It is with a sad heart I'm reporting the passing of Betta. He went peacefully at the veterinarian's office at 10:20 am Friday November 29, 2024 from complications of dropsy. He was buried that afternoon on his family's property. Betta joined our family April 3, 2023 from a local pet supplies store. He was the first betta in our family. I had setup a new 12 gallon tank in February 2023 with the intention of adopting a betta. I let it cycle and in March adopted a Mystery snail. The day I adopted Betta I hadn't gone with the intention of adopting. I stopped at the store to get kitty supplies. This is our main pet supplies store and we go there often. I walked by the betta display and saw one that was very active. I thought "this betta could use a home". When we arrived home I acclimated him to his new home. When I released him he swam around checking out his new home. His aquarium has all live plants. I had a cave type rock in it but he never showed any interest in it. After a few months I removed it. I bought a tunnel that suctioned to the side of the tank. After a few days he moved into the tunnel and slept there every night. A few months later I happened across a different tunnel that had a curve to it and placed it in a corner of his tank. He moved to this new curved tunnel and seemed to love it. He played in it all the time and slept in it every night. This curved tunnel had holes in it so he could also swim vertically through it. I eventually removed the straight tunnel as he never went back to it and it just took up space. I'll be setting aside this curved tunnel and maybe his mirror as mementos of him, knowing how much he loved his curved tunnel. Betta seemed to be a happy fellow. He made bubble nests often and enjoyed patrolling his territory. Once or twice a week I would put in a floating mirror for a few minutes so he could defend his territory. He would flare all his fins to scare off this intruder. When I would approach he would come to the glass and do a little wiggle. For his meals he enjoyed Bio-Gold Betta bits and frozen brine shrimp. I tried a few other foods for him but these were his favorites. I did a water change and cleaned his aquarium every Sunday afternoon. Whichever end of the tank I was cleaning he would go to the opposite end and just wait. Betta's only tank mate was Mystery snail. In August 2024 I noticed a white growth near his left eye. I contacted our veterinarian who recommended another veterinarian who was willing to come to the house. When this veterinarian arrived at the house he took a scraping of the growth and viewed it under a microscope. I had been treating Betta in a quarantine tank first for parasites and then for fungus but neither of these medications had any results. After the doctor diagnosed cancer he said to stop the treatments I had been giving him. I moved him back to his aquarium and made an appointment to have the cancer removed. I don't know Betta's exact age. He was with us for almost 20 months. I'm guessing he was between 26 and 32 months of age at his passing. I wish he could have been with us longer. He was a joy to his family. I believe in an afterlife and that all God's creation will partake in it. Maybe I will see him again. I will miss Betta and never forget him. I love you Betta. God Bless You. Dad. Update: December 30, 2024. Mystery Snail, his tank mate, passed away on December 29, 2024. One month after Betta passed away. We adopted Mystery Snail in March of 2023; he was with us for 21 months. He was the size of a nickel when we brought him home. When he passed away his shell was 2 inches across. He will be buried in the spring next to his tank mate Betta. He was a joy to his family as he would glid across the aquarium he shared with Betta. He loved his Snello Mystery Snail food. He would hurry right to it when I put a piece in the aquarium. He kept the aquarium clean. The last two weeks he stopped eating and moved very little. He stayed at the back of the aquarium. The night before he passed away he came to the front of the aquarium and hung on the glass. He stayed at the front as though he wanted to visit. It may sound silly, but in my mind he came to say goodbye. I spent some time with him while he was there. I talked to him telling him we were glad he was a member of our family and hoped he had enjoyed his time with us. He moved to the back of the aquarium which is where I found him passed away the next morning. In reality I doubt he understood any of this, but it gives me comfort thinking maybe he did. God Bless You Mystery Snail, we will never forget you. Update: January 02, 2025. We adopted another betta on December 18, 2024. He seemed to be fine but stopped eating and started laying on the bottom of the tank. I moved him to a quarantine tank and started treating him. I called the emergency hospital, but they did not treat fish. I called and left a message for our fish veterinarian but as it was New Years Day they were closed. Sadly, he passed away late in the afternoon. He was with us for only two weeks, December 18 to January 1. He will be buried in the spring near Betta and Mystery Snail. Everyone tells me he must have been sick before I brought him home and maybe he was. I checked the water parameters of the tank but they are what they are supposed to be. The fish veterinarian said he can't test water for disease. I don't know if my tank has some issue, but I am going to empty it, throw out everything that is in it and sterilize it. It looks fine, all the plants look healthy and I don't like to lose them, but I don't trust the tank now and will not put in anymore friends until I sterilize it. I'm not even sure I will set it up again. |
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