Welcome to Binky's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
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Memories of Binky
Binky was my beautiful black kitty who I loved so very very much. He was my precious little sweetheart who followed me everywhere. He loved catnip and loved to roll in it and eat it. He loved to play with twist ties and would jump the wall to catch one. He played with little furry toy mice and any toy with catnip inside. He also loved little furry balls and little foil balls. Most ended up under the stove.
He enjoyed the pop up playhouses and going into bags and cardboard boxes.

When he was hungry he'd open the cupboard door hoping for treats or a can of Fancy Feast. He was a good eater and sometimes we gave him some fresh cooked chicken and sometimes a little piece of thin sliced ham which he loved. He seemed to smell the ham even if he was downstairs. One time he reached up and grabbed the whole package onto the floor :)

He loved jumping up on the bed to go see hubby in the morning. He would tap him on the back to get his attention, then he would snuggle up beside him purring and happy. He was too mischievous at times so we couldn't always let him stay in the bedroom.

When we would have a fire in the fireplace, he'd sit on the ottoman with me to watch it, enjoying the warmth.

At Christmas time we'd always get him a kitty stocking. He enjoyed pulling out all the toys inside. He always loved finding the catnip ones and would wrestle and chew on them for quite awhile.

If I was upset about something or sad Binky always made me feel better by being snuggled in my arms. He loved having his neck scratched and his head rubbed. His soft fur against my face and his purring always made me feel better. He always went behind the bathroom door so I could play with him with a string through the hinged part, something we did for years which he loved.

The broom closet was one of his favorite places he would go for a nap if things were noisy in the house or with people over for a visit. He also slept in his hooded bed in the kitchen or on the couch on a furry blanket or on top of the couch chair beside the living room window where he would watch all the action going on outside. He also loved watching the birds and next door's kitties from the little window beside the stairway to the basement.

I thought I could have you forever my sweet kitty and never dreamed that you could get sick and have to leave.

You were supposed to get a tooth operated on because you weren't eating or drinking enough but when the vet did your bloodwork it showed your liver was failing. You had jaundice and was badly dehydrated. We had to take you to emergency to get you on an IV. You were so uncomfortable having needles hooked up to you my darlin. They tried to get you to eat but it didn't happen. We didn't know what else to do. I wanted to bring you home so badly but we were assured by the vet that we would be back.

I never wanted to say goodbye to you Bink and that was the most heartbreaking thing I've ever had to do. You were purring in my arms and I did not want to ever let you go. I'm so sorry you got sick sweet baby and we couldn't get you better to bring you home because I know that's where you wanted to be. You were gone way too fast from us!!

I love you my sweet baby Bink and will see you again someday. Run free sweet baby with all the other kitties at the Rainbow Bridge where you're not in pain anymore. I know you'll be waiting for me someday and then I will scoop you up in my arms to never ever leave you again.

It's been six months since you left us Binky and I think about you every day and how much I miss you.
We now have two little kittens to love, Smoochie and Pichu. They really help to heal the hurt of losing you, Binky, and so happy we have them but you will always be in my heart forever.

Happy Birthday my darlin Binky!! Today Jan 17th 2023 you would have been 14 years old. I miss you so much. :((
I love you beautiful black kitty. I miss holding you in my arms. You always smelled so good. :))

Another year has gone by and you would be 15 now. I still miss you every day beautiful kitty.
Love you Bink xoxoxoxoxo

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