,especially your mom,honey,it hits your mom hard some days and your sister understands and stays close to mom,we all miss you all the time,I miss you seeing me off and then snuggling back down with your mom and sister,I miss you when I come home,that wonderful greeting,even on your last precious day with us,so happy to see me,and me you.I miss chillin' with you,I miss you getting rowdy when you want something,I just miss you everyday.WE Miss you everyday and we know you miss us too.
Miss,isn't that such a strange word,4 letters that are expected to express such a massive feeling of sadness and loss,it just seems so inadequate.
We went to Toby's unveiling today,I engraved two rocks for mom to leave at the gravesite.A lot of people were there,mom dropped me off home to keep Sophie Hana company and went on to one of their houses for awhile.
We are of an age now where friends and family are stepping off the path of life,time is a really cruel mistress,but time is only relative here.
My beautiful Bella Luna,so loved,so missed,we love you Princess,enjoy your time at RainBow Bridge,you're always in our hearts.
Mom&Dad,Sophie Hana ❤️❤️❤️😭🙏🐾🐾❤️❤️❤️🐶❤️💔❤️
Hi Baby!I am so sorry I didn't enter anything yesterday,it was just too painful,I thought about you all day yesterday,I am working on mom's birthday gift from you,all hand made,a skill I didn't use for many years,but you always brought out the best in me because of your sweet gentle nature.
Sophie Hana is getting better as time moves on,she misses you a lot honey,but comes and stays very close to us when she feels down,I guess it's because your scent is always here,but we comfort her as we promised you we would,it really does suck your not here with us Princess,such a young pretty girl,not even any grey on your muzzle.We Miss waking up and your not there,we miss you not chillin' with us and I so miss your seeing me off in the morning and that wonderful welcome home everyday.You took a huge part of me when you earned your wings Bella Luna,I kno w it's not forever but you made such an impact sweetheart I just want to remember you everyday as you are so precious!!!
I wish so hard that you were here with us,it's so unfair you and we were cheated of many more years with you.I KNOW you are safe honey and I know it's a matter of time before you see us again,but missing you is something I never realized would hurt so much,you left such a mark in our lives.
We look at your portraits everyday,videos of you that mom had taken since you were a tiny little girl,each video so precious and so happy,but now sad,because the only way I get to see you,I can't touch you,talk to you and tell you how much you are deeply loved.
Seeing video of you and your sister playing in the snow makes me smile so much,remembering you playing and just not wanting to come inside.Happy Times !!! None of which are replaceable,because you can't be replaced,you are such a unique gift to us Princess.
I gotta go for now baby,we love you forever and ever Bella Luna.Your dad,mom and sister love and miss you so very much.
Always truly loved and in our hearts Princess.
Mom,Dad,Sophie Hana ❤️❤️❤️😭🙏🐾🐾❤️❤️❤️🐶❤️💔❤️
Hi Bella Luna,I finished your portrait frame and mounted your portrait in it,mom absolutely loves it,we get to see you EVERYTIME we walk or sit in the living room,seeing your beautiful face is bittersweet,sweet because I get to see you,bitter because I still miss you incredibly,you really have made an impact in my life honey.
It's hard each day,thought I would get used to having to wait to see you again,but I haven't ,I miss you all the time,that's because you have always been such a wonderful girl ever since you were a baby.It's just not right that a lying vet took money to look after you and didn't do the tests they were paid to,if they had you would still be with us for many more years.I guess that's one of the reasons I am so bitter honey,I don't mean to,but I can't get past that I feel I really let you down. I know you are happy where you are and the bodies we live in are just Avatars,but mom,me Sophie Hana miss you BEING here enjoying life.Sophie Hana is doing better,but she still misses you sweetheart,it will never be the same at home without you here with us.There is a huge part of us missing.
I was watching videos of you and your sister playing,enjoying ice cream,enjoying soup bones,I had to stop watching honey because it made me so sad because I remember each of these times.
Please don't be sad for us where you are sweetheart we know you have made many friends and are very safe and very happy playing and waiting for us,we know you are with us in our hearts,why wouldn't you be,you took big chunks of our hearts when you had to leave us baby.
Keep playing and be happy my Bella Luna,I am so looking forward to the fullness of time when I see you running to me with all our other loved furbabies where I can hug you again,stroke you and just being happy in each others company again.
We just miss you honey,we really do,you are SUCH a special girl.Always have always will be.
We love you Bella Luna,you ARE perfect.
Mom,Dad,Sophie Hana❤️❤️❤️😭🙏🐾🐾❤️❤️❤️🐶❤️💔❤️
Hi my Beautiful Baby,it's a cold day here,just how I feel inside without you here,Mom and Sophie Hana are still asleep,today is when we lost you and I just have difficulty sleeping on this particular day,maybe because it was your last day here with us and I still miss everything about you.You are such a special girl,so very intelligent and so quick to learn anything and although you couldn't talk,you always communicated easily.I wish so much you would have told dad your weren't feeling well,but the fantastic girl you are,you wanted to hide it from me by always being a bright,happy playful girl.It hurts my heart Bella Luna,you know dad and mom would have moved Heaven and Earth to measure you would have been ok.
