Welcome to B.G.'s Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
B.G.'s Rainbow Bridge Pet Loss Memorial Residency Image
Memories of B.G.
And if I go, while you are still here... Know that I still live on, Vibrating to a different measure, Behind a thin veil that you cannot see through. You will not see me, so you must have faith. I will wait there for the time when we can soar together again, both aware of each other. Until then, live your life to the fullest. And when you need me, just whisper my name in your heart, ...I will be there. BG, short for Boy George came to us when he was a little over a year old. We brought him down from a bed and breakfast in Big Bear, CA. We just knew he would be a cat that we could wear and it turned out just so. He was the most loving kitty we have ever known. Early in the 1990's he had to have major surgery and didn't even hold that against us. He loved to run down the hallway, jump onto the tile table in front of the window and come to a screeching halt especially in the early evening when he was younger. We called it the "evening crazies." When he was diagnosed with early renal failure in March 2000, he had to be given fluid subcutaneously every day and he endured those needle sticks like the little trooper he was. Then he would come right back onto my lap so we could take a nap together. He is still with us as when he went to the Bridge, he was cremated and is at home. 06/28/2001 - It's been a year since BG left, And in our hearts we're still bereft. Such a gentle soul, so loving and sweet, Held fast in our hearts 'till next we meet. He waits for us at Rainbows end And there we'll see our special friend. 3-29-05: You are still very much a part of our hearts, BG. We love you and think of you as our special angel always. 4/14/07: Thank you for coming to visit in my dreams and for gently letting us know that your sweet spirit is still with us by wending your way through the windchimes. We'll be together again at the Bridge, and will never be parted. We love you so much. 6/28/07 -It has been 7 long years since you crossed the Bridge, and you are missed every day. Tashi and Katy are with us, the kitties you led us to at the shelter in July 2000, the ones who really needed us. We love them so much, but want you to know that you are tucked away in a very special place in our hearts until we meet you again at the Bridge, never to be parted. Your loving moms. 3/25/08 - We know you had a glorious Easter there, filled with beauty. You are still so very much missed. Please watch over us, and Tashi and Katy too. We love you so much. Your moms 6/28/2008 - You have been gone for 8 years now, and you are still very much missed and always will be until we are with you again across the Bridge forever. You are very precious and loved always. Please keep a kitty eye on us and Tashi and Katy and we keep you close in our hearts. Your moms 12/3/08 - Dearest BG, we miss you so much at Christmas and always. We know that you're curled up, warm and safe, enjoying the warmth of the fire in the fireplace and gazing with wondering eyes at the golden Christmas trees, and peeking out the windows at the gently falling snow. We will be with you again one day in God's time, loving you, holding you, never to be parted anymore. Your moms 12/31/08 - Thank you for watching over us again this year. As 2008 passes quickly now, we are that much closer to being with you across the Bridge. Wrap your love around our hearts again in 2009. We love you so much, dear boy. Your moms 2/7/09 - Happy Valentine's Day, precious one. You are in our hearts and loved forever. Your moms 3/3/09 - Happy Easter, little one. Snuggle close to the angels and know that you are always loved. Your moms 5/10/09 - Dearest BG, a sweet little boy, Beau, who was an older kitty who stayed with Jayne for a while, has crossed Rainbows Bridge. He has lovely dark stripes, a true tiger kitty. He had cancer on his lip, but it is all healed there. We ask that you take him under your paw and show him everything that is so beautiful there. He needs you to take care of him and be his buddy for at least a while. You are so loving and we know that Beau is happy, healthy, and free from pain. The angels are watching over you and God holds you all in the palm of his hand, with St. Francis looking on and smiling. We love you so much. Your moms 6/28/09 - It has been 9 years since you left us for the Bridge while we were in Alaska. We truly wish we could have been with you, but Marcia was there, and she loves you too. We miss you, and we know that you are truly watching over us and that we will be with you again one day. Please know that we love you with all our hearts now and always. Hang out with your Auntie Sidni's kitties and chase those butterflies and run and play together. We all love you so much. Your moms 11/29/09 - It's Christmas once again and we still miss your loving presence here with us, but we know that you are looking at us with love and that you are just a breath away. All we have to do is say your name, and you're right here. Thank you for the gifts of Katy and Tashi. You brought them to us. Now rest with God and in the arms of the Christmas angels. You are truly loved. Your moms 3/14/10 - We miss and love you every day. You are always in our hearts and truly loved. Your moms 6/24/10 - It's been ten years now since you crossed the Bridge, and we still miss you and think