Welcome to Berkley's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
Berkley's Rainbow Bridge Pet Loss Memorial Residency Image
Memories of Berkley
From walking in the mall one day and topping many times to play and see you in your little cubicle than saying you are coming home to spend your life with us is an understatement. You became a friend to diesel and the right time when he needed you and then loved us from minute one. You fit right in this crazy house of misfits and it works. You are the silly, cuddle bug, and yet the most vocal cat I met and would not change it for the world. I never met anyone who loved treats more than you. You would cry at my feet constantly for treats day and night and then go beg daddy for some like I did not give you any. That is one smart boy. The way you curled up every night to sleep was just the best and forget trying to go the bathroom, that was not going to happen. HAHA. And then you brought us your brother who we never would have had if you were not here with us, WE can not thank you more for making it all so worth the happiness in the world being your mommy and daddy. We will miss you and love you always big boy. Rest peacefully with your brother and sisters.

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