Your sister is getting older so I built a box for her to get up and down from the bed,she likes it and it should have been for you too,we should have had many more years with you honey,you never even had any grey on your muzzle.I was looking forward to the years I would have helped you with those old paws getting up and down,same paws that helped you run so fast as a little girl,same paws that had to always be touching dad,same paws that helped you jump up and welcome dad every time he came in,even if I only went to the work shed.I miss that very much.I miss hearing you and mom having in-depth discussions on your days events wondering who could bark the loudest!!!That always made me smile,everything about you made me smile,your just so unique.Others May never understand that but I hope they do,then they would get why it's such a travesty your not here with us.
I miss you Bella Luna,and I can't help it,I love mom and Sophie Hana,and will always love and miss you,you were a special girl from when you were so tiny,such a loving little girl,sweet and gentle and just happy with the world,your home and the people who love you.It's always been a real pleasure to have you in our life,I didn't realize I had to wait nearly a lifetime to welcome into my heart.Your impact is and will always remain deep in my heart.
I hope you are having a blast at Rainbow Bridge with all your friends and family,enjoy it my sweet Bella Luna,I will be running towards you one day honey,so I can feel your kisses,big hugs,tail wagging and softness of your coat,then we get to hang out for Eternity and welcome other very loved ones we have been waiting for.
I love you Bella Luna,you are always my Princess,I will look after mom and Sophie Hana,Sophie Hana misses you so much baby.You know that.
We love you Bella Luna Taylor,alway have,always will.
Mom,Dad,Sophie Hana❤️❤️❤️😭🙏🐾🐾❤️❤️❤️🐶❤️💔❤️
HI BABY!!!Dad is so very sorry he didn't write at the usual time,but it's been hard for me Bella Luna,I miss my special girl so much I have just been throwing myself into work because I don't know else what to do.I/we miss you so much honey,it's just so difficult for us without you,Mom is having a tough time,and although she doesn't say a lot,she looks at all your pictures and videos that are so precious to us both,then her tears quietly come,she tries not to let me see because she knows how much you mean to me,but it hurts my heart seeing mom so upset.
Sophie Hana still struggles sweetheart,she still won't sit in your bed and doesn't really go into your twos room much,just when she catches your scent,she will go in to look for you,her tail wags,but when she sees your not there,she drops her head and her tail,and looks so down,she sits by where your collar sits,pride of place above the fireplace you were so interested in watching me build,she will puppy sit and sniff your collar,then will lay down staring up at it.She really misses you Bella Luna,we all do,so very much,we comfort your sister all the time Poppet,but it doesn't replace you being here and loved.
I feel so guilty still,and always will,that we couldn't save you honey,it kills me inside that no amount of money would help,like your Uncle Navar...........if love could have saved you,you would always be here with us,where you belong.BELONG.I am still so very angry at the vet who said they did your tests,charge for them for something they didn't do that would have stopped this from happening.You know daddy doesn't give a rats ass about money,but he cares VERY much that you and we paid the price for a human's dishonesty,but most of all you.It's a big part of why I can't come to terms with you not being here honey,enjoying your years with us,dad fussing over you as your paws and face age,loving and caring for you as you always have us.We Miss you so very much honey,especially me,dad.Be the good,loving,sweet,gentle girl you always have been,play and have lots of fun and dad will see you again one day.
We love you Bella Luna Taylor,always have,always will.
Mom,Dad,Sophie Hana ❤️❤️❤️😭🙏🐾🐾❤️❤️❤️🐶❤️💔❤️
Hi my sweet little girl,I hope you played a lot honey,make sure you eat and drink enough too,I hope you have been enjoying hanging out with family and that you made new friends too.
You wouldn't have liked it today Bella,there was a lot of thunder and high winds.You would have snuggled down with me and just stayed asleep in my arms feeling safe,until the bad weather had passed,just like you did when you were a baby,if in doubt,run to dad and everything is suddenly ok.I miss that honey,we miss you every single minute of every single day,I am so happy in my heart that we kept our promise to you when you were tiny,that you would never be left alone and you never were.Bell,I wish you were here to enjoy some crackers with me,I sat down yesterday and it was the first time I had a coffee and crackers,and you weren't there to enjoy them with me.Boy that hurt.
As you know,Sophie Hana doesn't care for them,mom isn't that bothered with them,as you know,it was our little treat we shared often.
Sure wish you were still here enjoying the soup bones I would slip you when mom and Sophie weren't looking,you were so smart and knew to quietly disappear and enjoy your sneaky treat.
Honey,I can't get used to you not being here with me,a 6ft ex military man who really loved his little girl from the very first hour of the first day,you have always been precious to us,such a special girl with such a sweet,gentle,loving personality and your so in tune with mom and me we would talk to you for hours,patiently listening to our babble.Always looking after your sister,she is getting better poppet but she misses you and still won't use any of your spots.She misses sharing ice cream with you in your bedroom while mom would hang out with you both.We are so lucky to have you Bella Luna,and you blessed to have such a good,loving mom.You know your the apple of your dads eye baby.Always.
We Love You Bella Luna Taylor,always have,always will.
Mom,Dad,Sophie Hana ❤️❤️❤️😭🙏🐾🐾❤️❤️❤️🐶❤️💔❤️
Hi my Baby!!!
I hope you have had a wonderful week at RainBow Bridge and have played a lot and showed every other Furbaby how fast you can run,I loved watching you run around and how fast you are! it always made you so very happy running around outside and then just sitting there with the sun on you happy and contented just watching the world go by.You always looked so pretty with the sun bouncing off your coat,we are so lucky mom takes so many pictures of you and Sophie Hana.Speaking of Sophie Hana,she still misses you very much,just like we all do honey,won't sit on your bed,touch your toys,it's so sad honey,she still hopes your coming home,she picks your scent up on occasion,gets so excited then so sad afterwards.Bella Luna,we all miss you so very much,each day there are sad moments when a wave comes crashing over because your not here where you SHOULD be,here relaxing with us.