of you every day with love. You are such a sweet boy, and we're sure you're taking care of all who come to be with you at the Bridge. That's the kind of kitty you are. You are truly in our hearts forever and we love you sooooo much. We look forward to being with you again in God's time. Your moms 9/16/10 - You are loved forever and always. Your mommies 11/26/10 - Merry Christmas, precious little boy! This is your 10th Christmas at the Bridge. You are no doubt gazing at the wonderful trees all decorated with sparkling gold and silver. You are so precious to us, and we love you to the moon and back! Your mommies 12/9/10 - Dearest BG, our precious Katy has now joined you at the Bridge. We know you were right there to meet her yesterday when she slipped away from us to be with you. Please watch over her. She's a shy little girl and needs your loving care. She, too, had renal failure and just needed to come home to be with you, her big brother. We love both of you, and you are both in our hearts always. Your mommies 12/24/10 - Sweetest BG, we know that you and Katy are cuddled together in front of the fireplace where it's so nice and warm. Thank you for taking her under your paw and being with her on this, her first Christmas at the Bridge. We miss both of you so much. You are truly loved and cherished with all of our hearts. Merry Christmas, sweetie. We'll be with you two one day and there will be no more separation ever. Your mommies and your sister, Tashi. 1/29/11 - You are our Valentine now and forever, until we meet again and cross the Bridge together. We love you soooo much. Your mommies and sister, Tashi 2/25/11 - We know that you are with us always and we hold you and your sister Katy in our hearts always until we meet again at the Bridge. We love you to the moon and beyond, your mommies and sister, Tashi 3/18/11 - BG, we miss you and love you always. You and Katy are always in our thoughts and in our hearts. Watch over her and know that you are loved today, tomorrow and always, your mommies and sister, Tashi 5/29/11 - BG, you are forever and always in our hearts with Katy and Mittens and all the others. There is a BG shaped place in our hearts where you are tucked in and held close. We will be together again one day. Memorial Day is a time to remember.....We love you. Your mommies and sister, Tashi 6/17/11 - Please know that you are totally loved and cherished forever and always. Please watch over us...Your mommies and sister Tashi 6/18/11 - Dearest BG, Jayne's Biggie came to join all of you at the Bridge after suffering from seizures for hours. We ask that you take him under your paw since you, too, know what seizures can do. We entrust Biggie into your care and the care of God and the angels and all the other furry friends from the Haven who met him at the Bridge. We love you to the moon and back. Your mommies and sister Tashi 6/28/11 - Precious boy, our BG, it doesn't seem possible that you have been at the Bridge for 11 years now. We love and still miss you, and we know that you and Katy and Mittens have become great friends along with all the furbabies you've met there. We'll be with you one day, sweetest BG, and in the meantime know that you have a very special BG-shaped place in our hearts always. We love you soooo much. Your mommies and sister Tashi 8/14/11 - What would my upcoming birthday be without a visit to our boy! I will be thinking about you especially, along with Katy, on Friday, the 19th, as I celebrate my life. You were and are a large part of my heart, and please know that you are always thought of with love. You are such a sweet boy, and I know that you and Katy are together, watching over me and your mommy, Martha, and your sister, Tashi. We love you with all our hearts. Your mommies and sister, Tashi 9/15/11 - Dearest BG, perhaps by this time next year, sometime in the fall, we'll be back in California, where your home with us was here on this plane of living. No matter where we are, you are always with us in our hearts, and we know that you are with Katy and watching over us always. We love you soooooo much. Your mommies and sister, Tashi 11/25/11 - Precious BG, you are still missed and loved tremendously. At this time of the year, we think of you and know that you are watching over us with all the love you have to give. Enjoy Christmas, dearest boy, and know that we hold you close in our hearts always. We love you forever. Please take care of Katy. Your mommies and sister, Tashi 12/25/11 - Happy Christmas, loving BG. We know that you and your sister, Katy, are together on this most beautiful day of the year and that you are watching over us. You are loved and treasured and one day we'll all be together again, celebrating this joyous season. In the meantime, we know that St. Francis and your guardian angel are watching over you. We love you, sweetest boy, soooo much. Your mommies and sister, Tashi 2/14/12 - Sweetest Boy, our BG, Happy Valentine's Day! We hold you close in our hearts and love you always. Until we meet again and cross the Bridge together forever, please watch over us. We love you to the moon and back. Your mommies and sister, Tashi 3/20/12 - Dearest BG, it's springtime again and when we think of you, smiles are in evidence. You are the sweetest boy ever. We'll all be together again. Please take care of your sister, Katy, and watch over us with your love. We love you always and forever. Your mommies and