Welcome to Bongo's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
Bongo's Rainbow Bridge Pet Loss Memorial Residency Image
Memories of Bongo
This is Bongo's Story:

Bongo came into our lives after our cocker spaniel, Bentley; passed away after a terminal illness. I wanted to rescue a cocker spaniel however, my partner, Alberto, wanted a puppy. The year was 2007; an online search produced a number of cocker spaniel "breeders" with impressive website's, each claiming high breeding standards and beautiful photo galleries.

We selected Bongo from a series of online photos and a "health" guarantee from a Missouri breeder.

Bongo arrived via air transport and we picked him up a Boston's Logan Airport on August 15, 2007. He was born on June 01, 2007. He was soiled and dirty in his carrier. When we got him home, we gave him a warm bath and blew him dry with the hairdryer. After getting a closer look at his color pattern, I realized this was not the dog that we selected albeit, he was ADORABLE. I contacted the breeder the next morning to see if there was some sort of mix up. She confirmed that he was NOT the dog we selected however, "HE WAS THE ONLY ONE IN THE LITTER TO SURVIVE." I asked what she meant and was told his siblings ALL died of parvo virus.

I then researched for more information about the "breeder" (which we should have done prior to purchase). I learned there were numerous complaints and; in reality, it was a "puppy-mill" NOT a reputable breeder.

Within 24 hours of his arrival, we were at Angell-Memorial Animal Hospital; Bongo HAD parvo virus. Our veterinarian said he was very ill and may not survive based on his size and compromised immune system. We made the decision to try to save his life; Bongo spent the next 10 days in the Intensive Care Unit.

When Bongo finally came home, we were told that he may have health issues his entire life and may not have a long lifespan. After this initial health crisis, Bongo did NOT have any major health issues throughout his life until January 21, 2022. He had taken ill a day earlier but had been slowing down for a few months; he was diagnosed with an infected pancreas, gall bladder and kidney cancer.

He came home with four medications and a terminal prognosis of three to six months. The next two weeks, he did well on his medication and was acting more like himself. Playing with his brother's, spending time in the yard and barking at other dogs on his walks around the neighborhood.

On Friday, February 4, 2022; he did not eat his dinner and was acting disoriented. He could not settle down for the night and his back legs were giving out on him. Our veterinarian told us to come in at 8:00 a.m. the next morning. Upon arrival, they immediately took him in for an ultrasound. The news was grim, his gall bladder had ruptured and was filling his body with toxins. Bongo passed away on February 05, 2022 at approximately 10:00 a.m. surrounded by his family and an abundance of love.

Bongo was 14 years and 8 months old at the time of his passing.

"Beginnings are never easy, endings are usually sad; it's the 'in-between' that matter's the most, remember that at each new beginning."

"Hope Floats" 2001
-- Sandra Bullock

Our 'IN-BETWEEN' years; were an enjoyable, fun-filled, magical adventure!!!

-A letter from Alberto (a.k.a. Daddy Tico)

The best way to describe Bongo; if I had to pick one single word, would be "Independent." Bongo knew how to stop a crowd from his early years. He would not hesitate to get close by and greet people and other dogs while being walked on the streets.

He truly loved being friendly. I guess he learned it from his first ever friend--Addison, the Labradoodle--when he attended puppy school in Maine. During his late years, in Massachusetts and Florida he still showed the same friendly manners towards a cat named Bayman. He loved that cat. His best friend, loving companion and brother Bronx misses him dearly, and there are no words to make him understand that this is just a transition and that we will all be together again.

His passion for food never stopped. Dog food, people food....you name it. As a matter of fact, food was the only thing he was constantly searching for inside and outside our home.

The most unique characteristic about Bongo was his singing. Yes, he would chime in with his own hauls when daddy sang out loud. Very funny to watch!

During his latest years as a senior spaniel, he became very strict about his sleeping and feeding times. Almost as if he had an internal clock.

It is hard to resume fourteen plus years of the most beautiful companion I could ever hope for. The memories and pictures are endless.
People say that crying is good because it cleanses the soul; but I, personally, think that is good because that at some point it brings laughter as well.

Bongo, you took a chunk of my heart with your departure. I cannot comprehend why I keep looking at your bed every morning hopping for this to be a bad dream. I can only be certain of one thing though: when we reunite at Rainbowbridge, I'll be complete again.

Night-Night my Prince.


Daddy Tico

-Memories of Bongo from Daddy Paul...

Our songs: "Hello It's Me..."
Todd Rundgren

by O.A.R.

(I would pick him up as a puppy; sing and dance around our kitchen in Maine, singing the lyrics and "turning him around...")

Our LAST song: "Times of Your Life"
Paul Anka


-Before Bongo arrived in Boston, we were trying to decide on a name. One night, at dinner, I suggested "Bingo." Alberto didn't like it but we went through other vowels and settled on the name "Bongo." Years later, on a visit to the Smithsonian Museum in Washington, D.C., we learned a "Bongo" is a live animal. A Bongo is a "herbivorous, nocturnal forest antelope living in the rainforests across tropical Africa. A Bongo only consumes plant matter."