Tomorrow is moms birthday,we sure wish you were here with us enjoying moms day,she is quiet about how much she misses you,she is being kind to me because she knows I get easily upset about you,and even worse when I see mom and your sister sad about you not at home with us.
Bella Luna,most of all your dad misses you so much,I know many will never understand,but you are such a...............KIND sweet,loving gentle girl,so very warm hearted and loving,you have just been the perfect girl,from the very first day you came home,then every minute of everyday of every short years to the last day we held each other and said our,not good byes,but we will meet agains one day.You know you are very special,and why.
We miss you Bella Luna,I miss you so very much,I smile at your portraits everyday,kiss your last paw print all the time too.
We Love you Bella Luna Taylor,always have,always will.
Mom,Dad,Sophie Hana ❤️❤️❤️😭🙏🐾🐾❤️❤️❤️🐶❤️💔❤️
Hi Baby!
Well,today I was able to stay home with your sister while mom went to work,I had the day off and Sophie Hana and me hung out,she doesn't like being alone because she always had you if I was at work and mom had to go out.
We hope you had a wonderful week playing and hanging out with family and new friends you've made while you are waiting for us,I know your ok but I Do worry because you would sometimes not eat if you were having too much fun.
We miss you sweetheart,that's why I come here,to put my thoughts down in words,because mom hates seeing me sad because of how I feel about you should still be here.Then mom thinks about how happy you make us and then she gets sad.You really have had such a huge impact in your humans lives.A true Blessing.
We know you stop playing sometimes,confused,feeling our sadness,I guess you KNOW you will see us again and don't want us to feel sad,can't help it honey,your not here hanging out with us,so we,your sister,can't help it.Don't let it spoil your fun baby,we just think of you all the time,remembering how happy you are.Such a gentle baby,a real gift to us,and understand so easily.A really intelligent girl who listened intently and learning so quick,even when you were a little girl and was afraid of everything,would come running up to me and hide behind dads legs.I miss you sweetheart.We Miss you Honey.Sophie has tough days where she will just hang out by your collar on the fireplace.We let her spend her quiet time with you until she is ready to come and see us.She has her own ways the same as you my sweet.
Mom LOvED her Birthday card from us,she cried when she saw you there too.Your always a VERY important part of us Bella Luna.
We love you and miss you Princess.
Mom,Dad,Sophie Hana ❤️❤️❤️😭🙏🐾🐾❤️❤️❤️🐶❤️💔❤️
Hi my Beautiful Bella Luna!
Mom is at work at the moment,I finished the yard and then played with Sophie Hana,she got a new ball and she Carrie's it everywhere,when the neighbors pups start yelling,she heads over and teases them with her ball,you know she doesn't like sharing.
I SURE wish you were here baby,just sitting chilling outside with me,just looking beautiful and watching the world go by,I am sure once your done playing for a little while you sit and watch all the other furbabies playing,I hope you are sitting under a tree,watching the wind caress the grass,the sun shining on endless pastures and fields,the creek of the freshest water where you play and drink babbling while you just quietly watch.I MISS you so much,and can't get past it,I am so sorry honey,please don't feel sad,it's just something dad needs to get past,but unlikely,I think of you every day,miss you everyday,I KNOW I will see you again one day baby,but it's hard for me,your dad never bonded with anyone like this,other than mom,who knew an ex military man,a combat vet would miss one so much.I am sure you have seen all the things in my life I had to do in the military,I was following orders pumpkin,just know your dad loves everything about you,other than mom and your sister dad has never loved anyone like you guys.,so unique,so perfect,yet mom and dad had to let you go live at Rainbow Bridge because you were far to gentle a soul to stay on this cursed earth.
Your perfect my beautiful little girl,such a beauty from a baby and you grew way too fast for dad,but you were always so sweet,so kind,so gentle and such a loving girl,snuggling with us,all those kisses and wanting to be so close to us all the time,that is so precious honey.We cherish you for the wonderful little soul you are,our perfect baby,always happy and always enjoying your life with us.
Sophie Hana is getting used to not seeing you,she still has sad days and has tears for you,she sits by the fireplace where your collar is and won't use your bed,I have it there because I will never be ready to move it.I love you so much baby.
We love and miss you Bella Luna,our perfect little girl.
Mom,Dad,Sophie Hana❤️❤️❤️😭🙏🐾🐾❤️❤️❤️🐶❤️💔❤️
Hi my Beautiful Bella Luna,dad has been thinking about you a lot this week,wondering what you are doing,if you are happy where you are at the moment,because you have always been dads shadow,just like Stache,your cousin and he is there too probably just watching over you all the time without you knowing,making sure your ok.
Sophie Hana has had a couple of tough days,hanging around in the living room where your collar is above the fireplace.She still misses you a lot just like your mom and me do.
After I cut the lawn in the yard,while I was outside with your sister,I felt sad because I miss you enjoying sitting on the lawn just watching the world go by,sunning yourself while your sister runs around like a nut chasing her ball.I miss all the things like that honey,I enjoy hanging out with Sophie Hana,but I miss you cuddling into me,sleeping peacefully while I stroked your sister.It really sucks that a vet took a lot of money to check that you were ok and charged for very expensive tests that they didn't do,had they have done,you would still be here with us enjoying many more happy years with mom and.dad.