sister, Tashi 5/28/12 - It is Memorial Day, the day of remembrance. You are tucked deeply in our hearts and your presence blesses our home. We will be together again one day. We love you so much. Your mommies and sister, Tashi 6/23/12 - Your 12th anniversary is coming soon, and we are sending so much love to you. We know your banquet will be magnificent and as you share it with all those who crossed on June 28th, remember that we will be thinking of you and holding you close in our hearts. We know that Katy will be there along with so many others. We love you so very much, BG, our sweetest boy, and we'll be looking for you when we make our journey Home. Your mommies and sister, Tashi 6/28/12 - It's your 12th anniversary today, and we are sending you tons of love, knowing that your banquet is wonderful. Just know, sweetest boy, that we love you to the moon and back forever and always. Take good care of Katy, okay? She'll be sitting right beside you at the banquet. You both are in our hearts surrounded by our love. Your mommies and sister, Tashi 9/16/12 - Please know that it doesn't matter how many years have come and gone, you are still loved and cherished with all our hearts. Please stay close by Katy and keep your paw on her. She's so shy. We love you, baby boy, forever and always. We'll see you again when we get Home. Your mommies and sister, Tashi 12/3/12 - Wow! It's your 12th Christmas at the Bridge! Be sure to take your sister, Katy, by the paw and walk with her to the Christmas banquet, okay? She is such a shy little girl. Celebrate, sweet boy, and know that you are always in our hearts until we meet again and cross the Bridge together forever. We love you sooooo much! Your mommies and sister, Tashi 2/6/13 - Dearest Beeg, you know how very much you are loved, and Valentine's Day is coming, the day to show special love to those who are precious to our hearts. You are forever and always a loving presence in our hearts and home, and we know that you and Katy watch over us always. We love you to the moon and back and beyond, and we'll see you again one day when we come Home. You are dearly loved. Your mommies and sister, Tashi 3/31/13 - Sweetest Boy, Happy Easter! You are eternally young and watching over us with love. We feel your constant presence in our hearts and know that you and Katy will be there to take us Home with you one day. You are such a treasure and loved beyond measure. Your mommies and sister, Tashi 6/14/13 - Dearest BG, your sister Tashi has joined you at the Bridge. She came home yesterday, and we know that you and Katy were right there to greet her and be with her. Please take good care of her. She had lots to deal with here and now is free of all physical ailments. Love her and let her know that we'll all be together again one day forever. And remember that you are dearly loved and truly cherished for all time and eternity. Your mommies 6/28/13 - Wonderful Boy, our BG, this is your 13th anniversary at the Bridge, and it will be a glorious banquet. You will be celebrating with all those who crossed the Bridge on this day. Please be sure to take your sisters Katy and Tashi by the paws so that they will be able to sit, one on either side of you at the table. Tashi is very new to the Bridge, and she will need some special love from her brother. We know that the banquet is ready and that there will be such good foodies to eat, such wonderful friends there to share it with, and when the celebrating is done, your angel's lap to snooze in. Please remember, Beej, that we love you and we'll all be together again one day, and there will be no more separation. Watch over your sisters and may you 3 Musketeers watch over your mommies here. We love you with all our hearts. Your mommies 12/1/13 - The Christmas Season is upon us, and we ask that you be with Tashi and Katy for this wonderful time. Watch over both of them, precious boy, since you've been there the longest. This is Tashi's first Christmas at the Bridge. Be sure to show her all the beautiful gold and silver trees, sleep by the warm fires in the fireplaces and watch the snow fall outside the windows. You are our Christmas treasure forever and always. We love you, BG...Your mommies 12/29/13 - 2013 is almost over and the New Year is upon us. We know that you are watching over us and are with us all the time. We'll be together again one day, Beej, and in the meantime know that you are forever and always in our hearts. We love you! Your mommies 6/28/14 - Wow! It doesn't seem possible that this is your 14th anniversary at the Bridge. We know that you're with Katy and Tashi and that the three of you run and play with all the kitties and doggies there. The banquet is almost ready for you and we know there will be lots of good food and water for everyone. Please be sure to send some love to us on the breeze and know that we love you. We'll all be together again one day. You're the Beej forever and always. You are truly loved. Your mommies and sisters here, Callie and Jackie 12/25/14 - Merry Christmas, our sweet BG. Help with the decorations and get lots of naps in front of the fireplace. You are truly loved at Christmas and always. Your mommies and sisters here, Callie and Jackie 6/28/15 - Dearest BG, as you celebrate your 15th anniversary at the Bridge, please know that your mommies love you so much and when we come Home, we'll all be together again. Have a great time at the banquet