Welcome to Blossom's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
Blossom's Rainbow Bridge Pet Loss Memorial Residency Image
Memories of Blossom
A beautiful and special girl who touched all she met with her unconditional love. A Black Lab with a Rottweiler mix, she had such wisdom in her eyes and was a gentle soul with a continuous smile who rarely barked, if at all. I was always impressed by her intelligence. If you wanted to greet her, she would run to you without hesitation. She had an uncanny knack to learn new things on her own. I did not have to give her commands for her to listen. I simply talked to her as if she were another person, understanding and grasping every word I said. If she had thoughts of doing something she would look at me for approval. My best memories of her will be the long walks at First Landing Park, going to the beach, riding in the truck on the passenger seat, sniffing at everything in the isles at the pet store, and her ability to pose for a picture. Most of all, she was a fun loving playful soul. She will be in our hearts forever. We miss you very much, Blossom!

June 6, 2019....Happy Birthday Blossom! You are 13 today. We all miss you very much, as I am sure you miss us as well. I think about you all the time. Those great memories will always be fresh in my mind. Can't wait till you visit me in my dreams to let me know that you are OK. HAPPY BIRTHDAY AGAIN!!!

December 4, 2019....My beautiful Blossom visited me in my dreams from the Rainbow Bridge. It was a great
and wonderful time. Thank you Blossom for letting me know that you are doing OK! A lot of your buddies were with us during your visit, so I know you are not alone. Please visit me again soon! Till then, just know you will always be in my heart.

March 10,2020......My beautiful Blossom, how are you doing? Today is your anniversary date for entering the Bridge. I miss you very much! I honored you today by taking a walk in the neighborhood like we used to day-in and day-out. It brought back many fond memories as I passed through all the areas in the neighborhood, visioning you trotting ten yards in front of me taking control of the walk. This was my first walk around the neighborhood since you entered the Rainbow Bridge, one year, and it was very rewarding, physically and mentally. Remember to visit me from time to time in my dreams! Love Bruce!

April 17, 2020.....My beautiful Blossom, I miss you very much! It is my 64th birthday in a little over an hour. I'm going fishing to relax for my birthday, not gone fishing in probably ten years. You are with me 24/7 in my heart and thoughts. It is just not the same without you physically with me. We had so much fun each and every day. I love you!

June 5, 2020....My beautiful Blossom, I miss you very much! It is your birthday in a few hours. It is a very special day, one I will celebrate every year until I meet you from the Rainbow Bridge. Then we will spend eternity together. Everyday, I am reminded about all the special times we had together. On your birthday I am going to the beach to relax. I will be thinking about you and reflecting on how boring the last year has been without you physically by my side. That being said, I know you are at peace now, not feeling any pain from that horrible cancerous invasion you experienced in your chest cavity. I love you very much and tomorrow, on your birthday, I will be thinking about all the great times we had at the beach. Mom, sends her love, too!

June 7 2021: Happy belated birthday Blossom! I love you and miss you dearly. I think about you daily and reminisce about all the great times we had together. See you soon in my dreams.

June 8 2022: I wished you a happy birthday on the 6th, verbally. Now, I am wishing you Happy Birthday in writing in the Rainbows Bridge. I miss you dearly and think about you always. I don't have any furry friends at this point since you went to the Rainbows Bridge. Hopefully you met Mother when she passed on 07/23/21 and both of you are waiting for me when it is time for me to pass. See you in my dreams!!!

March 10,2023: Miss you Blossom! It has been 4 years now since you went to the Rainbow Bridge.

June 6, 2023: Happy Birthday my dear Blossom, I miss and think about you everyday. You and Duffy were with me recently in my dreams. Hope you and my mother have already met in heaven!

June 6, 2024 Happy Birthday Blossom! Can't wait to meet you at the Rainbow Bridge so that we can go to heaven together. Missing you dearly!

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