Your Birthday is coming up soon,boy,that's going to be a tough day,tougher than most since you went to Rainbow Bridge,mom knows I will be very quiet,she understands and stays stronger than me,she knows it helps me alot and I do appreciate that very much.
Sophie Hana still won't use your hammock and bed,she treats it amazingly,she will walk up to it,sniff it,sit down for a moment or so, maybe she is remembering good times when she would come check on you while you slept?,then looks over at me,hops up on the bed,curls up and just wants alittle attention while she drifts off to sleep.I know you look to see how she's doing,I think she's aware of your presence,that's a Blessing as she knows your still there for her,like you were when she was a baby.
We Love You Princess
Mom,Dad,Sophie Hana ❤️❤️❤️😭🙏🐾🐾❤️❤️❤️🐶❤️💔❤️
Hi my Beautiful Bella Luna
I hope you have had a wonderful week sweetheart,I hope you have played a lot,ate enough and have been drinking that wonderful cool water that's reserved for all you wonderful furbabies.
Your sister is losing a tooth,mom and me noticed it the other evening when she was hanging out with us in the bedroom and she yawned.She had been running around playing with her ball on a rope and you know how crazy and excited she gets with that.She will not use your bed honey,she still sniffs it everyday,wags a tail alittle,as if remembering all the good times we all shared,then she will come hang out with us.She always remembers you Princess,and that's her way of letting us know she is sad about you not being here.Well,I guess where your waiting for us you already know that and can see her sadness.
Mom is always the strong one,she pushes through most days without showing me her tears,but I can see her eyes are red so know she has been hiding her feelings as she knows I get easily get upset about you.I really miss you Poppet,I know you can feel that and am so sorry if you feel my sadness,I always think about you,everyday but sometimes I get sad because I know you won't be at home when I finish work,know you won't be hanging out with me,know you won't be snuggling with us when it's time for bed,know I won't wake up and see you in the morning honey,it's really hard.
Sophie doesn't enjoy the yard as much as she did when you were here baby,and that's something I try and help her with,same as with mom,we will play with her in the yard,but we can both see it's not the same for her and we understand that.And it hurts sweetheart.It hurts a ot.
Now I have talked to you again baby,I want you to go and play and snuggle down with your family when it's bedtime and think of mom and dad and Sophie Hana,because we always think about you My Beautiful Bella Luna.
Mom,Dad,Sophie Hana❤️❤️❤️😭🙏🐾🐾❤️❤️❤️🐶❤️💔❤️
Hi my Beautiful Bella Luna
Hi sweetheart,boy am I missing you honey!
Today is Mothers Day,I really wish you could be here today,mom would love to spend the day happy with you,she really would,just relaxing and snuggling with you,sure know I would.Sophie Hana would love for you to be here too baby,she has days where she will really miss you and will just hang out by the fireplace,y'know,where we keep your collar,she stretches up,sniffs,gives a sad little wag of her tail,then curls up and sleeps near your scent.It really hurts our hearts honey,I know you can see this too,we also know you aren't sad as you went onto the next stage of life and are playing,just waiting for us to be with you again.But we can't explain that to her baby,she knows you aren't at home and that really upsets her,so it upsets us.We know you know baby,your in a place you can see all this.I know you are always near me Princess,I can feel you near me,even if it's a slight breeze on a hot day,I know it's you letting dad know you are there and we are always in your thoughts,as you are in ours.
I often just stop what I am doing because I get an overwhelming feeling from a happy time with you,when you were so happy playing or yelling,enjoying a treat made especially for you and Sophie Hana,I just remember and keep that happy time in my heart for as long as I can.
Your bed is where it always is,Sophie Hana won't use it,she just wants it to be for you,I guess she hopes she will see you in it again,I understand how she feels baby,I miss seeing you stretched out and relaxing on it baby,knowing you will get up at sometime,come over for some hugs and snuggles,then go find mom and see what she's up to and see if there is any chance of a treat!And you know there is always a chance for treats!Good girls always get them.
I miss you Bella Luna,such a special baby,always so happy and loving,our sweet little girl.I just can't get used to you not being here baby.We love and miss you so much Bella Luna.
Mom,Dad,Sophie Hana
Hi my Beautiful Bella Luna!!!
Dad has been off this week,was my birthday and you weren't here to enjoy it with me,really wanted you here honey so you could enjoy yourself with Sophie Hana,she misses you so much honey,she still gets your scent and wags her tail,then realizes that your not here,she hops up on our bed and cries,I know you see her tears poppet,and I know it makes you sad but she is a brave little soul just like you,and she bounces back alittle,like mom and me,she really misses you,her best buddy,her sister.
Mom is working today,I just finished replacing deck boards,Sophie Hana watching intently! I miss seeing you sitting in the garden watching the world go by,I always enjoyed seeing you so happy with the wind blowing thru your hair,just happy hanging out in the yard with us.It suck's big time that your not here,but I know you are playing and happy at RainBow Bridge,and I know I will see you again baby,along with all your wonderful fur siblings who are keeping you happy until the day we are all together again.
I got a new car,you would love it,lots of room for you to spread out and enjoy the ride.I wish Sophie Hana was a good traveler like you, I would have loved taking you to Codorus so you could play in the water with the other doggies,just happy and content,like the good girl you have always been.