and run and play with all the kitties and doggies there. We'll see you again and we'll never be parted. We love you soooo much. Your mommies, Clare and Martha, and your kitty sisters here, Jackie and Callie 12/2/15 - Sweetest BG, Merry Christmas. At this time of year, you are especially close to our hearts and we love you so much. Watch over your family here, dear boy, and know we'll be together again. Your loving mommies and sisters here, Callie & Jackie 6/28/16 - Wow! This is your 16th anniversary at the Bridge! Where has the time gone? We love you to the moon and back and we know that you're with Tashi and Katy and our other precious ones at the Bridge. You be sure to enjoy the banquet, and we know that Tashi and Katy will be right there with you along with all the other kitties and doggies. Just know that you are loved and when we make our final journey Home, you'll be at the Bridge waiting. You have our hearts always. Your mommies, Clare and Martha, and your kitty sisters here, Jackie and Callie 12/25/16 - Dearest BG, Happy Christmas. We love you so much and you are always tucked in our hearts. We'll see you again one day for sure. Sending you so much love, Clare & Martha, Jackie & Callie 6/28/17 - Dearest BG, this is your 17th anniversary at the Bridge and we know your sweet presence is always with us. The banquet is prepared and it is grand. You are treasured and love to the moon and back and when we come Home, you and the others will be at the Bridge to meet us. You are in our hearts forever and always. Your mommies, Clare and Martha and your kitty sisters here, Callie and Jackie 12/25/17 - Merry Christmas, sweet boy! You are forever and always in our hearts and one day we'll all be together again. You are truly loved. Your mommies and sisters here 6/28/18 - Wow! Sweet BG, you've been at the Bridge for 18 years. It doesn't seem possible. You are always in our hearts and one day we'll be together again. Watch over us and know that you are dearly loved always. Your mommies, Clare and Martha, and your kitty sisters here, Jackie and Callie 9/8/18 - You are forever loved. See you at the Bridge. Your mommies and your kitty sisters here, Callie and Jackie 12/25/18 - Happy Christmas, sweet BG! You live forever in our hearts and one day we'll be together again. Much love always. Your mommies and sisters here. 6/28/19 - Sweetest BG, it doesn't seem possible that you've been at the Bridge for 19 years. We know there will be a grand banquet today for you and all those who crossed the Bridge on this date. You're surrounded with love, light, peace, grace and God's presence there. We love you so much and we know that you'll be at the Bridge when we come Home. You are forever in our hearts until that day dawns. Love you so much, your mommies, Clare and Martha, and your kitty sisters here, Callie and Jackie 12/25/19 - Merry Christmas, sweetest boy. You have been there the longest and we ask that you stay close to Callie and love on her for us. You are truly loved and we'll be together again one day. You are always in our hearts. Your mommies and sister here, Jackie 6/28/20 - Wow! 20 years at the Bridge! It doesn't seem possible. And we've been signing guest books since 2000 when you crossed the Bridge into Eternal Love and Light. You live in our hearts and we know that you're with our other beloveds there and that the banquet is ready. Please remember that we love you to the moon and back and one day we'll all be together again. Your mommies, Clare and Martha, and your sister here, Jackie 12/25/20 - Happy Christmas, sweetest BG. You are loved so much and we'll be together again one day. You're always and forever in our hearts. Your mommies and sister here, Jackie 6/28/21 - You've been in that beautiful place for 21 years and we know that you are watching over us and that we'll be together again one day. You are in our hearts forever and always and we know that Love is truly forever. We love you so much. Your mommies, Clare and Martha 12/25/21 - Dearest BG, Merry Christmas, dearest boy. You are treasured and loved always. You're forever in our hearts. Live in Light and Love and Peace this Christmastide. We love you, your mommies Clare and Martha 6/28/22 - I know you're happy to have your mommy, Martha, there with you. You're keeping a close eye on me and we'll all be together again one day in God's time. Thank you for helping bring Fritz to me. You two are so much alike. You're loved always and in my heart forever. Your mommy Clare 12/25/22 - Merry Christmas, my sweet boy. Your mommy Martha is with you this Christmas. You are truly loved always. Your mommy Clare 6/28/23 - It's your 23rd anniversary at the Bridge and I know you're enjoying being with the other kitties and doggies and your mommy, Martha. Just know that you are loved and cherished always and we'll be together again one day. Love you forever. Your mommy Clare 12/25/23 - Happy Christmas, beloved BG. You are loved always and in my heart forever. Your mommy Clare 6/28/24 - It's your 24 anniversary at the Bridge and you are totally loved and tucked deep in my heart. We'll be together again one day and in the meantime know that you are always loved. Your mommy Clare 12/25/24 - Merry Christmas, my sweet boy. You are my bestest boy and loved always. Your mommy Clare

Please also visit Callie, Chucky, Jackie, Jimmy, KITTEN ANGELS and WhiteKitty.

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