Welcome to Biscuit Jane's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
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Memories of Biscuit Jane
It was love at first sight between Biscuit and Mommy that day at the pet store in 1994- and so began a love affair that lasted every day of the 13 1/2 years of her life. Biscuit was the most adorable little white ball of fluff with the sweetest disposition. She was shy around strangers but never growled or bit anyone. She also didn't realize she was a dog.

Biscuit was my buddy-going on road trips was her favorite. All I had to do was call out "road trip" and she would get all excited. We traveled all over the place, staying mostly in those Bed and Breakfasts or hotels that allowed dogs. She loved to explore all the sounds and smells and Savannah, Georgia was a dog friendly town that she visited often and adored.

We have several dogs, including 2 from a litter of her puppies and they are great dogs. But Biscuit never considered herself a dog at all. She was dainty and fastidious and would look disdainfully at the other dogs as they ran and slobbered on everything.

Biscuit was very healthy until the end of November 2007 when she was diagnosed with kidney failure.
I did everything possible to prolong her good quality of life. People thought I was insane. A nurse came to the house twice a week to administer sub cutaneous fluids to keep her hydrated, I made special food for her using organic vegetables and brown rice. She saw an internist, a regular vet and an acupuncturist and received doggy massages for her arthritis. I would have sold a kidney on Ebay for that dog. In the end she just started to go down hill and it was time to make that agonizing decision and on Saturday, May 24, I spent several hours in the garden with her just holding her as she snuggled up against me (one of the pictures below is of those last moments) and then I took her to the vet for one last time.

If a person can have a dog soul mate, this one was mine. I will grieve for her every day of my life. I know I did everything I could possibly do (I think? I hope?) but it still hurt so much to let her go.

Rest in peace, Biscuit Jane. Mommy loves you forever.

Thanks to all of you who have sent cards and signed the guest book-it means so much.

June 24 2008
Dear Biscuit,
Today marks a month that you have been gone. I still can't quite believe you are not here. My heart feels so empty. Your ashes arrived the other day in the big fancy urn. I'm posting the picture here.

July 24, 2008
Today it is 2 months. My heart still breaks when I pass your picture and see your little face.
I love you.

December 11, 2008
Biskie, It's almost Christmas and the first one without you. I have your little stocking which I wil hang up like I did every year. As you know, your favorite cat, Lestat died suddenly a couple months after your passing. You used to cuddle with him in bed and he was your best friend. I guess hewanted to join you and I'm sure you are cuddling together again. Miss you so much. It's a sad Christmas this year. Love you lots.

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