I miss you everyday honey,everyday,mom notices me being sad and she and your sister try real hard to make me smile,and I do,but the wistful sadness remains inside.You have always been incredibly special to me.You know dad keeps pictures of you everywhere.I am so lucky mom has so many pictures and videos of you,I am just not ready to see the videos yet,because I can't hug you and talk to you.It's hard Bella Luna,everyday is an uphill struggle because when I get home,your not there with Mom and Sophie Hana.I am so happy they are,but I wish you were here with us too.
We Love andMiss you SO much Bella Luna.My beautiful moon.
Hi my Beautiful Bella Luna!!!
Dad has to go to work today honey,he would much rather hang around the house today with your sister and keep her company,Sundays are a real tough day for her as well as mom and me,but we have to do what we need to to keep your sister happy and comfy.
Been another tough week without you baby,I dreamed about you snuggling between us,it was so real I woke up excited to give you a hug and realized it was a dream,that really hurt my heart because I wanted you to be here with us so badly.Just seems when I start to get used to having to wait to see you again I just get sad and it's hard to get out of that rut honey.
Mom often shows me pictures of German Shepherds,but none match you sweetheart,you have always been daddies special girl,from the very first trip home where you slowly stepped across the cab to snuggle in my lap as we were coming home,sleeping peacefully and when awake just looking up at me with those trusting eyes!It's so hard some days,I think of all our wonderful times,watching you run and play and then coming to sit with me just so we could hang out together. I regret so many things baby,wishing I took you more places but couldn't because Sophie Hana didn't travel well.But,you have always been a wonderful sister to her,showing her how to be such a good girl like you,I know she gets lonely and misses you,we do all we can for her to make her happy,but I often find her sitting by the fireplace where your collar sits,just keeping you company.I know you look down from RainBow Bridge,and I hope she can feel your love for her come shining through.She still cries,tears running down her face,we understand and just hug and stroke her,she misses you terribly Princess,like we all do.It's just hard not having you here baby.
Not a day goes by I don't miss you,not a day goes by that mom doesn't miss you,and definitely not a day goes by that Sophie Hana doesn't miss you.I think she just misses your comforting when she feels down,how you would always snuggle with her and she would feel good afterwards.Your such a good big sister.
Enjoy playing my sweet baby,your always in dads thoughts and I know I will be with you again one day baby.Eat,drink and play lots for mom,dad,Sophie Hana.we all love and miss you baby.Everyday.
We Love and miss you SO very much my Bella Luna,my Beautiful Moon
Hello my Beautiful Bella Luna
Dad is writing to you today because I have to work Tomorrow,I would much rather be at home thinking about what a wonderful girl you have always been,remembering all the happiness you brought us and the happiness we hope with all our hearts,that we gave you,such a good girl who was never told no because you are such a good baby.
Sophie Hana is sitting in the bedroom doorway as she does often,I know you know she sits by your collar very often,she misses you so much honey,she spends a lot of time with you,I guess she feels she is keeping you company and your keeping her company too.
We hope you have played a lot since I last wrote,and that your happy,have met new friends and have enjoyed hanging out with your fur family,all waiting for dad to walk across RainBow Bridge to be with you all again.Make sure you drink a lot of that cool water baby,you run so fast,so I know you get thirsty and often skip a drink because you want to play more.
Dad misses you so much honey,not a day goes by that I am thinking about you,missing you and wishing so hard you were still here with me,don't be sad that dad is sad Princess,I know you know I will be with you again one day,I just wish so much you were here hanging out with me.
You know your mom misses you something fierce,she misses talking to you and your sweet and gentle hugging,snuggling down as a true sleep buddy,even if you got too hot,you always stayed with mom,even though we know she snores.
Sophie Hana is still alittle lost when she goes outside to play baby,I guess she misses you swooping in when she is playing with her ball.Had to replace her rope because she chews thru it so fast.
I am sorry I am so sad when I write to you Bella Luna,it's just that I miss you so much baby,although I have your portraits I want you home with us honey.I know you know that baby,and I know you would be here if you could.I love you for that sweetheart.
We miss you so much my Beautiful Bella Luna,my so Beautiful Bella Luna
Hello my Beautiful Bella Luna,I missed you so much this week honey,it's just sad to my heart that your sister Sophie Hana goes outside on her own,especially when she goes out to play,it upsets me because you should still be here with us baby.
But I hope you have had a wonderful week at RainBow Bridge,I hope you played a lot and cooled of with some nice cold water and rested between playtimes under a nice shaded tree with all your furry family members,I know Navar doesn't play much honey,he had a tough time when he was a baby so didn't get to play with others because he was so sick.He loves you too Poppet,but struggles to show it sometimes,just know he really loves mom,always has.
It's been hot,so mom has made sure your sister has yummy ice cream on hand to help her cool down,look in my heart Bella Luna and you know dad really really wishes with all his heart that you were here to enjoy that too.Material things have never mattered to your dad, just seeing those I love be happy is more than enough.I will never change.
Mom is cooking chops tonight,I know,you love them and always got one,boy do I wish you were here waiting impatiently for your to cool and enjoy.Not the best thing for you but always made you happy.
As I write to you,Sophie Hana is sleeping in the bedroom doorway,nice and cool for her,and if I move,she knows it.Win,win for her!She still lays by your bed,and will go sit in the living room by your collar,she still misses you a lot and I figure she always will,that's very apparent now,I talk to her a lot,as does mom,but she misses you something fierce baby.She really loves you.