-Bongo was a brother to Buster, Bronx (a bonded pair), Boomer and Baker.

-As a puppy, Bongo, would terrorize his older brother, Buster. Buster was 10 years his senior but was ALWAYS patient with his baby brother.

-After Buster passed in July, 2010; we attended an Open House at New York Abandoned Angels founder's home in September, 2010. At that event, Bronx selected us as his new FOREVER family.

-Bongo lived his life on the Boston Waterfront, Boston's South End neighborhood and spent his weekends at our weekend/summer home in Ogunquit, ME.

- Bongo ALWAYS tried to steal his brothers' food at EVERY meal...He LOVED chicken, crackers, watermelon and salmon.

-Bongo "retired" to our home in Fort Lauderdale, FL for his "senior" years.

-Bongo HATED going into our swimming pool.

-Bongo and Bronx enjoyed spending their days waiting to BARK and "attack" our mail delivery person EVERY day; from inside home.

-Bongo was the ULTIMATE travel companion; calm and sleeping for our road trips.

-Bongo LOVED his Auntie Vivi and LOVED her long-term vacations.

-Bongo LOVES/LOVED his nanny, Joni, a member of our family.

-In his "senior" years, Bongo loved his sleep. He would rotate the day between his multiple beds throughout our home (bedroom, family room and window).

-Bongo liked to bark at other dogs in the neighborhood on his walks; my hunch, he thought he was "protecting" his neighborhood.

-Bongo had a neighborhood cat BFF, Mr. Bayman.

-Bongo enjoyed his adventures and socializing at various dogs parks in the area.

-Bongo spent his 14th birthday (June 01, 2022) with a "pool" party, birthday party hat and a birthday cake from Dog Eat Cake pet bakery. He enjoyed the cake but was not a fan of his birthday hat.

-Our family (Bongo, Bronx, Boomer and Baker) quarantined for 4-months together at our home in Fort Lauderdale, FL during the COVID-19 lockdown.

-Bongo's cremains will be laid to rest along side his brothers (Beaumont, Bentley, Buster, Bailey and Cousin Mango) at Angels Rest located within Best Friends Animal Sanctuary in Kanab, UT.

February 16, 2022 - Bongo's cremains were picked up from his veterinarian today. Once back in the car, the radio began playing "Hello, Again" by Neil Diamond from the movie The Jazz Singer, 1980. We pray this was a sign from Bongo telling us he made his journey safely to Rainbowsbridge and reunited with our family.

April 21, 2022 - Bongo's cremains were laid to rest at Angels Rest within Best Friends Animal Sanctuary located in Kanab, UT. We had a small ceremony with some music and prayers. Bongo was laid next to his brother, Bronx, who passed just 58 days after Bongo :(

June 01,2022 - Happy 15th Birthday over the Rainbowbridge!!! It seems impossible that you left us nearly 4 months ago :( and your brother, Bronx, joined you less than 2 months later. We love and miss ALL of you that have crossed this path before us. I know in my heart, we will ALL be reunited one day for eternity!!! I love you...yesterday, today and tomorrow!!!! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Daddy Paul

February 05, 2023 - Today is the one year anniversary of you crossing over to another realm (heaven). We celebrate you today and the love you blessed us with for 14.5 years!!! We love you...yesterday, today and tomorrow. One day will with ALL reunite for eternity. Play nice and share your food with your brothers, please give grandma a big kiss for me :) All our love, Daddies Paul & Alberto

June 01, 2023 Happy 16th Birthday !!! I love and miss you, I still can't believe that you and Bronx have been gone for over a year. Celebrate your day with your brothers and grandma until we meet again!!! We visited all of your flagstones at Best Friends Animal Sanctuary in May, 2023 and cleaned them up and added wind chimes for each of you. I love you...yesterday, today and tomorrow xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Daddy Paul

February 05, 2024 - TWO year anniversary...Time passes, love endures. I keep repaying in my mind...your arrival at Boston Logan airport, so TINY...couldn't even walk around the block on Broad St. without sitting down for a rest...So many adventures and road trips with Buster; and later Bronx... You "retired" in Fort Lauderdale, FL with Bronx. I'm happy that we were able to provide this life for you...I love you yesterday, today and tomorrow. All my love, Daddy Paul

June 01, 2024 Happy 17th Birthday!!! I love and miss you and think of you every day. Today, I remember the day you arrived in Boston at Logan Airport, so tiny, frightened and scared. Thank you for the memories...Celebrate today with your brother's, Cousin Mango and grandma...I love and miss ALL of you...I love you yesterday, today and tomorrow XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Daddy Paul

Please also visit Bailey, Beaumont, Bentley, Bronx, Buster and Mango.

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