I am so happy I get to write you today,because I was at work today I was worried I wouldn't be able to write until tomorrow or the next day,and I hate not being able to spend this time with you sweetheart.It's the day you had to go back to the Good Lord and wait for your humans to come for you,and you KNOW I will Princess.
We miss you so very much my Bella Luna,my beautiful moon.Mom,Dad,Sophie Hana miss you so very much.
Hi my Beautiful Bella Luna,this week has not been the greatest,mom has not been doing too good and is in bed at the moment,sweating and cold all at the same time.Sophie Hana has stayed with mom all the time I have been at work,just as you would stay with whichever of us wasn't feeling good.You have always been such a sweet,god,kind girl,the best girl,that's why I miss you so much baby.Everyday I get sad because I miss you,miss your sweet nature and your happy go lucky ways.
Sophie misses you,I know I tell you that frequently but I see her sadness most everyday,she will sniff your bed and then just curl up beside it,then later,she will go sleep by your collar in the living room.I just wanted you to know your in our hearts every moment of every day beautiful girl.
Today is Father's Day and I so wish daddy's little girl was here with me,enjoying treats and lots of love and affection from me and everyone else.
Such a quiet girl unless someone comes near that you know shouldn't be there,then you are an impressive girl.Dads always been very proud of you honey and happy when other people would pay you compliments.I miss you Poppet.
I think I will cut the yard tomorrow,it's getting a little long and I like it shorter just like it was when you would run around so fast and happy,your sister runs but is so oriented on her ball I worry she will trip on a stick or something,yeah I know,I know,dads a worry wart but I try I keep everybody as safe as I can around me,those I don't know or harm one of mine....................well,you know honey.
Mom came into the kitchen for a few moments,let your sister out to go potty then went back to bed.I really worry about her as this thing seems to constantly affect her and the doctors,well you know my view on doctors,for humans or the animal kingdom.They just want money,lie and don't care.My view will never change baby,you know that.
We miss you so very much Beautiful Bella Luna,my beautiful moon.DAD MISSES YOU so very much baby,as does mom and Sophie.
Remember precious girl,enjoy Rainbow Bridge,love your time there and one day you can show me all your new friends and all our fur family can enjoy each other again.
Hi my Beautiful Bella Luna!!
I hope you had a wonderful time this week with our fur family and all the new friends you have made.Makesure you rest between playing honey,you run so very fast and I know your happy doing that,it's one of your favorite things,but dad wants you to relax too,have some great dreams and wake up happy to play again.
From a selfish point of view,dad really wants you back here,back home,where you belong,but I know your happy there and will be so very happy when we meet again poppet,so I am just going to have to get used to missing you constantly.It's tough honey,not going to lie.
Mom got very sick and we had to go to the ER,she went by ambulance,and yes,mom behaved badly at the ER,hootin and hollering,as she can,still not sure what's wrong with her baby,but hopefully they can help mom soon.I knew you would be worried.
Sophie Hana seems to know when I am writing to you,she comes and hops up on the bed beside me and chills there quietly.It's like the clicks from the virtual keyboard relaxes her,like it's helping her alittle because,as you know,she still misses you so much too.She will still have quiet days where she doesn't want to do anything other than sleep where you would usually hang out,but she will only lay beside your bed after sniffing it and a solitary wag of the tail,maybe a happy memory of you she remembers and treasures.I don't know,but she will sleep happily beside your bed,then graduates to sleeping where we keep your collar.
At the moment,mom is good,she's not sweating which is great and is in the kitchen watching a program I started to watch at dinner,she got so engrossed she is watching another.Proves to mom we used to watch good stuff while hanging out.
As with every week honey,I really miss you,I miss everything about you,your sweet gentle nature,your soft fur,stroking you,talking to you,hanging out together,watching you teach me how smart you are was always an awesome pleasure.Well you know that anyway Princess.
We miss you so very much my Bella Luna,my always Beautiful Moon,especially daddy.Always know that baby.Daddy loves you.
Hi there my Beautiful Bella Luna
Dad has missed you so much again baby,each day I wonder why you were taken away from us many years before you were supposed to and all I can think is human greed,in particular the liar vet who said they did the tests to avoid this happening to you honey.Dad didn't let that go,don't be sad baby,it's dads way of dealing with what happened to you.I just can't accept they lied just to make some money.
I just finished the yard you love so much Bella Luna,your sister went out to play with her ball while mom and dad watched and encouraged her,but I sure do miss watching you play then sit down and just watch the world go by until you were ready to come inside to eat and hang out with us.I miss giving you treats,miss cooking extra food that you knew was for you and your sister and still would hit mom and dad up for something off our plates,even though we cooked your own!Always made me smile because being such a gentle girl,you would wait so patiently,sometimes reminding us you were waiting.That always made me laugh,you remember.
Time was I was always happy,but that changed the day I lost you,the Military came back to me with such harsh force sadness at having to let you go to RainBow Bridge so you wouldn't suffer was one of the hardest things I've had to do,and I know why honey,you were truly innocent and suffered because of sleazy,lousy human greed.I can't get past that Bella Luna,even though I try to get used to you waiting for us at RainBow Bridge,I still want you here with mom,your sister and me.
Sophie Hana is getting by,she stays close to us,still checks your bed,won't use it,just sits beside your empty bed,like I said before,she probably gets some comfort and keeps you company and close to her.She still sleeps by the fireplace where your collar is quite often.I know she loves and misses you so much baby.
Mom seems to be feeling a little better but no one has figured out what is actuality causing her problems,I guess yet again,humans revolting greed prevails,keeping someone sick is far more profitable.We humans really are a virus.Yet one as sweet and innocent as you doesn't have to deal with that now honey,your playing and happy with family and friends.That makes me happy and smile.That's rare these days.
We miss you EVERY day my Bella Luna,my Beautiful Moon.Your perfect my sweet girl.Play a lot,rest a lot,eat well and be the loving girl you always have beenWe love you so very much baby.
Dad,Mom,Sophie Hana
Hello my Beautiful Bella Luna,
So,I hope you have had a wonderful week running,playing and hanging out with family and new friends honey,and always remember daddy will walk over the Bridge himself one day and will be so excited to see you again.See all of our wonderful furbabies all together, all so very happy.I miss you all,but I miss you most my baby and I know you know that.I just wanted to write this down,and who knows,may be these words will comfort a stranger who is suffering the same excruciating separation we are.
Mom and me aren't doing good honey,but wherever dad is he loves you sweetheart and your always in my heart.Mom wants different things these days,doesn't seem whatever I do is right or good enough,but I guess millions of people go through this everyday of their lives too.It was never my intent to live life alone,but certain things are preordained I suppose.I wanted you to enjoy a big family,but that wasn't to be but I did get to meet,love and share life with you,I just hope I did a good job with you feeling very loved and very safe.Isn't a day goes by I don't wonder what it would be like with you still ere and still dads best hangout buddy.I guess it's why I feel so sad so often,just knowing when I get up,or come back home,I. Know when my key goes in the door,you won't be there excited to see me.Don't misunderstand poppet,I love the welcome home Sophie Hana gives me,it's very loving,very welcoming,but your not here to share in the joy,that's what makes days so sad.
I miss you honey.
Your sister still won't sit on your bed,she will sit beside it,as I have mentioned many times before,I know,then lay beside it,maybe dreaming your still there and it makes her feel alittle better.Atleast I sincerely hope that wonderful little girl is getting some comfort from still getting your scent and with your familiar things around.
I just need your things around honey.Happy reminders of much happier times.
We love you honey.Dad loves you and misses you,just like your sister,Sophie Hana does as does mom.
Sweet dreams and be so very happy playing and being with family and friends at RainBow Bridge.
We love and miss you every day my beautiful Bellla Luna.My Beautiful Moon.Mom named you so well honey.
Hello my Beautiful Bella Luna!
I hope you had a wonderful week playing with everyone honey,I bet they are all really impressed with how fast you can run,I know your Uncle Navar is there with you,he could run really fast too,but not as quick as you pretty girl.Make sure you enjoy all the cool fresh water and food,you got to keep your strength up with all the playing I am sure your doing.I am also sure you welcome all the new furbabies as they cross RainBow Bridge,they were probably as confused and sad and happy all at the same time until you and all the others welcomed them and shown all the things they can do while they are waiting for their humans.I still miss you every single day sweetheart, you are that special to me.
Mom and me are working on things,I rediscovered just how beautiful Mom is,she just got some very pretty dresses that enhance how beautiful she is and she feels very pretty wearing any of them.Well,you know how beautiful mom is,she's as cute as a button the same as you.
Sophie Hana is doing ok,she still cry's tears,especially today,she remembers everything honey,I feel awful we didn't bring her with us,I know she would have helped you more than mom and me ever could and helped you understand just how much we all love you.Yes honey,she still sleeps by your bed,won't use it because she knows that's your favorite spot.We comfort us when she feels sad,but she also misses you in the yard,I guess she misses you swooping her when she plays ball,and the comfort of you being there with her,you showing her how fast you run and your sister trying to catch up with you.I just wanted you to know she loves and misses you too Poppet.
I haven't worked this last week as you know,I am sure,mom and me have been working hard with each other and seems like we are both getting to understand and not take each other for granted like we have been.Mom is such a pretty person,just like your a pretty canine girl.I am so lucky I shared so much with you and will again baby,that I know deep in my heart
We miss you so very much my Beautiful Bella Luna,you are such a special girl my Beautiful Moon.We love you so very much baby.Stay happy my lovely girl and enjoy all our fur family and all the friends you have made while you play and wait for us.We love you baby.
Mom,Dad,Sophie Hana ALL love and miss you.
Hello my beautiful Bella Luna,I hope you have had a wonderful week at RainBow Bridge,I know you miss me,I miss you too honey,came home and was very happy to see mom and Sophie Hana,they both gave me a wonderful welcome home,but I couldn't help looking at your portrait,you are such a beautiful girl,softest fur and such a sweet gentle girl for a German Shepherd.I felt very sad you were not at home still,but happy you are happy playing,making new friends,welcoming furbabies who have arrived while they wait for their families too.Your such a sweet girl,I am sure they are very happy all of you make them so welcome.
Mom looks as beautiful as ever,and is singing a lot,she has a beautiful voice too,it's really relaxing to listen to,just as relaxing as when you snuggle down with me and I can stroke you and listen to you breathe as you sleep.I miss that and I think mom misses you snuggling and sleeping beside her to,but she knows how sad I get thinking of you so she keeps my mind on other jobs most of the time.
Sophie just had an ice cream,it's hard just taking one out of the box,I know how much you love them and give yourself puppy brain freeze eating it so quickly.She sleeps close to us more,she misses the comfort of you being there with her,we stroke her and talk to her a lot but she still gets sad,still cries tears and just checks out your bed with a couple of sniffs,wags her tail sadly once,then will sleep beside it.It seems to give her some comfort for a little while.She wags her tail and runs in her sleep,I imagine her remembering all the good times you guys had playing and running.
I know you are running free baby,and I know how fast you are,but you still have to rest your spirit poppet,enjoy the cool water and hang out under a nice shaded tree,just watch the others play while you relax,take a little nap then get up and play again.I love that you are happy honey and love that one day I will be with you again,all of you.Peace and sharing a nice shaded tree with my little girl.Your always very special to dad,always were,always will be.
we miss you and love you my special little girl.Beautiful Moon,my sweet Bella Luna.Mom named you really well sweetheart.
Hi my Beautiful Bella Luna!
As always my little girl,dad has missed you each and every day,I sat after cutting the lawns today,wishing you were there playing with your sister,then just hanging out watching the world go by,I missing seeing you happily wandering in your yard checking out interesting scents and smells.Then come in and enjoy a treat or ice cream.Will never know how you didn't get brain freeze considering how fast you ate your doggy ice cream!That makes me smile when I think how much you enjoy them.
Been another tough week without you,but mom and me seem to be working things out and Sophie Hana is doing a little better,we know she still misses you because she checks your favorite areas frequently but seems to understand your always in our hearts minds and thoughts and you do visit with us Al in our dreams,letting us know your ok and happy where you are,contented and waiting for us to cross RainBow Bridge to be with you again.
Mom goes back to work tomorrow,she is looking forward to it but also,I am sure,is unhappy to go too.Neither of us like or enjoy leaving Sophie on her own,she is a very good girl but nevertheless she was never on her own because you and mom are always with her,but we do what we need to.
The weather has been blistering because we as humans have ruined the world with over consumption,blatant human greed disregarding all other animals and flora,insects,even the ground we walk on.Soon generations will pay for our many misdeeds,but all the time money is the currency of life,the top richest 4% of the population will be the last to be affected,but the first to continue to plunder what's left.I know you can see this where you are baby,and feel sad about it too.So is life.
These little letters to you really help us,me,through some tough times.Each time I write it reminds me of happy times and how much pleasure you give us,what a difference your short life made to us.I wouldn't change a single day.But wish so much we had many more my Beautiful Bella Luna,Beautiful Moon.My Angel,we love and misses you baby.Always have,always will.
Hello my Beautiful Bella Luna
I hope you had a wonderful week honey,I been thinking of you with smiles mixed amongst the sadness baby,I was remembering times when we would take you out for rides and you would enjoy yourself just watching everything and enjoying all the new smells.It's such a shame we had to stop those rides because Sophie Hana got sick on car rides.You always worried about her,such a good girl and great big sister.
Mom is home today,I know she wanted to go out,but it's really hot out and my knee is really giving me a tough way to go today.It's not good to say the least!Would have been another great reason for you to hang out with us,in the cool just chillin'.
I can see you now baby,laying down,wagging your tail on a beautiful sunny day,breeze feeling good on your fur,sitting under a tree by the nice cool fresh water,just listening to your dads thoughts,happy he is writing words you can hear anytime you want,whispering gently on the wind,knowing your dad missed you so much and wants you to know you are always loved.And you are Princess.
I miss stroking your soft fur,feeling you snuggled down really close to us,happy your with your family,where you still should be honey.I often feel your spirit close,see a fleeting shadow of you,the briefest of a glimpse,that makes me feel good because I know you want dad to know you still love and are thinking of me.
What a close bond we have,from the moment we were blessed with having you,a tiny shy little girl who shyly came and sat beside me just staring quietly up at me,then nestled down in my lap and snuggled,slept and stared at me the whole way home.Remember I stoked you the whole time talking to you softly.We bonded so close in that ride home,you new you were safe and knew you would always be loved,never punished,just loved and cared for.You we're a blessing day one and remain cherished and deeply loved,that will never change,your way to special.
Mom was looking at pictures of you yesterday and silent cried,she,like Sophie Hana,miss you as much as I do,I guess I forget that in my sadness sometimes.
We love and miss you sweet baby.My Bella Luna,Beautiful Moon.Always have,always will.Dads beautiful baby.
Hello my Beautiful Bella Luna,
As always honey,dad misses you,you know that will never change,you are such a special sweet girl,so clever and so gentle,miss you playing in the yard with your sister something fierce.I know you are happy where you are my sweet litter girl,running and playing with everyone,enjoying your time there,waiting for us.It gives me peace of heart knowing you are safe and surrounded by love and care,that's very important to me because I want to be sure your ok and have the same love there as you have at home with mom,dad and Sophie.
Mom is doing better,she is not feeling as bad as she had been,I am sure you could see that too sweetheart.She works very hard and tries to make your sister happy too,but,yes,Sundays are a tough day for your sister,like it is for us,I still feel bad we didn't bring Sophie with us,because we really thought you would be coming home with us baby,your so strong and never let us know you were hurting.Stupid dad should have known but you always were so happy,I guess you knew and enjoyed every moment of every day,if dad had of known,you know I would never have left you at home and would have stayed with you every day so we could enjoy your life together,making more memories having more fun.Thankyou for being such a very strong girl,but dad would like to have known honey so we could Makesure you never had any discomfort ever.
It won't let me write on here anymore baby,I have filled it with love for you my Bella Luna,my Beautiful Moon.We love and miss you Princess.Always will.ALWAYS.

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